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(Archived) Exporting Entire Notebooks to HTML

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This is my first post in EN forum. I've looked for this information in the forum but have not found it. Maybe I'm looking in the wrong place. If so let me know and I'll be happy to look there.

I use Circus Ponies Notebook and one the the features I use the most is exporting an entire Notebook to HTML and having it keep the same format.

My question:

Does anyone know if EN does this like Circus Ponies' Notebook? I know EN exports to HTML but I don't see that it exports it like Circus Ponies does.



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  • Level 5*

Hi - welcome to the Forum. I think the only way you're going to know if Evernote exports to HTML in exactly the same way is to copy a note from one to the other, export both and compare.

Evernote definitely exports to HTML, and I'm not sure there are different 'ways' to do that. It looks the same in a browser as it does in the note. Period.

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EN does export the entire Notebook with all its Notes which is good. I was hoping that when you Export an entire Notebook in EN it would add a formatted "Cover" page like Circus Ponies does (the Index.html page). That CP Cover page looks just like the Notebook page in the CP Notebook. It also lets you collapse and expand the notes if you have that in your Notebook. CP also lets you FTP your HTML export directly to your server. Really good stuff. Hopefully EN will add this feature in future releases.



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  • Level 5*

If you want to export a fully working copy of your notebook, why not just share the notebook? An active share at least means that your users get kept up to date with changes. A 'printed' copy means they have to get another copy (and another..) every so often to stay up to date.

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