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(Archived) Is the data limit splitted?




my account on my mac-software says: 1gb used. no more uploads possible.

My account on my Iphone says: at the moment used: 400mb. 1gb possible.

Is the 1gb restricted upload splitted to several devices? I searched the internet but didn´t find something about that.

The fotos were taken at the same day.



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  • Level 5*

Hi. Each Premium account has a 1GB upload allowance per month, and it works the same whether you have one device or one hundred.

Could you confirm that both devices are from the same account with the same username (strengt)? There is often a discrepancy between devices in terms of how they count time remaining, but I don't think I have ever seen such a discrepancy in usage. 500MB + is a lot! I would make sure both devices are synced, and contact support. Please post your support ticket number here and keep us updated!

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Well, I noticed this big discrepancy already sometimes. But I never did something. This time I wanted to figure it out.

It seems like since my last post (which ist only some hours old) I reached a new month with new upload limit (1gb). But the pictures tell me something different (see attachtments): My iphone says I have nearly 1gb upload limit (that should be right) but my evernote account says I have only 324mb upload limit (which should be nonsense).

Both devices are connected to the same account. I will contact the support and let you know.



The ticket number (unfortunately in german): 16051-124914

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  • Level 5*

Thanks for posting your ticket number. Please keep us updated!

When troubleshooting this, I think we should leave your iPhone out of this. There are too many other factors involved there. I am guessing that you just dumped a bunch of data into your account the day before your month ends so that you can use up your 1GB monthly upload allowance. Is that right?

If so, one issue may be that there seems to be a kind of gap between when you sync those notes, which takes a while, and when the server rolls over your account, so sometimes you can eat into your next month's allowance, because everything didn't get synced and processed in time. Support should be able to help you out with this.

A second issue might be unsynced items in your trash, which can apparently throw things off, though I doubt you have hundreds of megabytes there.

Finally, I'd be interested to see what the Web client says. It basically reflects everything that Evernote knows about your account, so if you login there (www.evernote.com) and see a discrepancy between the information there and your desktop account, then we know there is something going on with the desktop. It may not, for example, be done syncing.

By the way, in the future, I would recommend getting 90% or so of your stuff uploaded by the 18th or 19th of the month. This will ensure that you definitely have everything synced, and even if the servers are down for some reason, or you just don't have a connection, the worst case scenario is that you don't get to upload that last 10%.

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Well... I don´t know exactly how much I uploaded over the last days... But right now I´m uploading a bunch of scanned papers, so this can be a hint.

Right now (all seen at the same moment) it says:

evernote web: remaining 874mb

mac client: remaining 123mb

iphone: already used: 9mb

This seems strange again... I thought evernote will sync everything always in time? That seems to be wrong.

Your hint about getting 90% of my stuff uploaded to the 18th seems quiet inconvenient. As a premium customer I don´t want to spend a thought about that... I paid for that it works!

Thanks for your help!

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  • Level 5*

Well... I don´t know exactly how much I uploaded over the last days... But right now I´m uploading a bunch of scanned papers, so this can be a hint.

Right now (all seen at the same moment) it says:

evernote web: remaining 874mb

mac client: remaining 123mb

iphone: already used: 9mb

This seems strange again... I thought evernote will sync everything always in time? That seems to be wrong.

Your hint about getting 90% of my stuff uploaded to the 18th seems quiet inconvenient. As a premium customer I don´t want to spend a thought about that... I paid for that it works!

Thanks for your help!

Hi. I may have been unclear in my previous post. The Evernote sync works fine, and works as expected.

The sync happens quickly, but of course, it depends on your Internet connection. Assuming you have a good one, then it is pretty much simultaneous. The problem here (I think) is the timing of your reset. The server is located in the US in the Pacific Time Zone, and it will reset your account upload amount sometime on the day that you signed up (it looks like yours is the 20th of the month). We do not know the precise time of day when this will happen, and it doesn't all happen simultaneously. So, it is possible that while you are sending data to sync, the server is resetting your account. That is why I said that it would be a good idea to get all of your uploads into your account well before the reset process begins. This is especially true if you have a slow or unstable connection.

I am not sure why there is such a discrepancy between your Mac and the Web. The Web is the "correct" amount according to Evernote. It is saying that you have uploaded about 200MB of data this month. Did you check your trash?


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I checked the trash and probably it has something to do with the problem. I found there over 1000 entries. At the first moment I was very surprised to find there some scanned papers I definitly didn´t want to delete. I looked closer and I think I got the reason: I scanned some papers one by one. Then I merged them to one note. Is that the reason evernote put the single scanned papers into the trash? And what has the trash do to with the amount of upload limit?

There is something else I found strange: The mac-client denied that I uploaded more stuff - it said the upload limit was reached. But from my iphone I still could upload pictures. I would think it was logical if evernote would have said: "I´m full, the uploading device doesn´t matter". But that was not the way evernote acted...

Thank for the help!

Can I clean the trashcan without having sorrows that anything from my notes will disappear?

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Okay, I put all the trashcan stuff into an unsynced folder. Now the web, the client and the iphone show realistic data. What did I understood wrong? I thought evernote is a content management system and it doesn´t matter if something is duplicated. Obviously I was wrong. What is the function of the trashcan? Duplicating everything that I merge together to one note in the trashcan? That seems senseless to me..

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Okay, I put all the trashcan stuff into an unsynced folder. Now the web, the client and the iphone show realistic data. What did I understood wrong? I thought evernote is a content management system and it doesn´t matter if something is duplicated. Obviously I was wrong. What is the function of the trashcan? Duplicating everything that I merge together to one note in the trashcan? That seems senseless to me..

It's hardly senseless, since EN's stance is to not destroy any data. So when merging two notes, the originals get put into the trash & the user must make a conscious decision to empty the trash. And your trashcan goes against the upload limit since the trash is sync'd across all devices. (The exception, IIRC, is if you delete something before it's ever sync'd to the EN servers.) This is helpful in case you delete a note on one device/computer & want to restore it from another device/computer.

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