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(Archived) Contacts in Evernote

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My wife has been using Ecco for years to keep her contact information. Her computer died and she now has a Vista Home system. Needless to say Ecco will not install on Vista. She is devastated that she can't use Ecco. I thought NO PROBLEM.....you can use Evernote (which I think is one of the coolest on the web)...........except I don't know how to do a Template that can handle contacts. I think I read that EN3 doesn't do templates (sob,sob) so the question is how can I be my wife's hero with EN?? How can we do contacts in EN?


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We don't have any structured templates for contacts specifically, but you could obviously just make a "contacts" text note with entries on different lines. I have a note that just contains an alphabetized export of my contacts from a previous program. This obviously isn't as convenient for some purposes as a structured contact manager, but I can find contacts via search ok.

As we revamp the note editor in Windows, we will be better able to support things like tables, which will allow for better structured data management.


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