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(Archived) Bug: EN leaves single note in otherwise empty notebook



Hi Dear EN-Makers,

as you can see at the attached picture: EN leaves an forgotten, single note in a notebook.

What I do:

  • create a new temporary notebook (tmp, tmp2 for example)
  • add some notes (by drag&drop from external files)
  • sync them, edit them
  • mark all notes with CMD-A
  • move all notes to another notebook via drag&drop.

Other EN-Clients like the web-interface, iPad/IPhone shows that EN has moved all notes as expected. So the forgotten note has been moved too! But the mac client still shows the note in the original notebook.

The forgotten note can be edited but note moved.


  • OSX 10.7.4 (German Language)
  • EN 3.3.0

Would be nice if you could fix that bug. As far as I can see is there no data impact (so the note won't be deleted or so). But the defect is ugly and it happens that I edit the tags by accident.

A workound is simple: Delete the evernote folder from ~/Library/Application Support and download all notebooks again.

Kind Regards


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