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(Archived) How use alarm or in windows or Android


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Good night everyone.

I like that my notes do some noise for remind me.

Like a alarm. I have compromises that I put in my evernote. I just wanted be reminded by the evernote.

I use Android and Windows.

I need any solutions for this OS


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  • Level 5*

Several calendar applications will integrate with Evernote including:

-the last one is also an Android client. You can set various alarms for events which may help.

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  • 11 months later...

If you dont' mind 3rd party service, I am currently using free Zapier plan.  You man google for it, but in short, it will scan your Evernote every 15 mintues and automatically post on to Google calendar.  In my case, I set up * (asterisk) as a filter, and when I put note title as "See doctor * May 15th 5pm", Zapier will find it, and copy on to your Google calendar, in which will notify on Android phone.  Nothing else has to do on your end, just add a note with * and that's it.

As a part of their refer-a-freind plan, if you signup via this link. http://zpr.io/wPS You and me get extra 100 free notifications per month.

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  • 4 months later...

Hello gazumped and Pumin:


Appreciate the useful application referrals:


Thanks much,



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