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Request: More control over sharing

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Evernote.. this would be great if you could implement somehow. I am sure it would not be an easy workaround, but I would love it.

So I like to share my notebooks with my client I am working with on a transaction.

The one thing that happens sometimes is we put the agent copy of the showings we are doing into our clients notebook so we have it, but the client is not supposed to have access to realtor only remarks. So then I need a separate notebook for just that.

What would be awesome is a way to have it so I could share a notebook and exclude some files.

And this may be a me only thing, everyone else may not care.. but just a thought.


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  • 7 months later...


Good point you made there! Has anyone ever gotten back to you on that one?

I would love to share my notebook with both my buyer & seller but some info ought to remain "for internal office eyes only" so I am stuck how to share the notebook with my clients, yet allow for some files in the notebook to remain "offline".

Thanks for your input - I enjoy your updates.


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