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(Archived) Eulogy and Proposition


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I using the Pen Ultimate at present. Sense of the writing is good. It is advantage of the Penultimate, that it penetrates the essence of the iPad handwriting and simplifies functions with great degree of integration consisting of several important parts rather than various cumbersome and complex functions, and I know why it is called the 'PenUltimate', and I experience the integration of that admirable endeavor. In particular, It was advantage that it allows me to concentrate on researching or handwriting of ideas only by deleting the function of extension of pages.

 Now let me tell you what I think I want to complement or add more.

 Penultimate, with simpler functions, and with infinity of given papers, led to me feel free but soon afterwards, continuous repetition of passing of pages faster than several times of that of the A4 paper makes me feel cumbersome. So my proposition is, that we remove the concept of passing page, by the button, but introduce the concept of 'infinite single page of infinite length', which will be turned over by smooth scrolling down at 'any moments'. Then spreading and writing of ideas will obtain enormous freedom. I suspect that it will be some kind of revolutionary function of pen application compared with that of the Unlock by pushing, of the iPad. It will endow the Penultimate with powerful competitiveness in future pen note market although it is on near of the Ultimate. 

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