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(Archived) QUESTION: Can free users use shared notebooks?

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You only need the person who "owns" the note to have premium. As long as it is in the premium user's notebook and stays there (as it is shared with the other people so they can edit it too) then that's all you need.

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I concur with @Travis that only one person needs to be Premium in order to share notebook/notes with full edit access. If you are going to use tags, then the owner of the shared note will need to create the tags, as this is something that only the owner can add to the shared notebooks

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  • 1 month later...

Does this mean that in order to share a notebook, a premium account is involved on someone's part? I reviewed several Evernote explanations of notebook sharing and did not see the requirement listed. It makes it seem like you can just share a notebook easily with someone by setting it up in sharing settings and inviting them.

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Does this mean that in order to share a notebook, a premium account is involved on someone's part?

In order to simply share a notebook, no you do not need a premium account involved. In order to share a notebook that others can EDIT then the person who is sharing the notebook needs to be a premium member (not the people he is sharing it with).

Does that help?

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