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(Archived) ✔ Duplicate notification icon (two elephants in the toolbar)




I'm laughing at myself for not knowing the name of the icon/tool bar at the top of an OSX screen but I don't. The issue, though, is that I occasionally get 2 of the little elephant heads (Evernote icons.) Why two? How do I stop them from showing up?

Do I have redundant code somewhere that is launching this twice?

A couple of weeks ago I attempted to revert to the website download/install rather than the App Store. That resulted in duplicate notes, etc. and messages asking me to import every time I started EN. Some of that has gone away but I still get two icons.

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  • Level 5

I can't see your link, but have you tried quitting everything (all icons as well) and relaunching?

  • Level 5

Are you using the App Store version? Did you change over from App Store to/from direct download?

  • Level 5

This is generally an issue caused by running two versions of Evernote at the same time. (Sometimes users get it from downloading updates from the app store after running the direct download version)

If you quit both of the elephants in the menu bar and quit Evernote fully, then relaunch EN, do you still get 2 elephants in the menu bar?



"If you quit both of the elephants in the menu bar and quit Evernote fully, then relaunch EN, do you still get 2 elephants in the menu bar?" No, only one icon.


I have a slightly different issue. I only have one elephant icon, but there are two instances of evernotehelper running in my system. As a result, when I clip something I get two new notes.

Should I remove the evernotehelper from my login items?


What worked for me was going into System Preferences>Users & Groups>Me>Login Items and deleting the Evernote Helper application. Then I opened Evernote>Preferences, checked the boxes at the bottom for the Evernote Helper in the background, the elephant, etc. The two-elephant problem disappeared and the program is running fine. When I reboot the computer only one elephant now appears. Hope this helps. OSX 10.8.2, Evernote Version 3.3.0. (300201)


I would think that by now it would be acknowledged that there are in fact two helper icons showing in the menu bar. I have tried all the suggested fixes on this thread and none work. Every time I restart (Mountain Lion with latest updates) I get two icons.


This is what I do when I get Evernote helper problems:


  1. I launch activity monitor
  2. search for the process "EvernoteHelper"
  3. kill the process

let me know if this does anything, because I never had a problem like this. (note I have had problems with the helper before)


I had the same problem on iMac with OS X 10.6.8. I've opened "<Apple>:System Preferences:Accounts:<me>:Login Items" and removed EvernoteHelper form the list. I've got 1 elephant in the menu-bar. They (Evernote team) have changed a way they register the Helper on a system. I don't know where they keep a track for the Helper now, but surely not in Login Items nor in StartupItems folder.


Same issue. Just upgraded to Mountain Lion (10.8.1) on my 2012 11" MacBook Air. Running Evernote Version 3.3.0 (300201). Once the ML finished installing and restarted, I had two elephants in the bar without Evernote running. I quit both elephants, then launched Evernote and only one elephant is present.

I have never installed any of the beta versions of Evernote. I have noticed the double icons before, but not really sure for how long. I *think* the first time I noticed it when I performed the last update, but that may not be accurate.

Here is some "debugging" I just did:

  • Quit both helpers, launch Evernote (get only one helper), then quit Evernote (helper goes away) and restart: two helpers show up in the bar with Evernote not running.
  • Quit both helpers, launch Evernote (get only one helper) then restart WITHOUT QUITTING Evernote, leave checked "Reopen windows when logging back in": two helpers show up in the bar with Evernote running.
  • Quit both helpers, launch Evernote (get only one helper) then restart without quitting Evernote, UNCHECK "Reopen windows when logging back in": two helpers show up in the bar with Evernote not running.

So it does seem that whenever I restart, I get two helpers in the top bar. Activity monitor also shows two EvernoteHelper objects running.


Yep, I'll +1 this. I'm running OSX 10.8 (Mountain Lion) & Evernote 3.3.0

(Interestingly I'm running an app called Bartender to keep my menu bar clean, and it doesn't even see the second Helper - it's a ghost elephant.)


I have the same problem. Everytime my mac (macbookpro retina running mountain lion) restarts, I get two Evernote helper icons. If I quit one, the second one sticks around to keep helping.


are two elephantts better than one? after upgrading to mountain lion. doesn't seem to hinder functionality, both menus seem to work. unfortunately, checking pref to remove elephant from menu bar removes both.


Then I am not the only one with two elephants. And I do belive I have read somewhere that two elephants means bad luck. Will this be fixed, getting rid of one and keep the other?


I also get two elephants in the menu bar since I upgraded to Evernote 3.3.0 (300201). I am running Lion 10.7.4.


Since upgrading my iMac from Lion to Mountain Lion I've noticed I get two elephants in the menu bar on start-up, rather than one. I can open Evernote from one and then quit it, which leaves the other. Curious why two instances now running.


  • Level 5*

This issue has been reported numerous times for about a month now.

I also have this same issue, and reported it as a bug to Evernote Support several weeks ago.

I'm running Mac OS X 10.7.4 (Lion) and EN Mac 3.2.0 Public Release. I have NOT installed any of the EN Mac betas after this release.


Sorry, Jackolicious, I should have said what OS I am on. Mac. Lion until yesterday and now Mountain Lion. The problem began occurring a couple of weeks ago while I was on Lion and has continued on Mountain Lion.

BTW, the second Evernote Helper is not present now. I am not sure what triggers it. Currently I only have one in the Menu Bar.

  • Level 5*

I'm laughing at myself for not knowing the name of the icon/tool bar at the top of an OSX screen but I don't. The issue, though, is that I occasionally get 2 of the little elephant heads (Evernote icons.) Why two? How do I stop them from showing up?

Do I have redundant code somewhere that is launching this twice?

A couple of weeks ago I attempted to revert to the website download/install rather than the App Store. That resulted in duplicate notes, etc. and messages asking me to import every time I started EN. Some of that has gone away but I still get two icons.

Hi. I think the term you are looking for is "Evernote Helper". I've got two "Evernote Helper" icons in my menu bar as well. I only had one for a while, but recently I gained a second one. I am running OSX 10.7.4 / Evernote Version 3.3.0 Beta 2 (300170). If I quit one, it closes Evernote and one goes away. If I open Evernote, the Evernote Helper doesn't re-appear.


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