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(Archived) PDF's vs TIF's of Scanned Notes and Searching`

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I have a lot of handwritten notes. I was hoping to use Evernote to store all of these notes. I have a scanner at the office that can scan TIF's and PDF's. I have tried both, and they have their plus's and minus's. But neither seem to do the job well enough to warrant the use of Evernote to store them....yet:


Pros: Fully Searchable, and EN does a great job at it. Con: No multipage support! I have to scan the pages in with the page separator option, and then add the pages manually together into a single note, WAY time consuming. They do render ok via windows but are fuzzy, especially if I email them, somewhat ok via the web, but horribly via the mac. The mac does not scale them to fit the page (and that's at 1920 resolution!), but they are clear. If you could get multipage support and better rendering than TIF's are the way to go.


Pros: Renders perfectly on the MAC, looks great, scales great. Looks great in windows and the Web, but you have to use Acrobat Reader to view them. I know the Windows rederer is coming, but will be limited to the first page. Multipage support built right in. Con: Handwritten PDF's are not searchable! How is this possible. Is this going to change? Also, having to use Acrobat Reader via the web and windows blows.

So am I missing anything? What are other people doing? I really want EN to work for me, but I end up feeling like I am working for it most of the time. Please Help!

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Anyone from Evernote want to comment on the "immediate plans"? Given that Windows version can now preview PDFs my guess is a lot of users are hoping to dismantle the PDF-to-TIFF-to-Evernote workflows they created to get their handwritten notes into Evernote. I know that was my hope too...

Since they integrated iFilter for the previewing, maybe they can find another developer's solution to integrate to OCR the PDF images... I'm not asking for anything today (I'm thankful for the PDF previews on Windows today) but just knowing it makes the list of "priority" features would be helpful.


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Unfortunately, PDF files don't contain just one type of image, but rather a wide variety, including some image types that are of an older/historic variety. We've done some testing towards this, but our first efforts hit problems with a number of PDFs, so it will be a longer project for us to do this right. It's definitely something we'd like to add, however.

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So what about multi-page TIFF's? If that is the chosen format for importing handwritten notes so that they can be OCR'd, then I have not problem with that, but it is a huge pain to have to split my TIFF's up into multiple pages, and one by one import them and then merge them back into a single note.

This is the biggest missing feature for me.

Also, the PDF viewer for windows is nice. Way to go!

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