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(Archived) TIP: Linux + Chrome Clipper


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There have been several recent problem reports about Chrome Clipper not working with latest stable Chromium 18. I have confirmed the problems.

The root of the problem is that:

- The latest Chrome Clipper (v5.6) is unreliable with anything prior to Chrome 21.

- Chromium, while a component of Chrome, is updated less frequently than Chrome.

- The problem also exists with the current beta clipper (v5.7).

A workaround for the problem is to switch to the Google packaged Linux Chrome browser. The Linux version is maintained by Google in a .deb repostitory and updated concurrently with the Windows and Mac versions.

Tested in Ubuntu 12.04 and Mint 13 without observed Linux specific problems.

See: http://www.howopenso...04-10-10-10-04/

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