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(Archived) Evernote & googlemail

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Hello everyone,

I use Evernote & googlemail very extensively. Unfortunately I havent figured out for me so far an effective way to merge both products and to avoid duplications. One example:

I get an email from my health insurance with the request to sign the attached document (e.g. declaration of agreement). So I open the attachement, print and sign it and finally scan it to my evernote account. Here I move the scan into the folder "health insurance".

Now I get back to my googlemail account and click "answer mail". I write my answer, click "attachment" and search the scan on my harddisk. After I fihnally found it, I send the mail and move the whole conversation in my google folder "health insurance"

Puh. So much effort to just answer a mail and to archive everything. Anybody some ideas how to make my life easier? (Except not to archive everything ;))

Cheers Tobi

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