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(Archived) Evernote Crashing a LOT



I'm finding since I've upgraded to Mountain Lion that Evernote crashes a LOT. I mean really a lot. I use the front end text editor for long form writing and I'm finding that it crashs (without saving) so often that I've had to move to TextEdit (shudder) to get my work done, then copy and paste back to evernote for storage. It's a pain. Is anyone else having this trouble?

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It's not just you. It seems like I'm also getting the same issue like you mentioned. Evernote often hangs out on my MAC OS Mountain Lion 10.8.1 when I create a new notebook or paste text from website to an existing notebook. It's very annoying. I'm not sure if the team is aware of this problem?

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Hey guys,

Same issue, and I haven't checked to see if it's the exact same crash log each time, but here goes. Attached thread 0, put the rest into a text file, attached. I've gotten a crash that appears to be identical, about 7 times in the past 45 minutes of actively editing.

Process: Evernote [375]

Path: /Applications/Evernote.app/Contents/MacOS/Evernote

Identifier: com.evernote.Evernote

Version: 3.3.0 (300201)

App Item ID: 406056744

App External ID: 9029804

Code Type: X86 (Native)

Parent Process: launchd [279]

User ID: 501

Date/Time: 2012-09-11 21:15:38.043 -0700

OS Version: Mac OS X 10.8.1 (12B19)

Report Version: 10

Interval Since Last Report: 430918 sec

Crashes Since Last Report: 4

Per-App Interval Since Last Report: 337606 sec

Per-App Crashes Since Last Report: 4

Anonymous UUID: 6E617687-F45B-4DF5-ABA5-ADAF2A21AD48

Crashed Thread: 0 main Dispatch queue: com.apple.main-thread


Exception Codes: KERN_PROTECTION_FAILURE at 0x0000000000000024

VM Regions Near 0x24:

--> __PAGEZERO 0000000000000000-0000000000001000 [ 4K] ---/--- SM=NUL /Applications/Evernote.app/Contents/MacOS/Evernote

__TEXT 0000000000001000-0000000000527000 [ 5272K] r-x/rwx SM=COW /Applications/Evernote.app/Contents/MacOS/Evernote

Thread 0 Crashed:: main Dispatch queue: com.apple.main-thread

0 com.apple.WebCore 0x00be35c5 WebCore::TextIterator::handleTextBox() + 21

1 com.apple.WebCore 0x00be279d WebCore::TextIterator::advance() + 189

2 com.apple.WebCore 0x00c2c6d5 WebCore::CharacterIterator::advance(int) + 85

3 com.apple.WebCore 0x00dda7dd WebCore::characterSubrange(WebCore::CharacterIterator&, int, int) + 29

4 com.apple.WebCore 0x00dda79f WebCore::TextIterator::subrange(WebCore::Range*, int, int) + 127

5 com.apple.WebCore 0x00dda6ec WebCore::TextCheckingParagraph::subrange(int, int) const + 60

6 com.apple.WebCore 0x011eabde WebCore::Editor::markAndReplaceFor(WTF::PassRefPtr<WebCore::SpellCheckRequest>, WTF::Vector<WebCore::TextCheckingResult, 0ul> const&) + 3118

7 com.apple.WebCore 0x00c3b83e WebCore::Editor::markAllMisspellingsAndBadGrammarInRanges(unsigned int, WebCore::Range*, WebCore::Range*) + 958

8 com.apple.WebCore 0x00dba9b2 WebCore::Editor::markMisspellingsAfterTypingToWord(WebCore::VisiblePosition const&, WebCore::VisibleSelection const&, bool) + 866

9 com.apple.WebCore 0x00dba1de WebCore::TypingCommand::markMisspellingsAfterTyping(WebCore::TypingCommand::ETypingCommand) + 590

10 com.apple.WebCore 0x00dc030d WebCore::TypingCommand::insertTextRunWithoutNewlines(WTF::String const&, bool) + 253

11 com.apple.WebCore 0x016c948c WebCore::TypingCommandLineOperation::operator()(unsigned long, unsigned long, bool) const + 92

12 com.apple.WebCore 0x016c93a8 void WebCore::forEachLineInString<WebCore::TypingCommandLineOperation>(WTF::String const&, WebCore::TypingCommandLineOperation const&) + 168

13 com.apple.WebCore 0x00dbffb0 WebCore::TypingCommand::insertText(WebCore::Document*, WTF::String const&, WebCore::VisibleSelection const&, unsigned int, WebCore::TypingCommand::TextCompositionType) + 304

14 com.apple.WebCore 0x00e21f7a WebCore::Editor::insertTextWithoutSendingTextEvent(WTF::String const&, bool, WebCore::TextEvent*) + 730

15 com.apple.WebCore 0x00e0b375 WebCore::Editor::handleTextEvent(WebCore::TextEvent*) + 357

16 com.apple.WebCore 0x00e0b200 WebCore::EventHandler::defaultTextInputEventHandler(WebCore::TextEvent*) + 32

17 com.apple.WebCore 0x00b73bf8 WebCore::Node::defaultEventHandler(WebCore::Event*) + 856

18 com.apple.WebCore 0x00b731e5 WebCore::EventDispatcher::dispatchEvent(WTF::PassRefPtr<WebCore::Event>) + 1173

19 com.apple.WebCore 0x00b72d19 WebCore::EventDispatchMediator::dispatchEvent(WebCore::EventDispatcher*) const + 41

20 com.apple.WebCore 0x011f65bb WebCore::EventDispatcher::dispatchEvent(WebCore::Node*, WTF::PassRefPtr<WebCore::EventDispatchMediator>) + 139

21 com.apple.WebCore 0x00b72c7a WebCore::Node::dispatchEvent(WTF::PassRefPtr<WebCore::Event>) + 58

22 com.apple.WebCore 0x00c9b83a WebCore::EventTarget::dispatchEvent(WTF::PassRefPtr<WebCore::Event>, int&) + 106

23 com.apple.WebCore 0x00e1ef68 WebCore::EventHandler::handleTextInputEvent(WTF::String const&, WebCore::Event*, WebCore::TextEventInputType) + 280

24 com.apple.WebCore 0x00e3cbce WebCore::Editor::insertText(WTF::String const&, WebCore::Event*) + 46

25 com.apple.WebKit 0x0069f026 -[WebHTMLView(WebNSTextInputSupport) insertText:] + 1062

26 com.apple.WebKit 0x00693b69 -[WebHTMLView(WebInternal) _executeSavedKeypressCommands] + 249

27 com.apple.WebKit 0x00693177 -[WebHTMLView(WebInternal) _interpretKeyEvent:savingCommands:] + 423

28 com.apple.WebKit 0x0069361f WebEditorClient::handleKeyboardEvent(WebCore::KeyboardEvent*) + 111

29 com.apple.WebCore 0x00dda25b WebCore::Editor::handleKeyboardEvent(WebCore::KeyboardEvent*) + 43

30 com.apple.WebCore 0x00dda18a WebCore::EventHandler::defaultKeyboardEventHandler(WebCore::KeyboardEvent*) + 1194

31 com.apple.WebCore 0x00b739b0 WebCore::Node::defaultEventHandler(WebCore::Event*) + 272

32 com.apple.WebCore 0x00b731e5 WebCore::EventDispatcher::dispatchEvent(WTF::PassRefPtr<WebCore::Event>) + 1173

33 com.apple.WebCore 0x00b72d19 WebCore::EventDispatchMediator::dispatchEvent(WebCore::EventDispatcher*) const + 41

34 com.apple.WebCore 0x011f65bb WebCore::EventDispatcher::dispatchEvent(WebCore::Node*, WTF::PassRefPtr<WebCore::EventDispatchMediator>) + 139

35 com.apple.WebCore 0x00b72c7a WebCore::Node::dispatchEvent(WTF::PassRefPtr<WebCore::Event>) + 58

36 com.apple.WebCore 0x00c9b83a WebCore::EventTarget::dispatchEvent(WTF::PassRefPtr<WebCore::Event>, int&) + 106

37 com.apple.WebCore 0x00dd964c WebCore::EventHandler::keyEvent(WebCore::PlatformKeyboardEvent const&) + 1740

38 com.apple.WebCore 0x00dd8692 WebCore::EventHandler::keyEvent(NSEvent*) + 114

39 com.apple.WebKit 0x00692e68 -[WebHTMLView keyDown:] + 248

40 com.apple.AppKit 0x99c54a11 -[NSWindow sendEvent:] + 7432

41 com.evernote.ENPopover 0x00609b67 -[ENPopoverAwareWindow sendEvent:] + 253

42 com.evernote.Evernote 0x00239d86 0x1000 + 2329990

43 com.evernote.Evernote 0x001886c2 0x1000 + 1603266

44 com.apple.AppKit 0x99c4f81f -[NSApplication sendEvent:] + 4278

45 com.evernote.Evernote 0x002c78aa 0x1000 + 2910378

46 com.apple.AppKit 0x99b6973c -[NSApplication run] + 951

47 com.apple.AppKit 0x99b0c8e6 NSApplicationMain + 1053

48 com.evernote.Evernote 0x00003545 0x1000 + 95


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This command, from the other thread, appears to help:

sudo update_dyld_shared_cache -force

Thanks Jack. Not sure about other apps, as I don't tend to use many apps besides evernote, xcode, and my browsers (all of those were running fine). The other thing is running the cache clear appears to have actually improved overall system responsiveness, which has been sluggish since 10.8. Apple clearly needs to fix this, not you guys. :) Thanks for the pointer though, hopefully Evernote will stop crashing on me now!

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