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Wanted: Automatically Logoff Evernote


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Currently, I'm often use Evernote on my office PC. What I want is to logoff my evernote account automatically when I close the program. BTW, I tried the login without 'stay signed in' option. It looks inconvenient for me, because I need re-type the password every time when it need to sync. May I ask a coupe of questions about evernote logoff and shot down as below:

1) Is it a way to logoff Evernote via command line?for example, "evernote /logoff". So, maybe I can create a new shortcut with the '/logoff' argument, when I leave the office, I only need to click it once.

2) Is it possible to add a new feature in the option window of the Evernote, which is to set automatically logoff when the program is closing.

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  • Level 5*

Hi - welcome to the Forums.

Whether you're using the desktop client installed on your office PC, or looking at the web client using a browser on that PC, you can (as you obviously appreciate) log out of the application to safeguard your information. However there's nothing in Evernote to help you do so. You have to use the keyboard and mouse clicks to complete the operation. If you're concerned to preserve your data security while away from the machine temporarily, it would be better to use a password-protected screensaver and 'lock' your computer with a keypress whilst you're away from it. If you simply want to make it easier to log out completely, then you may need something like AutoHotKey (AHK) which can record and play back mouse and keyboard commands. It's free software, but it will need installing on your work PC.

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Hi gazumped, thanks for your response. I'm using the client app installed on my office PC. I'm sure that we can use keyboard and mouse clicks to logoff the program. However, it needs at least two operations, and sometimes it's easy to forget to do so. When you close the client app, it's just hiding in the right-bottom Notification Area, isn't it.

There is a function about running evernote client in debug mode by 'evernote /debugmenu' in command line. So I'm wondering if there is 'evernote /logoff' in command line existed.

On the other hand, I'd like to suggest to add a new feature in the option window of the Evernote win client, which allows user to set automatically logoff mode on/off. So when a user closes the client app or shuts down it, the user account will be logged off as well.

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  • Level 5*

As it's on the Forum, consider it read (sooner or later) by an Evernote person who will be suitably suggested to. There are no current command line options (that I'm aware of) that will help here, so for the moment you'd have to consider AHK or something similar to convert a single keypress into the necessary "log off and shut down" actions.

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  • Level 5*

When I leave the office, I just type Win+L, and that locks my currently running session. Evernote runs and syncs in the background, and it's all there when you log back in again.

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  • 3 weeks later...

Thank you very much for this astonishing service, I have been an Evernote user for over a year.

The need for an automatic logging out should not be related to physical availability around the PC, but rather a remote logging out/session termination possibility. For example, when I accidentally forget to log out my Gmail account on some computer (i.e. session), I can close all opened sessions on all computers any time.

I understand that at the end, the desktop application stores notes locally and thus even if the account could be remotely logged out their may be potential risk of getting your notes read (just plainly, or getting them decrypted if they are already encrypted (?)), but at least it is some step instead of getting all your notes exposed to any user that can just bypass the CTRL + L screen.

More over, I myself realized that my Windows application could still log in to all my notes after 12 months of not opening the whole OS. (Was only using the web application on another OS for all this time), I think implementing some kind of session expiration would be a very valuable security feature.

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  • Level 5*

Thank you very much for this astonishing service, I have been an Evernote user for over a year.

The need for an automatic logging out should not be related to physical availability around the PC, but rather a remote logging out/session termination possibility. For example, when I accidentally forget to log out my Gmail account on some computer (i.e. session), I can close all opened sessions on all computers any time.

I understand that at the end, the desktop application stores notes locally and thus even if the account could be remotely logged out their may be potential risk of getting your notes read (just plainly, or getting them decrypted if they are already encrypted (?)), but at least it is some step instead of getting all your notes exposed to any user that can just bypass the CTRL + L screen.

More over, I myself realized that my Windows application could still log in to all my notes after 12 months of not opening the whole OS. (Was only using the web application on another OS for all this time), I think implementing some kind of session expiration would be a very valuable security feature.

Hi. Welcome to the discussions forums.

It seems that people have become increasingly aware (or at least voicing their opinions) about security concerns over the years. Even regular people these days with nothing of particular interest on their drives regularly encrypt their computers. It might be nice to have the option to automatically logout after a certain period of time.

One point, though. The Gmail analogy didn't seem to fit well. Can you log off of Gmail and close off access to installed apps like Mail or the Gmail app on mobile? If so, I was not aware of it. I always thought you would have to change your password to lock people out, and even then, they would still have access to the mail on your local drive. If you do not install Evernote on your computer and only use the online version, you ought to be able to do exactly the same thing as Google for remote logout, right?

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  • 9 months later...

Hi Folks,


I have finally found the solution for automatically logging off Evernote (basing on the discussion that took place within this topic). 


1. As has been mentioned above, you need to download a short app called autohotkey at www.autohotkey.com and  install it on your PC.

2. After installing the above application you need to right click on the desktop and create a file via pop-up menu "create" --> "Autohotkey Script" (the newly created file on the desktop will have the extension *.ahk)


2. Right click on the created *.ahk file on the desktop and choose from the pop-up menu "Edit script", the Notepad will be launched for editing this *.ahk file ,  then copy and paste the below script into the opened Notepad:


Sleep, 3000
IfWinExist, ahk_class ENMainFrame
    WinActivate, ahk_class ENMainFrame
send ^q
3. Save the script by clicking save in the file menu of the Notepad, after saving the script you need to right click on your saved *.ahk file again and choose from the menu "Compile Script" - this will save the file as  *.exe under the same name on your desktop.
4. Create a task at Windows Task Scheduler - you can launch it via run option available via Windows START button , you just need to click RUN or SEARCH and type in Taskschd.msc , create a task  with any trigger you like (should work well on PC UNLOCK - i tried it on PC LOCK -the script doesn't have enough time to run before the PC is locked)  - the *.exe file will be launched automatically each time a certain condition is fulffilled. 

PS: just make sure "don't ask"  box is checked in Evernote on logging off - this will lead to automatic syncronisation on logging off - otherwise this script may not work. You just need to tick this box once on logging off . 
Below are the links to show you what the Windows Task Scheduler looks like:
TIPS for making tasks related to logging off Evernote automatically via Windows Task Scheduler:
#1 You can assign the launch of your script at a specified time, for example - at the end of the working day and, additionally, you can put a loop on the execution of the script in order to repeat the script every (e.g.)15 minutes to be 100% sure that Evernote will log off (just don't forget to set the limit of time for  your script being launched over and over - so the script is stopped before the new working day starts). Or if you completely switch off your PC at the end of the day - you can set the lauch of your script at PC start up - so if you forgot to log off before leaving your workplace - Evernote will log off when you switch on your PC.
#2 If you constatly leave your workplace you can set the launch of your script at PC UNLOCK, having previously set the LOCK UP timing, for instance to 5-10 minutes of idle time before locking up, or having pressed WIN+L combination on the keyboard, as previously mentioned. So if you are away from your PC for  5 minutes (e.g.) Windows will LOCK UP your PC automatically, and when somebody tries to UNLOCK your PC the Windows Task Scheduler will trigger your script which will log off Evernote automaticallys shortly after PC UNLOCKS   to prevent unwated access to your notes in Evernote. 
It would be nice to receive your feedback or questions.
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  • 1 year later...

Why in the world would EN do away with the  "Stay Signed In" option on the Windows Sign In screen? Version 5.02 still had this feature.  Now, when you exit the app (unless you explicitly log out), you're still signed in when you next start the app.  IMHO This is a huge security exposure and has me completely rethinking loading EN on my work computers.  If I forget to sign out, the cleaning crew can open the app and access everything I have stored in EN and I have stored very sensitive data.  

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  • Level 5*

If you forget to lock your house when you go on vacation, that's a huge security exposure as well.


But with Windows, you can have Windows log you out automatically on a timer, which you should be doing. This is basic, particularly for work. If you don't lock your computer when you leave it, then hey, that same cleaner can get in and look at all of your files on your hard drive, and any networked device you're connected to, plant malware, and otherwise wreak havoc. In essence, they own your machine at that point and I'd call that a far more serious security exposure...

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Illya Serchenya:
I tried what you described in Windows 7 Ultimate, I can compile the file with autohotkey, and I was thinking about executing this complied file not using Windows Scheduler but just at the windows startup. The reason is that I'm worried only about my computer being stolen, and if it's stolen then my computer will forcibly be shut down. That's enough security for me.
What happens is Evernote gets closed. But then I launch the program and I'm still logged in as if nothing has changed.
You also wrote a warning in red color, maybe I didn't quite understood what you are refering there. Can you or someone explain this to me in another way? Maybe then I will grasp the idea.

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