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(Archived) Evernote Backend Email query

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I was just wondering what it would take to add some sort of email based evernote enquiry system, similar to an IRC query, or Redmine's email query. This would be useful for non-browser based email clients and for those limited to non-browser/non-standalone application use.

For example, I have 3 notebooks called 'plants', 'animals', and 'people'. I have a bunch of notes in each, and tags for descriptions.

I simply query my personal evernote email address with appropriate syntax to return a list of notebooks, tags, and notes, then, passing this argument to evernote, am returned the note in email format which I can then edit and resubmit in its updated form, back to evernote.

So a typical query might look like this:

To: johnsmith.x#x#x##xx#x#@m.evernote.com
Subject: @query notebook

return email provides a list of notebooks:


now, knowing the appropriate notebook you wish to query:

To: johnsmith.x#x#x##xx#x#@m.evernote.com
Subject: notebook: 'plants' @query notes

evernote email returns list of note titles with some sort of UID for each note

'101 ways to grow tomatoes in the winter' #UID4x98o01
'Reminder: trim rose hedges 1st weekend of Oct' #UID7Di2Uc8
'List of favourite nurserys in local area' #UIDff84sYq9V

Now, knowing the UID, you can query the note to get it sent to your email inbox

To: johnsmith.x#x#x##xx#x#@m.evernote.com
Subject: @query note #UIDff84sYq9V

Evernote returns the note:

Totally Rad Plants, 133 Smith St, Smithville
The Green Thumb, 2 Madeitup St, Nonexistentville
... and so on

I can then edit the content, and resubmit it to evernote using the UID as a hashtag to tell evernote to overwrite the original note.

To: johnsmith.x#x#x##xx#x#@m.evernote.com
Subject: #UIDff84sYq9V

Totally Rad Plants, 133 Smith St, Smithville
The Green Thumb, 2 Madeitup St, Nonexistentville
Amesome new rad nursery, 99 Awesome St, Awesomeville
... and so on

Of course, if I knew the UID of the individual note or the notebook name, I could skip the first steps.

This syntax I'm using is just arbitrary, it could obviously be a lot prettier than this...

Any ideas whether this would be possible to implement as Evernote stands?

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