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(Archived) improvement proposal for Web Clipper


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I must mention that Evernote and Web Clipper are awesome tools. Simple, flexible and useful with excellent integration. Perfect to capture and preserve important information.

But I noticed that there are still a lot of pages where Web Clipper is totally inefficient because it is not able to extract any information from the page except page url (for example pages like this one http://tinyurl.com/ceb6xrf). Contradictory, everything works out perfectly if I manually copy the area of interest, open a new note in Evernote, and paste it in there. It even automatically fill page url and note title, as it supposed to.

So, is it possible to put that "copy/new_note/paste" actions in one/few click action and do the Web Clipper even more flexible and useful?

From my user point of view, to accomplish that without hurting the simplicity, my proposal is to just add another option like copy/paste along with existing clip article, clip full page and clip url options. Another great solution would be to put that action to already existing RM->Add to Evernote->New note option. So if nothing is selected just open a new note like now, but if something is selected open new note, paste selected and fill title and url.

I would be very delightful if you will consider my propositions, and even more delightful if you will fulfil them. If not both, then at least one of them :)


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