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(Archived) Wine / Eee pc

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I'm trying to get Evernote Windows desktop v3 to work under Wine on an Eee pc (Xandros).

I've installed it ok, but when I try to sign in, I get 'Can't connect to server'. If I click on 'New account' it does open firefox and load the page - so it can connect to the internet.

Does anyone have any ideas ? I realise Evernote isn't supported through Wine but if anyone has managed to get the desktop working on an Eee pc I would be grateful for any advice. Cheers

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You're right that Evernote isn't supported on Wine, but ... the synchronization logs may give you some information:

Go to Application > Options

Click the button labeled "Open Log files folder"

Look in the latest SyncLog file there to see if it gives reasons about the networking error.

There may be some problems with firewalls or proxies that prevents it from connecting directly to our service over HTTPS.

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