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Internal Database Error



I am getting an Internal Error.

I removed the application and installed it again (from the App Store) but I still get the Internal Error when in click the New Note button. The sync completes but there is no data in my notebooks.

What should I do?

Internal Error.

An internal database error has occurred that prevents Evernote from functioning properly. If the problem persists, please contact Evernote Support.

This is some data from my Activity Log.

2011-03-29 20:31:17 0xa122e0 [ENCoreDataLocalStore] ERROR: info: {

NSLocalizedDescription = "totalSize is a required value.";

NSValidationErrorKey = totalSize;

NSValidationErrorObject = (entity: ENNote; id: 0x183ebe10 ; data: {

active = 1;

altitude = nil;

attachment = nil;

attributes = (


author = nil;

changeToQuota = nil;

content = nil;

contentData = nil;

contentDirty = 1;

contentHash = nil;

contentLength = 0;

created = nil;

deleted = nil;

dirty = 1;

dueDate = nil;

encryption = nil;

expungeOnSync = 0;

filenameSearchContent = nil;

guid = nil;

hasValidThumbnail = 0;

htmlContent = "<?xml version=\"1.0\" encoding=\"UTF-8\"?>;

lastSyncedSize = nil;

latitude = nil;

longitude = nil;

notebook = 0xd77d20 ;

notebookNameSearch = "matejpuntar's notebook";

recoSearchContent = nil;

resourceMIMESearchContent = nil;

resources = (


searchContent = nil;

shared = 0;

source = nil;

sourceApplication = nil;

sourceURL = nil;

stack = nil;

subjectDate = nil;

tagSearchContent = nil;

tags = (


title = "Untitled Note";

titleSearchContent = " untitled note ";

todoChecked = nil;

todoUnchecked = nil;

totalSize = nil;

updateSequenceNumber = 0;

updated = 2011-03-29 20:25:35 +0200;

xhtmlData = nil;



2011-03-29 20:31:17 0xa122e0 [ENCoreDataLocalStore] ERROR: ---- Detail End ----

2011-03-29 20:31:17 0xa122e0 [NSThread] ERROR: 0 Evernote 0x001e1b84 +[NSThread(EvernoteNSThreadAdditions) log4ErrorStackTrace] + 65

2011-03-29 20:31:17 0xa122e0 [NSThread] ERROR: 1 Evernote 0x000a8f9e -[ENCoreDataLocalStore performAutoSave:] + 1537

2011-03-29 20:31:17 0xa122e0 [NSThread] ERROR: 2 Evernote 0x0014a0eb -[ENNoteThumbnailManager saveLocalStoreAndRequestThumbnailForNoteID:] + 80

2011-03-29 20:31:17 0xa122e0 [NSThread] ERROR: 3 Foundation 0x94a22cdd __NSThreadPerformPerform + 506

2011-03-29 20:31:17 0xa122e0 [NSThread] ERROR: 4 CoreFoundation 0x9223c4cb __CFRunLoopDoSources0 + 1563

2011-03-29 20:31:17 0xa122e0 [NSThread] ERROR: 5 CoreFoundation 0x92239f8f __CFRunLoopRun + 1071

2011-03-29 20:31:17 0xa122e0 [NSThread] ERROR: 6 CoreFoundation 0x92239464 CFRunLoopRunSpecific + 452

2011-03-29 20:31:17 0xa122e0 [NSThread] ERROR: 7 CoreFoundation 0x92239291 CFRunLoopRunInMode + 97

2011-03-29 20:31:17 0xa122e0 [NSThread] ERROR: 8 HIToolbox 0x93bb1e04 RunCurrentEventLoopInMode + 392

2011-03-29 20:31:17 0xa122e0 [NSThread] ERROR: 9 HIToolbox 0x93bb1af5 ReceiveNextEventCommon + 158

2011-03-29 20:31:17 0xa122e0 [NSThread] ERROR: 10 HIToolbox 0x93bb1a3e BlockUntilNextEventMatchingListInMode + 81

2011-03-29 20:31:17 0xa122e0 [NSThread] ERROR: 11 AppKit 0x9403678d _DPSNextEvent + 847

2011-03-29 20:31:17 0xa122e0 [NSThread] ERROR: 12 AppKit 0x94035fce -[NSApplication nextEventMatchingMask:untilDate:inMode:dequeue:] + 156

2011-03-29 20:31:17 0xa122e0 [NSThread] ERROR: 13 AppKit 0x942ad80d -[NSApplication _realDoModalLoop:peek:] + 720

2011-03-29 20:31:17 0xa122e0 [NSThread] ERROR: 14 AppKit 0x942acf89 -[NSApplication runModalForWindow:] + 273

2011-03-29 20:31:17 0xa122e0 [NSThread] ERROR: 15 AppKit 0x942a2302 -[NSAlert runModal] + 234

2011-03-29 20:31:17 0xa122e0 [NSThread] ERROR: 16 AppKit 0x942a6763 -[NSApplication(NSErrorPresentation) presentError:] + 201

2011-03-29 20:31:17 0xa122e0 [NSThread] ERROR: 17 Evernote 0x000bdbee -[ENAppController internalErrorAndQuit] + 181

2011-03-29 20:31:17 0xa122e0 [NSThread] ERROR: 18 Foundation 0x94a22cdd __NSThreadPerformPerform + 506

2011-03-29 20:31:17 0xa122e0 [NSThread] ERROR: 19 CoreFoundation 0x9223c4cb __CFRunLoopDoSources0 + 1563

2011-03-29 20:31:17 0xa122e0 [NSThread] ERROR: 20 CoreFoundation 0x92239f8f __CFRunLoopRun + 1071

2011-03-29 20:31:17 0xa122e0 [NSThread] ERROR: 21 CoreFoundation 0x92239464 CFRunLoopRunSpecific + 452

2011-03-29 20:31:17 0xa122e0 [NSThread] ERROR: 22 CoreFoundation 0x92239291 CFRunLoopRunInMode + 97

2011-03-29 20:31:17 0xa122e0 [NSThread] ERROR: 23 HIToolbox 0x93bb1e04 RunCurrentEventLoopInMode + 392

2011-03-29 20:31:17 0xa122e0 [NSThread] ERROR: 24 HIToolbox 0x93bb1af5 ReceiveNextEventCommon + 158

2011-03-29 20:31:17 0xa122e0 [NSThread] ERROR: 25 HIToolbox 0x93bb1a3e BlockUntilNextEventMatchingListInMode + 81

2011-03-29 20:31:17 0xa122e0 [NSThread] ERROR: 26 AppKit 0x9403678d _DPSNextEvent + 847

2011-03-29 20:31:17 0xa122e0 [NSThread] ERROR: 27 AppKit 0x94035fce -[NSApplication nextEventMatchingMask:untilDate:inMode:dequeue:] + 156

2011-03-29 20:31:17 0xa122e0 [NSThread] ERROR: 28 AppKit 0x93ff8247 -[NSApplication run] + 821

2011-03-29 20:31:17 0xa122e0 [NSThread] ERROR: 29 AppKit 0x93ff02d9 NSApplicationMain + 574

2011-03-29 20:31:17 0xa122e0 [NSThread] ERROR: 30 Evernote 0x000030ee start + 54

2011-03-29 20:31:29 0xa122e0 [EDAMHTTPClient] INFO: Client name: Evernote Mac/130393 (en-SI); MacOS/10.6.7;

2011-03-29 20:31:30 0xabf5d0 [ENNoteThumbnailManager] INFO: 0 notes need thumbnails

2011-03-29 20:31:30 0xc91f60 [ENConnectivityMonitor] DEBUG: Checking reachability...

2011-03-29 20:31:31 0x13a1cbb0 [ENSyncEngine] INFO: Contacting Evernote server...

2011-03-29 20:31:32 0xc4b3f0 [ENLocalStoreBackgroundHelper] INFO: 0 notes need re-indexing.

2011-03-29 20:31:33 0x13a1cbb0 [ENSyncEngine] INFO: current update count: 0

2011-03-29 20:31:33 0x13a1cbb0 [ENSyncEngine] INFO: Updating local user info from server

2011-03-29 20:31:34 0x13a1cbb0 [ENSyncEngine] INFO: First sync. Showing modal progress.

2011-03-29 20:31:34 0x13a1cbb0 [ENSyncEngine] INFO: Upload used from server: 218915

2011-03-29 20:31:34 0x13a1cbb0 [ENSyncEngine] INFO: Starting full sync...

2011-03-29 20:31:34 0x13a1cbb0 [ENSyncEngine] INFO: found 11 chunks in cache.

2011-03-29 20:31:34 0x13a1cbb0 [ENSyncEngine] INFO: all chunks are in cache.

2011-03-29 20:31:34 0x13a1cbb0 [ENSyncEngine] INFO: 11 chunks to process.

2011-03-29 20:31:34 0x13a1cbb0 [ENSyncEngine] INFO: Syncing tags...

2011-03-29 20:31:34 0x13a1cbb0 [ENSyncEngine] INFO: 357 tags to process

2011-03-29 20:31:35 0xa122e0 [ENSyncEngine] INFO: Syncing searches...

2011-03-29 20:31:35 0xa122e0 [ENSyncEngine] INFO: Syncing notebooks...

2011-03-29 20:31:35 0xa122e0 [ENSyncEngine] INFO: notebook 'Alteralis' has local changes.

2011-03-29 20:31:35 0xa122e0 [ENSyncEngine] INFO: notebook 'matejpuntar's notebook' has local changes.

2011-03-29 20:31:35 0xa122e0 [ENSyncEngine] INFO: notebook 'Delicious' has local changes.

2011-03-29 20:31:35 0xa122e0 [ENSyncEngine] INFO: notebook 'Evernote Site Memory' has local changes.

2011-03-29 20:31:35 0x13a1cbb0 [ENSyncEngine] INFO: Syncing notes and resources...

2011-03-29 20:31:37 0xa122e0 [ENAppController] ERROR: EXCEPTION: -[NSCFSet ctsNeedingDisplayInRect:by:]: unrecognized selector sent to instance 0x1583eb90

2011-03-29 20:31:37 0xa122e0 [ENAppController] ERROR: 0x91e9dd24 0x9954b509 0x9231e90b 0x92277c36 0x92277802 0x94a5c607 0x94a1e580 0x94a5c459 0x93efe77b 0x93efe67f 0x84be0 0x8cab9 0x93efe4b1 0x93ef4689 0x93ef4321 0x93ef3f4b 0x94a1f638 0x94a1f0d7 0x94a038c2 0x93ef3e25 0x90f12 0x9f9b1 0x1735dc 0x92276edd 0x92276e48 0x922b3698 0x94a22cdd 0x9223c4cb 0x92239f8f 0x92239464 0x92239291 0x93bb1e04 0x93bb1bb9 0x93bb1a3e 0x9403678d 0x94035fce 0x93ff8247 0x93ff02d9 0x30ee 0x2

2011-03-29 20:31:37 0x13a1cbb0 [ENSyncEngine] ERROR: failed to add note with guid: 695d3621-0cd3-498f-8a35-66314bd356b0

2011-03-29 20:31:37 0x13a1cbb0 [ENSyncEngine] INFO: Sync complete.

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30 replies to this idea

Recommended Posts

  • Ex Employees

In rare instances, your Evernote database may become corrupt resulting in an Internal Database Error and will need to be rebuilt using data already synced to Evernote's servers. Follow these steps to accomplish this:

Warning: if you have any unsynced notes or local (as in, not synchronized) notebooks in Evernote, this content will be irrecoverably lost when your database is rebuilt using the data from Evernote's servers.

  • Quit Evernote by clicking the Evernote icon in your menu bar and selecting Quit

  • Open the Finder and strike ⌘+⇧+G to open the Go to Folder dialog, then type ~/Library/

  • Double-click the Application Support folder and locate the Evernote folder.

  • Drag the Evernote folder to your desktop

  • Launch Evernote and input your username and password

At this point, Evernote will download all of your synced notes from Evernote's servers. Depending on the amount of data in your account, this could take a bit of time to complete.

If you have any trouble with this procedure or would like some assistance in rectifying the situation, contact our support department.

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  • Ex Employees

Ofcourse, it's easy to export and archive your notes on your desktop :)


To export a note(s) or a notebook, do the following:



  1. Export a note(s): Select File > Export Note(s)
  2. Export a notebook: Right-click on a notebook and select Export Notes
  3. Select Evernote XML format (.enex) from the Format menu options
  4. Check the Include tags for each note option

It is then simple to add archived notes back into Evernote. Find the .enex file on your computer and either double-click the file to automatically open it within Evernote, or drag and drop the file into Evernote.

The imported notes are automatically saved to a notebook entitled "Import {name of note or notebook}," such as "Import My Notes.enex" or "Import Ideas Notebook."


Windows desktop instructions can also be located here: https://evernote.com/contact/support/kb/#!/article/28607737

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Same problem here. The message says to reach out to Evernote support. Three days, no reply. (I am not a premium member but seriously, three days?)


Anyway, uninstalled the app and reinstalled and that fixed it. 

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The message says to reach out to Evernote support. Three days, no reply. (I am not a premium member but seriously, three days?)


Anyway, uninstalled the app and reinstalled and that fixed it. 

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I am an EN Premium user. When I try to launch EN for OS X I've started to get a message that says there is an internal database error. It seems to be persistent. 


I've read the KB article about rebuilding the DB. Sounds promising. It says local or unsynched notes will be lost. Is another way to look at it that if you can access the note via the web interface it will be recovered? I don't believe I have any notes that are solely local. 
Also, I use EN on another Mac. Would I be better off getting the databse from there and moving it to my main machine? Also I have things backed up via TimeMacine. Should I grab that back up?
It seems like I have three ways to fix this but am not sure if there is a best way.
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Yes, Metrodon, I got a ticket number, but I sent my first email to them on 10-30-13, so it's been quite a few days.  I have ended up trashing every Evernote connection I could find, and reinstalling it.  But I haven't yet turned off my computer.  When I do, I'm figuring I again won't be able to access it.  I think it has something to do with Mac's latest operating system, iOS 10.9, Mavericks.  Ever since I installed Mavericks, my desktop Evernote won't open.

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fter downloading Mavericks, I can no longer access my desktop Evernote.


I get this message:  "An internal database error has occurred that prevents Evernote from functioning properly.  If the problem persists, please contact Evernote Support."


I followed the online suggestions to drag the file out of the Library Finder and onto the Desktop.

  • The first time I did it, it opened and worked properly.

Then I turned off my computer.  When I restarted, I got the same error message, so I followed the same procedure:

  • The 2nd time I did it, it opened and worked properly.


Then I turned off my computer.  When I restarted, I got the same error message, so I followed the same procedure:

  • The 3rd, 4th, 5th, 6th times I did it, it won't open at all.

Now my desktop Evernote is totally unusable.  It just won't open.  I get the internal database error message every time I try.


Evernote doesn't answer my request for support emails.

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I am having the same problem - the Evernote update failed - and when i tried to open it i got this: An internal database error has occurred that prevents Evernote from functioning properly.  If the problem persists, please contact Evernote Support.


I have followed the instructions on line, and already created a support ticket - and followed those instructions as well - still no go - i am not concerned about my data - it's in the cloud and available on my other devices, but, currently i can't even launch the app.

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I've had this failure twice in two weeks, and the only solution seems to be removing EN and re-building the database. I have 15,000 notes, so that takes quite a long time, during which time I'm forced to use the web version.

This follows on the heels of the massive debacle that was the upgrade of the Mac client a few weeks ago. At least they admitted pretty quickly there was a bug, but it had already screwed my MacBook Air pretty thoroughly.

I submitted a support request and suggested (for the severalth time) that they find some way to correct database errors short of requiring a full download. It reminds me of the old Dilbert cartoon where the help desk engineer begins each call with, "First, we have to reformat your hard disk."

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  • Level 5*

It's been a few days...yes, problem solved, thanks to a helpful EN tech support person on Chat (this alone is worth the $45 fee for Premium users). My problem was that two ENs were loaded into my apps at the same time, and creating a conflict. Evidently, when I downloaded the newest version, it never replaced the old one. Nor did it transfer notebooks. This seems to be a problem with the latest version of EN. Anyway, all I had to do was trash one of the versions, reload EN, and my local notebooks were back. Relief!

Glad to hear that they got it worked out for you!

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It's been a few days...yes, problem solved, thanks to a helpful EN tech support person on Chat (this alone is worth the $45 fee for Premium users). My problem was that two ENs were loaded into my apps at the same time, and creating a conflict. Evidently, when I downloaded the newest version, it never replaced the old one. Nor did it transfer notebooks. This seems to be a problem with the latest version of EN. Anyway, all I had to do was trash one of the versions, reload EN, and my local notebooks were back. Relief!

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  • Level 5*

I am kicking myself for not having bought a new hard drive and backed up diligently with Time Machine. My hard drive got filled and instead of rushing out to buy a new one, I used a thumb drive for backing up newly created files. Big mistake. But never did I think I would lose Evernote files anymore than I thought I would lose my, say, hotmail emails. I assumed it was all cloud based and thus retrievable. Last night I paid for premium support just so I could chat directly with support, which I will do as soon as I get through my morning meetings.

Yeah. I had to learn the hard way as well. It's not so much Evernote as it is anything digital. I have a drawer full of hard drives -- enough for a couple more years of backups.

Anyhow, Evernote support will get you sorted out. I'd create a support ticket, though (see my link). That will get the ball rolling. Good luck with it, and keep us updated!

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I am kicking myself for not having bought a new hard drive and backed up diligently with Time Machine. My hard drive got filled and instead of rushing out to buy a new one, I used a thumb drive for backing up newly created files. Big mistake. But never did I think I would lose Evernote files anymore than I thought I would lose my, say, hotmail emails. I assumed it was all cloud based and thus retrievable. Last night I paid for premium support just so I could chat directly with support, which I will do as soon as I get through my morning meetings.

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To echo the last two posts, hope is not lost on your local data. We just need to get a working copy of your database first, then we can go from there.

Contact support and we'll get you straightened out.

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  • Level 5*

I just attempted to download the latest version of EN on my macbook, and I got an error message that stated I had an Internal Database Error. In researching this at the Knowledge Base, I find that only synched notebooks are salvageable if you reinstall EN. All local notebooks will be completely lost. Since I didn't have Evernote backed up, I am assuming all my local notebooks have been lost. This is devastating. Does anyone know a way around this?

I really think that Mac users should be alerted to this potential problem when they install EN...had I known, I would have paid extra to synch all my notebooks. I have become really dependent on using EN as a filing system. Now all my files are lost.

Sorry to hear about your problem, and I really hope you can recover the data. I think in the case of any potential data loss that you will want to contact customer support (see the link in my signature).

And, of course, going forward it's always a good idea to have backups of anything digital (Evernote or otherwise). Time Machine is free, it's on your Mac already, and you can find a 1TB external drive for around $100. It's worth it for the peace of mind. Naturally, you can also avail yourself of cloud backup services as well, but the versions of your data in Time Machine are far more convenient in my opinion, especially if something gets accidentally deleteted.

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I just attempted to download the latest version of EN on my macbook, and I got an error message that stated I had an Internal Database Error. In researching this at the Knowledge Base, I find that only synched notebooks are salvageable if you reinstall EN. All local notebooks will be completely lost. Since I didn't have Evernote backed up, I am assuming all my local notebooks have been lost. This is devastating. Does anyone know a way around this?

I really think that Mac users should be alerted to this potential problem when they install EN...had I known, I would have paid extra to synch all my notebooks. I have become really dependent on using EN as a filing system. Now all my files are lost.

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@ Metrodon.

So I did.

Downloading now....

I exported all to Enex on my windows PC, to be sure. But as my Web EN looks OK I am not worried.

If you do not hear from me any more, I succeeded.

Thanx for the help.


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  • Level 5*

make sure you have a backup of any local notebooks...

data is in user/library/application support

Delete the whole Evernote folder and then the next sync should bring down everything from the web service.

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I have the same directly after upgrading.

I am quite sure I will have to uninstall Evernote.

But I have no idea how to remove the data so EN can download from scratch.

All my other EN database (Windows/Ipad/Web and Android) seem to be OK.


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I received this error today on my Macbook Pro (OSx 10.7.1), I've tried rebooting, no help:

An internal database error has occurred that prevents Evernote from functioning properly. If the problem persists, please contact Evernote Support.

Anybody know how to fix this? Online notes all still look good.

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Any Help here?

Any suggestions from the support?

Anything, which i should do meanwhile i submit a support inquiry?

i'm getting the same error.


you (and me) could always think about using another client from another OS meanwhile. Or the Webinterface.

Or, if you like stable versions (like me), you could try a beta version. thats what did the job for me.

installing a new beta version solved the issue.

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