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(Archived) Swedish translation: ÅÅÅÅ instead of year

Stefan Björk

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When viewing notes grouped on month, the Swedish translation of evernote displays, for example "Juni ÅÅÅÅ" for "June 2012". I guess this is a result from translating YYYY (like in "year") to ÅÅÅÅ (like in "år", the swedish word for "year"), breaking some code that is supposed to replace YYYY with the current year.

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This problem also appears in the Finnish version: Instead of showing the name of the month and the year, the notes are grouped under "KKKK VVVV" which corresponds to "MMMM YYYY" in Finnish. I looked through the translation server but couldn't find the string in any of the translation files. So in Finnish, we don't even have the name of the month as in Swedish!

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When viewing notes grouped on month, the Swedish translation of evernote displays, for example "Juni ÅÅÅÅ" for "June 2012". I guess this is a result from translating YYYY (like in "year") to ÅÅÅÅ (like in "år", the swedish word for "year"), breaking some code that is supposed to replace YYYY with the current year.

Hi Stefan,

could you please describe the steps to reproduce this issue?

I've just sorted the notes both by " Date Created" and "Date Updated" (in Swedish of course) and the dates seemed correct.

I saw the month name in Swedish and the year (YYYY).

The version I use is 4.1b4.


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