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(Archived) Automate attachments from GMail

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  • Level 5*

There might be a Gmail script of some sort that will strip out mail attachments which you could then send either to Evernote or to a DropBox (or other) folder you designate as an Import Folder, but you'd then have emails referencing but not linking to attachments stored elsewhere.. This really isn't an Evernote issue - you might try a Google forum with more detail of what you're trying to achieve..

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  • Level 5*

<Evernoted> ..and I was just guessing..

Actually I solved another problem for myself earlier by Googling the question and found that a couple of others had asked exactly the same question recently already had an answer - further evidence that no-one's problems, big or small, are ever unique. Some other poor soul has inevitably been there, done that and already has a t-shirt.

In course of an ongoing personal clean-up campaign I was also getting ready to give some feedback to a manufacturer about their plastic storage boxes which had surgically implanted (and very garish) product labels that took ages to clean off.. when I bought a couple of their new boxes now with 'easy peel' stickers. Obviously other customers had been quicker on the trigger.

All of which goes to prove that to be a Tech (or pretty much any other) Titan, you need only two rules. 1) switch it off and on again and see whether it fixes itself; and 2) your search-engine of choice is your best friend.

Sorry for the slight tangent there. It's been a weird day.


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Making progress. I am now able to get attachments into google drive folder.(http://www.coolpctips.com/2012/05/simple-hack-to-instantly-send-your-gmail-attachments-to-google-drive/) Now how do I sync the folder to an Evernote notebook? I have tried Wappwolf but I am concerned giving Wappwolf access to my google drive ad evernote files.

I look forward to your replies.

Thank you...


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  • Level 5*

See if you can define a Gdrive folder as an Import Folder (~Tools from your desktop menu). If it works it will only be from the desktop, but if you save from other locations to that folder the files will be uploaded next time you switch on.

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Actually I solved another problem for myself earlier by Googling the question and found that a couple of others had asked exactly the same question recently already had an answer - further evidence that no-one's problems, big or small, are ever unique. Some other poor soul has inevitably been there, done that and already has a t-shirt.

For the past several years, Google/Internet is where I go for pretty much any problem solving - hardware, software, removing decals from windows, etc. Yes, God bless those who came before & posted solutions!!!

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  • 2 months later...

If you're using Gmail, try attachments.me. You can send Gmail attachments to the cloud, your hard drive, etc. either singularly or as a group. Then just send them to your import folder for Evernote. You can add rules so all attachments of certain type do the same.

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