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(Archived) Help:Why can‘t I see notebooks shared by my friend in windows version?


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My friend has shared a notebook with me. I can visit and modify it just fine on web.

However, even after I "Join the notebook", I still cannot see it anywhere in my evernote for windows.

Please help!

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To see the notebook shared with you, click on Tools -> Options ->Sync.

Find the shared notebook in the list. Click on it.

A dialog with sync options _for this notebook_ will open,

Select desired update frequency (default is one hour, if I remember correctly) and check Sync Now.

Then sync evetything.

Good luck.

-- pa

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  • 1 year later...

When you accept the shared notebook invitation (which happens via evernote web), you need to check if you are logged in your "other" evernote account. If you are still logged in your "inviter" evernnote account, the "other" account will never see the shared notebook.


Hope this makes sense.

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