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"Sync failed due to unexpected problem at server side"


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[W-7, Evernote (247217) Public]

When I click "Sync" I get error message "Sync failed due to unexpected problem at server side." This started happening after last update was installed. Thanks for any help.

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Welcome to the forums.

Need to see the last 10 lines of Help -> Activity Log immediately after failure reported.

This has been reported several times recently.

The problem may be caused by problems syncing a linked shared notebook.

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Thanks, Owyn. I did look at recent reports but couldn't solve the problem. Here are the last 10 lines:

20:17:38 [8004] 0% Client is up to date with the server, updateCount=9198

20:17:38 [8004] 0% * saved updateCount: 9198

20:17:38 [8004] 0% Syncing notebook "Evernote Shared Notebook" shared by ensupport

20:17:38 [8004] 0% * loaded linked notebook updateCount: 726

20:17:39 [8004] 0% Linked notebook updateCount=726, server updateCount=1754

20:17:39 [8004] 0% Retrieving list of notebook changes from the server

20:17:39 [8004] 0% EDAMNotFoundException: id="LinkedNotebook.uri" key="faq"

20:17:39 [8004] 0% Session terminated normally, elapsed time: 0s

20:17:39 [8004] 0% * sent: 728B, received: 299B

20:17:39 [8004] 0% * 0s (63%) spent in EDAM RPC

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20:17:39 [8004] 0% EDAMNotFoundException: id="LinkedNotebook.uri" key="faq"

The problem is with the FAQ shared notebook.

Need to remove it and then sync should work.

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  • 3 weeks later...

Hello -

I receive the same error...here is a copy of the last few lines from my activity log:

19:03:32 [5396] AutoUpdate: checking for update at: http://update.evernote.com/public/ENWin4/update.xml

19:03:32 [5396] Received status code 200 when accessing URL http://update.evernote.com/public/ENWin4/update.xml

19:03:32 [5396] AutoUpdate: located update with revision 249072 (local revision is 209040)

19:03:32 [5396] AutoUpdate: selected update with revision 249072

19:03:33 [5396] Received status code 200 when accessing URL http://update.evernote.com/public/ENWin4/ReleaseNotes_4.5.6.6884_en-us.html

19:03:33 [5396] Evernote is installed PerMachine.

19:03:33 [5396] User is an administrator

19:06:35 [6208] 0% Connecting to www.evernote.com

19:06:35 [6208] 0% * loaded updateCount: 442

19:06:35 [6208] 0% Synchronizing ads

19:06:35 [6208] 0% Reporting 20 ads, language: "en"

19:06:35 [6208] 0% * clientProperty: [client]=[EvernoteWindows]

19:06:35 [6208] 0% * ad id=638, impression time=2400 count=20

19:06:35 [6208] 0% * ad id=577, impression time=1800 count=15

19:06:35 [6208] 0% * ad id=646, impression time=2520 count=21

19:06:35 [6208] 0% * ad id=631, impression time=2640 count=22

19:06:35 [6208] 0% * ad id=576, impression time=3240 count=27

19:06:35 [6208] 0% * ad id=578, impression time=2040 count=17

19:06:35 [6208] 0% * ad id=634, impression time=3120 count=26

19:06:35 [6208] 0% * ad id=597, impression time=1440 count=12

19:06:35 [6208] 0% * ad id=247, impression time=3000 count=25

19:06:35 [6208] 0% * ad id=618, impression time=2040 count=17

19:06:35 [6208] 0% * ad id=246, impression time=2040 count=17

19:06:35 [6208] 0% * ad id=617, impression time=3120 count=26

19:06:35 [6208] 0% * ad id=641, impression time=2640 count=22

19:06:35 [6208] 0% * ad id=217, impression time=1680 count=14

19:06:35 [6208] 0% * ad id=645, impression time=3240 count=27

19:06:35 [6208] 0% * ad id=643, impression time=2760 count=23

19:06:35 [6208] 0% * ad id=215, impression time=3240 count=27

19:06:35 [6208] 0% * ad id=563, impression time=3480 count=29

19:06:35 [6208] 0% * ad id=490, impression time=2280 count=19

19:06:35 [6208] 0% * ad id=269, impression time=2040 count=17

19:06:36 [6208] 0% TException: HTTP request failed, code: 500, error: Internal Server Error

19:06:36 [6208] 0% HTTP request failed, code: 500, error: Internal Server Error

19:06:36 [6208] 0% Session terminated abnormally, elapsed time: 0s

19:06:36 [6208] 0% * sent: 725B, received: 0B

19:06:36 [6208] 0% * 0s (89%) spent in EDAM RPC

thank you!

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Hi is there a fix for this yet? Sync still failing!

Welcome to the forums.

The 500 errors should be fixed.

Need to see the last 10 lines of Help -> Activity Log immediately after sync failed.

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  • Level 5*

a little shy to sync over the next few days, because of maintenance on their private parts.

GM, you have a good way with words! Have you used some of those in your dissertation?

Warm regards,

David in Wichita

LOL. My private parts have not been used in the dissertation. Just my words :)

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Same problem here. This appears to have just started happening after:

a. Took a shared notebook

b. Edit - select all

c. Move to one of my local notebooks

d. This worked - but appears to break sync

11:38:27 [6628] 0% Updating server items

11:38:27 [6628] 3% Updating server note "The object pvxdax.pvxdictionary could..."

11:38:27 [6628] 3% * guid={06d448d8-22b3-4cfe-9486-d171ae0824b9}

11:38:28 [6628] 3% EDAMNotFoundException: id="Note.guid" key="06d448d8-22b3-4cfe-9486-d171ae0824b9"

11:38:28 [6628] 3% Session terminated abnormally, elapsed time: 1s

11:38:28 [6628] 3% * sent: 795B, received: 315B

11:38:28 [6628] 3% * 1s (98%) spent in EDAM RPC

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Hi, I am receiving the same "Sync failed due to unexpected problem at server side" error message. I have attached the Activity Log:

Evernote for Windows (249072) Public

OS: Windows 6.1.7601 Service Pack 1

User: oscaraguirre

Memory: 48.8MB

Created: 2012/06/07 15:41:09


Bootstrap info: loadedFresh

<bootstrap_info><profile name="Evernote"><settings account_email_domain="m.evernote.com" enable_facebook_sharing="1" enable_gift_subscriptions="1" enable_shared_notebooks="1" enable_single_notesharing="1" enable_sponsored_accounts="1" enable_support_tickets="1" enable_twitter_sharing="1" marketing_url="http://www.evernote.com" service_host="www.evernote.com" support_url="http://www.evernote.com/contact/support/"/></profile></bootstrap_info>



15:41:01 [3312] 0% Authenticating notebook "Timecard" shared by jesusaguirre

15:41:02 [3312] 0% Syncing notebook "Timecard" shared by jesusaguirre

15:41:02 [3312] 0% * loaded linked notebook updateCount: 61

15:41:02 [3312] 0% Linked notebook is up to date with the server, updateCount=61

15:41:02 [3312] 0% * saved linked notebook updateCount: 61

15:41:02 [3312] 0% Skipping uploading changes in read only notebook "Timecard"

15:41:02 [3312] 0% Authenticating notebook "Accounts" shared by jesusaguirre

15:41:02 [3312] 0% Syncing notebook "Accounts" shared by jesusaguirre

15:41:02 [3312] 0% * loaded linked notebook updateCount: 61

15:41:02 [3312] 0% Linked notebook is up to date with the server, updateCount=61

15:41:02 [3312] 0% * saved linked notebook updateCount: 61

15:41:02 [3312] 0% Skipping uploading changes in read only notebook "Accounts"

15:41:03 [3312] 0% Syncing notebook "a moveable feast" shared by latkins

15:41:03 [3312] 0% * loaded linked notebook updateCount: 21666

15:41:03 [3312] 0% Linked notebook is up to date with the server, updateCount=21666

15:41:03 [3312] 0% * saved linked notebook updateCount: 21666

15:41:03 [3312] 0% Skipping uploading changes in read only notebook "a moveable feast"

15:41:03 [3312] 0% Syncing notebook "Chicago Eats" shared by latkins

15:41:03 [3312] 0% * loaded linked notebook updateCount: 20692

15:41:03 [3312] 0% Linked notebook updateCount=20692, server updateCount=21666

15:41:03 [3312] 0% Retrieving list of notebook changes from the server

15:41:04 [3312] 0% EDAMNotFoundException: id="LinkedNotebook.uri" key="chicagoeats"

15:41:04 [3312] 0% Session terminated normally, elapsed time: 5s

15:41:04 [3312] 0% * sent: 2.1KB, received: 1.3KB

15:41:04 [3312] 0% * 2s (54%) spent in EDAM RPC

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  • 2 weeks later...

Hi I am getting the same sync error. Here is my activity log

11:50:42 [1356] 0% Connecting to www.evernote.com

11:50:42 [1356] 0% * loaded updateCount: 60

11:50:42 [1356] 0% TException: Default TException.

11:50:42 [1356] 0% Session terminated abnormally, elapsed time: 0s

11:50:42 [1356] 0% * sent: 117B, received: 62B

11:50:42 [1356] 0% * 0s (100%) spent in EDAM RPC

11:52:31 [1356] 0% Connecting to www.evernote.com

11:52:31 [1356] 0% * loaded updateCount: 60

11:52:31 [1356] 0% TException: Default TException.

11:52:31 [1356] 0% Session terminated abnormally, elapsed time: 0s

11:52:31 [1356] 0% * sent: 117B, received: 62B

11:52:31 [1356] 0% * 0s (100%) spent in EDAM RPC

11:53:19 [1356] 0% Connecting to www.evernote.com

11:53:19 [1356] 0% * loaded updateCount: 60

11:53:20 [1356] 0% TException: Default TException.

11:53:20 [1356] 0% Session terminated abnormally, elapsed time: 1s

11:53:20 [1356] 0% * sent: 117B, received: 62B

11:53:20 [1356] 0% * 0s (30%) spent in EDAM RPC

I can't seem to get the desktop application to sync. I am using windows xp

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  • 3 weeks later...

I have the same question. Plx help.

15:26:23 [2188] 0% Client is up to date with the server, updateCount=2894

15:26:23 [2188] 0% * saved updateCount: 2894

15:26:23 [2188] 0% Expunging server items

15:26:24 [2188] 0% Updating server items

15:26:24 [2188] 0% Updating server note "Brand List (Hong Kong-Local)"

15:26:24 [2188] 0% * guid={55f8319d-8106-4a4d-8824-000142182361}

15:26:26 [2188] 0% EDAMNotFoundException: id="Note.guid" key="55f8319d-8106-4a4d-8824-000142182361"

15:26:27 [2188] 0% Session terminated abnormally, elapsed time: 7s

15:26:27 [2188] 0% * sent: 44.0KB, received: 322KB

15:26:27 [2188] 0% * 6s (86%) spent in EDAM RPC

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@redshirt, lok, studio.

I have not seen this specific error.

Testing full download of my 10,000+ note database on a new system to see if the problem will show up (I am only 29% done so it will be a while).

Recommend you each open a support request (see my signature for link).

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  • 2 weeks later...

15:26:24 [2188] 0% Updating server note "Brand List (Hong Kong-Local)"

15:26:24 [2188] 0% * guid={55f8319d-8106-4a4d-8824-000142182361}

15:26:26 [2188] 0% EDAMNotFoundException: id="Note.guid" key="55f8319d-8106-4a4d-8824-000142182361"

15:26:27 [2188] 0% Session terminated abnormally, elapsed time: 7s

15:26:27 [2188] 0% * sent: 44.0KB, received: 322KB

15:26:27 [2188] 0% * 6s (86%) spent in EDAM RPC

Here's what worked for me:

1. make a copy of the note or go to the webpage it was on so you can make a new note later.

2. Delete the note listed right above the EDAM error: in your case, "Brand List (Hong Kong-Local)"

3. Empty trash so the note is gone

4. Sync

5. If sync is okay, make a replacement note. Try syncing again. If sync doesn't work this time, it may be something in your webclip and you'll have to play around and make a note Evernote doesn't hate.

Hope that helps,


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  • 4 weeks later...

I am getting the same message and can't seem to fix it.

My activity log shows:

13:02:16 [7900] 30% * guid={32c1f233-0a61-4846-b47f-84b3268ff541}

13:02:18 [7900] 30% EDAMNotFoundException: id="Note.guid" key="32c1f233-0a61-4846-b47f-84b3268ff541"

13:02:18 [7900] 30% Session terminated abnormally, elapsed time: 8s

13:02:18 [7900] 30% * sent: 1.4KB, received: 599B

13:02:18 [7900] 30% * 9s (100%) spent in EDAM RPC

13:02:27 [7900] 0% Connecting to www.evernote.com

13:02:27 [7900] 0% * loaded updateCount: 13452

13:02:28 [7900] 0% Usage Metrics: sessionCount=0

13:02:28 [7900] 0% Client is up to date with the server, updateCount=13452

13:02:28 [7900] 0% * saved updateCount: 13452

13:02:28 [7900] 0% Expunging server items

13:02:33 [7900] 0% Updating server items

13:02:33 [7900] 30% Updating server note "Pleurodesis treatment"

13:02:33 [7900] 30% * guid={32c1f233-0a61-4846-b47f-84b3268ff541}

13:02:35 [6340] Command line: "C:\Program Files (x86)\Evernote\Evernote\Evernote.exe"

13:02:35 [7900] 30% EDAMNotFoundException: id="Note.guid" key="32c1f233-0a61-4846-b47f-84b3268ff541"

13:02:35 [7900] 30% Session terminated abnormally, elapsed time: 8s

13:02:35 [7900] 30% * sent: 1.4KB, received: 599B

13:02:35 [7900] 30% * 7s (99%) spent in EDAM RPC

13:02:39 [7900] 0% Connecting to www.evernote.com

13:02:39 [7900] 0% * loaded updateCount: 13452

13:02:40 [7900] 0% Usage Metrics: sessionCount=0

13:02:40 [7900] 0% Client is up to date with the server, updateCount=13452

13:02:40 [7900] 0% * saved updateCount: 13452

13:02:40 [7900] 0% Expunging server items

13:02:45 [7900] 0% Updating server items

13:02:46 [7900] 10% Session cancelled, elapsed time: 7s

13:02:46 [7900] 10% * sent: 868B, received: 513B

13:02:46 [7900] 10% * 6s (99%) spent in EDAM RPC

13:02:47 [6340] Closed database: C:\Users\Bill Playle\AppData\Local\Evernote\Evernote\Databases\carolplayle.exb (782MB +0B)

13:02:47 [6340] Bootstrap info: Evernote (loadedDatabase)

13:02:47 [6340] Opened database: C:\Users\Bill Playle\AppData\Local\Evernote\Evernote\Databases\billplayle.exb (135MB Fixed)

Can anyone help ??????

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I'm seeing the same problem. Here's my log:

08:40:07 [9332] 0% Authenticating user "ergrace1"

08:40:12 [9332] 0% Connecting to www.evernote.com

08:40:12 [9332] 0% * loaded updateCount: 10412

08:40:15 [9332] 0% Client is up to date with the server, updateCount=10412

08:40:15 [9332] 0% * saved updateCount: 10412

08:40:22 [9332] 0% Updating server items

08:40:22 [9332] 1% Updating server note "Treasurer_2010-02-11_20.09.35.jpg"

08:40:22 [9332] 1% * guid={7e80214d-1f9d-43ec-a0ba-02f912ed1330}

08:40:23 [9332] 1% EDAMNotFoundException: id="Note.guid" key="7e80214d-1f9d-43ec-a0ba-02f912ed1330"

08:40:23 [9332] 1% Session terminated abnormally, elapsed time: 16s

08:40:23 [9332] 1% * sent: 792B, received: 224B

08:40:23 [9332] 1% * 4s (27%) spent in EDAM RPC

I exported "Treasurer_2010-02-11_20.09.35.jpg", deleted it, emptied the trash, and tried to sync. Same issue. Please advise.

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I keep getting the "Synch Failed due to unexpected problem at server side"

10:33:24 [1604] 0% HTTP request failed, code: 403, error: Authentication required

10:33:24 [1604] 0% Session terminated abnormally, elapsed time: 0s

10:33:24 [1604] 0% * 0s (100%) spent in EDAM RPC

10:33:28 [1604] 0% Authenticating user "noseconds"

10:33:29 [1604] 0% HTTP request failed, code: 403, error: Authentication required

10:33:29 [1604] 0% Session terminated abnormally, elapsed time: 1s

10:33:29 [1604] 0% * 0s (0%) spent in EDAM RPC

10:33:37 [1604] 0% Authenticating user "noseconds"

10:33:37 [1604] 0% HTTP request failed, code: 403, error: Authentication required

10:33:37 [1604] 0% Session terminated abnormally, elapsed time: 0s

10:33:37 [1604] 0% * 0s (100%) spent in EDAM RPC

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Hi, having the same problem with sync failed due to unexpected problem at server side....

I'm pretty sure error came from Shared Notebook file. I've since unlinked the NB and deleted the note that appears in the Log below.

I'm running EN as a mission critical biz app and I'm paralyzed w/ out it. Cld someone pls help? Thanks!

09:49:25 [2624] 0% Connecting to www.evernote.com

09:49:25 [2624] 0% * loaded updateCount: 7946

09:49:25 [2624] 0% Usage Metrics: sessionCount=0

09:49:25 [2624] 0% Client is up to date with the server, updateCount=7946

09:49:25 [2624] 0% * saved updateCount: 7946

09:49:25 [2624] 0% Expunging server items

09:49:26 [2624] 0% Updating server items

09:49:26 [2624] 0% Updating server note "SLAB - Piper semi conf, 8/28/12"

09:49:26 [2624] 0% * guid={21a8ca10-bc4f-4db1-a5a2-d8441e077073}

09:49:27 [2624] 0% EDAMNotFoundException: id="Note.guid" key="21a8ca10-bc4f-4db1-a5a2-d8441e077073"

09:49:27 [2624] 0% Session terminated abnormally, elapsed time: 1s

09:49:27 [2624] 0% * sent: 977B, received: 441B

09:49:27 [2624] 0% * 2s (100%) spent in EDAM RPC

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I keep getting the "Synch Failed due to unexpected problem at server side"

10:33:24 [1604] 0% HTTP request failed, code: 403, error: Authentication required

10:33:24 [1604] 0% Session terminated abnormally, elapsed time: 0s

10:33:24 [1604] 0% * 0s (100%) spent in EDAM RPC

10:33:28 [1604] 0% Authenticating user "noseconds"

10:33:29 [1604] 0% HTTP request failed, code: 403, error: Authentication required

10:33:29 [1604] 0% Session terminated abnormally, elapsed time: 1s

10:33:29 [1604] 0% * 0s (0%) spent in EDAM RPC

10:33:37 [1604] 0% Authenticating user "noseconds"

10:33:37 [1604] 0% HTTP request failed, code: 403, error: Authentication required

10:33:37 [1604] 0% Session terminated abnormally, elapsed time: 0s

10:33:37 [1604] 0% * 0s (100%) spent in EDAM RPC

The previous two times my windows version wouldn't sync, the laptop was connected to the work LAN or a mobile 3G connection...

I just connected to my home wifi network and Evernote sync'd without any drama...

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403 Authentication errors usually mean that you are unable to acquire a secure connection to evernote.com.

Try logging in to Evernote Web client VIA INTERNET EXPLORER if this happens. If this fails then it confirms that their is a problem with your current network profile.

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I keep getting the "Synch Failure on Service Side" error. I've uninstalled and re-installed Evernote and deleted shared folders.

Here are the last few posts from my activity log:

Evernote for Windows (267864) Public

OS: Windows 6.1.7601 Service Pack 1

User: loriahall

Memory: 34.1MB

Created: 2012/09/08 19:25:40


Bootstrap info: loadedDatabase

<bootstrap_info><profile name="Evernote"><settings account_email_domain="m.evernote.com" enable_facebook_sharing="1" enable_gift_subscriptions="1" enable_linkedin_sharing="1" enable_shared_notebooks="1" enable_single_notesharing="1" enable_sponsored_accounts="1" enable_support_tickets="1" enable_twitter_sharing="1" marketing_url="http://www.evernote.com" service_host="www.evernote.com" support_url="http://www.evernote.com/contact/support/"/></profile></bootstrap_info>



19:24:51 [1064] 12% Session terminated abnormally, elapsed time: 5s

19:24:51 [1064] 12% * sent: 87.9KB, received: 766B

19:24:51 [1064] 12% * 5s (100%) spent in EDAM RPC

19:24:55 [1064] 0% Connecting to www.evernote.com

19:24:55 [1064] 0% * loaded updateCount: 46

19:24:55 [1064] 0% Usage Metrics: sessionCount=0

19:24:55 [1064] 0% Client is up to date with the server, updateCount=46

19:24:55 [1064] 0% * saved updateCount: 46

19:24:55 [1064] 0% Expunging server items

19:24:57 [1064] 0% Updating server items

19:24:57 [1064] 12% Updating server note "HAD: Copy for Web Due to Omar/Program..."

19:24:57 [1064] 12% * guid={0d451e12-1f0d-471a-935c-2b272ff6655f}

19:25:00 [1064] 12% EDAMNotFoundException: id="Note.guid" key="0d451e12-1f0d-471a-935c-2b272ff6655f"

19:25:00 [1064] 12% Session terminated abnormally, elapsed time: 5s

19:25:00 [1064] 12% * sent: 87.9KB, received: 766B

19:25:00 [1064] 12% * 5s (100%) spent in EDAM RPC

19:25:04 [1064] 0% Connecting to www.evernote.com

19:25:04 [1064] 0% * loaded updateCount: 46

19:25:05 [1064] 0% Usage Metrics: sessionCount=0

19:25:05 [1064] 0% Client is up to date with the server, updateCount=46

19:25:05 [1064] 0% * saved updateCount: 46

19:25:05 [1064] 0% Expunging server items

19:25:07 [1064] 0% Updating server items

19:25:07 [1064] 12% Updating server note "HAD: Copy for Web Due to Omar/Program..."

19:25:07 [1064] 12% * guid={0d451e12-1f0d-471a-935c-2b272ff6655f}

19:25:09 [1064] 12% EDAMNotFoundException: id="Note.guid" key="0d451e12-1f0d-471a-935c-2b272ff6655f"

19:25:09 [1064] 12% Session terminated abnormally, elapsed time: 4s

19:25:09 [1064] 12% * sent: 87.9KB, received: 766B

19:25:09 [1064] 12% * 5s (100%) spent in EDAM RPC

19:25:13 [1064] 0% Connecting to www.evernote.com

19:25:13 [1064] 0% * loaded updateCount: 46

19:25:14 [1064] 0% Usage Metrics: sessionCount=0

19:25:14 [1064] 0% Client is up to date with the server, updateCount=46

19:25:14 [1064] 0% * saved updateCount: 46

19:25:14 [1064] 0% Expunging server items

19:25:16 [1064] 0% Updating server items

19:25:16 [1064] 12% Updating server note "HAD: Copy for Web Due to Omar/Program..."

19:25:16 [1064] 12% * guid={0d451e12-1f0d-471a-935c-2b272ff6655f}

19:25:18 [1064] 12% EDAMNotFoundException: id="Note.guid" key="0d451e12-1f0d-471a-935c-2b272ff6655f"

19:25:18 [1064] 12% Session terminated abnormally, elapsed time: 4s

19:25:18 [1064] 12% * sent: 87.9KB, received: 766B

19:25:18 [1064] 12% * 5s (100%) spent in EDAM RPC

19:25:23 [1064] 0% Connecting to www.evernote.com

19:25:23 [1064] 0% * loaded updateCount: 46

19:25:23 [1064] 0% Usage Metrics: sessionCount=0

19:25:23 [1064] 0% Client is up to date with the server, updateCount=46

19:25:23 [1064] 0% * saved updateCount: 46

19:25:23 [1064] 0% Expunging server items

19:25:25 [1064] 0% Updating server items

19:25:25 [1064] 12% Updating server note "HAD: Copy for Web Due to Omar/Program..."

19:25:25 [1064] 12% * guid={0d451e12-1f0d-471a-935c-2b272ff6655f}

19:25:28 [1064] 12% EDAMNotFoundException: id="Note.guid" key="0d451e12-1f0d-471a-935c-2b272ff6655f"

19:25:28 [1064] 12% Session terminated abnormally, elapsed time: 5s

19:25:28 [1064] 12% * sent: 87.9KB, received: 766B

19:25:28 [1064] 12% * 5s (100%) spent in EDAM RPC

19:25:32 [1064] 0% Connecting to www.evernote.com

19:25:32 [1064] 0% * loaded updateCount: 46

19:25:32 [1064] 0% Usage Metrics: sessionCount=0

19:25:32 [1064] 0% Client is up to date with the server, updateCount=46

19:25:32 [1064] 0% * saved updateCount: 46

19:25:33 [1064] 0% Expunging server items

19:25:34 [1064] 0% Updating server items

19:25:34 [1064] 12% Updating server note "HAD: Copy for Web Due to Omar/Program..."

19:25:34 [1064] 12% * guid={0d451e12-1f0d-471a-935c-2b272ff6655f}

19:25:37 [1064] 12% EDAMNotFoundException: id="Note.guid" key="0d451e12-1f0d-471a-935c-2b272ff6655f"

19:25:37 [1064] 12% Session terminated abnormally, elapsed time: 5s

19:25:37 [1064] 12% * sent: 87.9KB, received: 766B

19:25:37 [1064] 12% * 5s (100%) spent in EDAM RPC


Lori A. Hall

Link to comment

Hi Lori, welcome to the forum :)

19:25:34 [1064] 12% Updating server note "HAD: Copy for Web Due to Omar/Program..."
19:25:34 [1064] 12% * guid={0d451e12-1f0d-471a-935c-2b272ff6655f}
19:25:37 [1064] 12% EDAMNotFoundException: id="Note.guid" key="0d451e12-1f0d-471a-935c-2b272ff6655f"

This is the essential part of your log.

Evernote is expecting to find a note, but it can't, hence the EDAMNotFoundException error.

First step is to try emptying the trash, the try syncing again.

Can you find the note titled: "HAD: Copy for Web Due to Omar/Program..."

If you can find it, export it (just to have a backup) and then try to delete that, emptying the trash afterwards. See if this has any effect.


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  • 1 month later...

I am having this problem too. Here is my log:

15:31:24 [6620] 42% * guid={cd9ee027-3bc4-49cf-a4e8-79e72f1ad248}

15:31:24 [6620] 42% * saved updateCount: 1300

15:31:25 [6620] 42% TException: TApplicationException: Wrong method name

15:31:25 [6620] 42% Session terminated abnormally, elapsed time: 33s

15:31:25 [6620] 42% * sent: 6.5KB, received: 1.4MB

15:31:25 [6620] 42% * 30s (89%) spent in EDAM RPC

15:32:36 [3196] AutoUpdate: checking for update at: http://update.everno...Win4/update.xml

15:32:36 [3196] Received status code 200 when accessing URL http://update.everno...Win4/update.xml

15:32:36 [3196] AutoUpdate: no update found, remote revision is the same as the local revision (267980)

15:32:36 [3196] Received status code 200 when accessing URL http://update.everno...7472_en-us.html

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  • 2 months later...

I am having the same problem syncing. I have a BlackBerry Tablet and a BlackBerry phone that I am trying to sync to. I have removed and re-installed Evernote to both BlackBerry devices.

Very grateful for your thoughts.


This is what my log says:

Evernote for Windows (268178) Public

OS: Windows 6.1.7601 Service Pack 1

User: jdsebens

Memory: 41.6MB

Created: 2013/01/05 17:46:58


Bootstrap info: loadedFresh

<bootstrap_info><profile name="Evernote"><settings account_email_domain="m.evernote.com" enable_facebook_sharing="1" enable_gift_subscriptions="1" enable_linkedin_sharing="1" enable_shared_notebooks="1" enable_single_notesharing="1" enable_sponsored_accounts="1" enable_support_tickets="1" enable_twitter_sharing="1" marketing_url="http://www.evernote.com" service_host="www.evernote.com" support_url="https://evernote.com/contact/support/"/></profile></bootstrap_info>


17:46:15 [1136] 0% * saved updateCount: 2164

17:46:15 [1136] 0% Updating server items

17:46:15 [1136] 0% Updating server notebook "ARTICLES & NEWS"

17:46:15 [1136] 0% * guid={2afaed30-9397-4525-9c66-886934282c0c}

17:46:16 [1136] 0% EDAMNotFoundException: id="Notebook.guid" key="2afaed30-9397-4525-9c66-886934282c0c"

17:46:16 [1136] 0% Session terminated abnormally, elapsed time: 0s

17:46:16 [1136] 0% * sent: 341B, received: 174B

17:46:16 [1136] 0% * 0s (70%) spent in EDAM RPC

17:46:19 [1136] 0% Connecting to www.evernote.com

17:46:19 [1136] 0% * loaded updateCount: 2164

17:46:20 [1136] 0% Usage Metrics: sessionCount=0

17:46:20 [1136] 0% Client is up to date with the server, updateCount=2164

17:46:20 [1136] 0% * saved updateCount: 2164

17:46:20 [1136] 0% Updating server items

17:46:20 [1136] 0% Updating server notebook "ARTICLES & NEWS"

17:46:20 [1136] 0% * guid={2afaed30-9397-4525-9c66-886934282c0c}

17:46:20 [1136] 0% EDAMNotFoundException: id="Notebook.guid" key="2afaed30-9397-4525-9c66-886934282c0c"

17:46:20 [1136] 0% Session terminated abnormally, elapsed time: 0s

17:46:20 [1136] 0% * sent: 341B, received: 174B

17:46:20 [1136] 0% * 0s (62%) spent in EDAM RPC

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Jamie, did you look at my post above? Every time I've had an issue with syncing it always turns out to be a note Evernote doesn't like. In your case, it's probably a recent note in your "ARTICLES & NEWS" folder. Try the steps I outlined in my post above and let us know what happened. Good luck,


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I'm running in to the same Sync failed error. I deleted my 13,000 note notebook abandoned a couple years ago and have trying to start from scratch. I updated Evernote and deleted all notes (not folders). Have also deleted all Web notes, too. Nothing to sync, so not sure why the errors. Trash is empty, too. Here's my error log. Thanks in advance.

12:41:06 [11964] 0% Connecting to www.evernote.com

12:41:06 [11964] 0% * loaded updateCount: 121013

12:41:07 [11964] 0% Usage Metrics: sessionCount=0

12:41:07 [11964] 0% Client is up to date with the server, updateCount=121013

12:41:07 [11964] 0% * saved updateCount: 121013

12:41:08 [11964] 0% Expunging server items

12:41:08 [11964] 0% Updating server items

12:41:08 [11964] 0% Updating server note "ServiceMagic - Project Guide", resource count: 6

12:41:08 [11964] 0% * guid={4230dba3-59dc-4bc4-b76a-ff1adaff5843}

12:41:08 [11964] 0% EDAMNotFoundException: id="Note.guid" key="4230dba3-59dc-4bc4-b76a-ff1adaff5843"

12:41:08 [11964] 0% Session terminated abnormally, elapsed time: 2s

12:41:08 [11964] 0% * sent: 1.2KB, received: 257B

12:41:08 [11964] 0% * 1s (58%) spent in EDAM RPC

12:41:12 [11964] 0% Connecting to www.evernote.com

12:41:12 [11964] 0% * loaded updateCount: 121013

12:41:13 [11964] 0% Usage Metrics: sessionCount=0

12:41:13 [11964] 0% Client is up to date with the server, updateCount=121013

12:41:13 [11964] 0% * saved updateCount: 121013

12:41:14 [11964] 0% Expunging server items

12:41:14 [11964] 0% Updating server items

12:41:14 [11964] 0% Updating server note "ServiceMagic - Project Guide", resource count: 6

12:41:14 [11964] 0% * guid={4230dba3-59dc-4bc4-b76a-ff1adaff5843}

12:41:14 [11964] 0% EDAMNotFoundException: id="Note.guid" key="4230dba3-59dc-4bc4-b76a-ff1adaff5843"

12:41:14 [11964] 0% Session terminated abnormally, elapsed time: 1s

12:41:14 [11964] 0% * sent: 1.2KB, received: 257B

12:41:14 [11964] 0% * 1s (59%) spent in EDAM RPC

12:41:18 [11964] 0% Connecting to www.evernote.com

12:41:18 [11964] 0% * loaded updateCount: 121013

12:41:19 [11964] 0% Usage Metrics: sessionCount=0

12:41:19 [11964] 0% Client is up to date with the server, updateCount=121013

12:41:19 [11964] 0% * saved updateCount: 121013

12:41:20 [11964] 0% Expunging server items

12:41:20 [11964] 0% Updating server items

12:41:20 [11964] 0% Updating server note "ServiceMagic - Project Guide", resource count: 6

12:41:20 [11964] 0% * guid={4230dba3-59dc-4bc4-b76a-ff1adaff5843}

12:41:21 [11964] 0% EDAMNotFoundException: id="Note.guid" key="4230dba3-59dc-4bc4-b76a-ff1adaff5843"

12:41:21 [11964] 0% Session terminated abnormally, elapsed time: 3s

12:41:21 [11964] 0% * sent: 1.2KB, received: 257B

12:41:21 [11964] 0% * 1s (39%) spent in EDAM RPC

12:41:25 [11964] 0% Connecting to www.evernote.com

12:41:25 [11964] 0% * loaded updateCount: 121013

12:41:25 [11964] 0% Usage Metrics: sessionCount=0

12:41:25 [11964] 0% Client is up to date with the server, updateCount=121013

12:41:25 [11964] 0% * saved updateCount: 121013

12:41:26 [11964] 0% Expunging server items

12:41:26 [11964] 0% Updating server items

12:41:26 [11964] 0% Updating server note "ServiceMagic - Project Guide", resource count: 6

12:41:26 [11964] 0% * guid={4230dba3-59dc-4bc4-b76a-ff1adaff5843}

12:41:27 [11964] 0% EDAMNotFoundException: id="Note.guid" key="4230dba3-59dc-4bc4-b76a-ff1adaff5843"

12:41:27 [11964] 0% Session terminated abnormally, elapsed time: 1s

12:41:27 [11964] 0% * sent: 1.2KB, received: 257B

12:41:27 [11964] 0% * 1s (59%) spent in EDAM RPC

12:42:46 [9824] Loading embedded browser url: http://www.evernote.com/SharedNotebookSettings.action?notebookGuid=eb3315eb-b62e-4da1-b9c9-caf284f2b48a&client=win&layout=win

12:44:48 [11964] 0% Connecting to www.evernote.com

12:44:48 [11964] 0% * loaded updateCount: 121013

12:44:48 [11964] 0% Usage Metrics: sessionCount=0

12:44:48 [11964] 0% Client updateCount=121013, server updateCount=121016

12:44:48 [11964] 0% Retrieving list of changes from the server

12:44:49 [11964] 0% * saved 1 sync chunks, updateCount=121016

12:44:49 [11964] 0% Expunging 1 notebook

12:44:49 [11964] 0% Moved unsynced note "[GET] Video to GIF Animation + License" from an expunged notebook "JV2012"

12:44:49 [11964] 0% Moved unsynced note "Blackhat Techniques that work" from an expunged notebook "JV2012"

12:45:16 [11964] 0% Expunged local notebook "JV2012"

12:46:41 [11964] 0% Synchronizing 1 notebook

12:46:41 [11964] 0% Creating local notebook "Inbox"

12:46:41 [11964] 0% * guid={17578B99-18BE-4DAD-AD79-E97222E7C225}

12:46:42 [11964] 50% Synchronizing 1 note

12:46:42 [11964] 50% Creating local note "Untitled note", resource count: 2

12:46:42 [11964] 50% * guid={E78B147B-676D-4953-8474-00DAAB5F232E}

12:46:42 [11964] 50% * Retrieving note data, total size=1950940

12:46:55 [11964] 50% * Creating local resource "07287c1a6b090bc507106b106f0da3bc"

12:46:55 [11964] 50% * rsrc={F82AB107-0F04-444D-8426-F2A3302F219E}, note={e78b147b-676d-4953-8474-00daab5f232e}

12:46:55 [11964] 50% * Creating local resource "8182b07b259878f66545e62c634861cf"

12:46:55 [11964] 50% * rsrc={125492BD-2342-438F-B95D-7BA099048812}, note={e78b147b-676d-4953-8474-00daab5f232e}

12:46:56 [11964] 100% * saved updateCount: 121016

12:46:57 [11964] 0% Expunging server items

12:46:57 [11964] 0% Updating server items

12:46:57 [11964] 0% Updating server note "Company Information", resource count: 0

12:46:57 [11964] 0% * guid={b37b1750-4e00-40a9-b0a9-0d36867fd5b9}

12:46:58 [11964] 0% EDAMNotFoundException: id="Note.guid" key="b37b1750-4e00-40a9-b0a9-0d36867fd5b9"

12:46:58 [11964] 0% Session terminated abnormally, elapsed time: 2m 9s

12:46:58 [11964] 0% * sent: 1.1KB, received: 1.9MB

12:46:58 [11964] 0% * 15s (12%) spent in EDAM RPC

12:47:30 [11964] 0% Connecting to www.evernote.com

12:47:30 [11964] 0% * loaded updateCount: 121016

12:47:30 [11964] 0% Usage Metrics: sessionCount=1

12:47:30 [11964] 0% Client is up to date with the server, updateCount=121016

12:47:30 [11964] 0% * saved updateCount: 121016

12:47:31 [11964] 0% Expunging server items

12:47:31 [11964] 0% Updating server items

12:47:31 [11964] 1% Updating server note "Company Information", resource count: 0

12:47:31 [11964] 1% * guid={b37b1750-4e00-40a9-b0a9-0d36867fd5b9}

12:47:31 [11964] 1% EDAMNotFoundException: id="Note.guid" key="b37b1750-4e00-40a9-b0a9-0d36867fd5b9"

12:47:31 [11964] 1% Session terminated abnormally, elapsed time: 0s

12:47:31 [11964] 1% * sent: 677B, received: 257B

12:47:31 [11964] 1% * 1s (100%) spent in EDAM RPC

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  • 1 month later...

Hello, I badly need ur help with this sync failed.


Here's my log:

21:40:53 [3988] 0% * loaded updateCount: 238
21:40:56 [3988] 0% Usage Metrics: sessionCount=0
21:40:56 [3988] 0% Client is up to date with the server, updateCount=238
21:40:56 [3988] 0% * saved updateCount: 238
21:40:56 [3988] 0% Updating server items
21:40:56 [3988] 0% Creating server tag "MicAH"
21:41:04 [3988] 0% EDAMNotFoundException: id="Tag.parentGuid" key="dca9fbbd-0aba-4a93-8f74-ff1400d19818"
21:41:04 [3988] 0% Session terminated abnormally, elapsed time: 11s
21:41:04 [3988] 0% * sent: 334B, received: 170B
21:41:04 [3988] 0% * 11s (100%) spent in EDAM RPC


Thanks for your help. :)

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Welcome to the forum :)

21:40:56 [3988] 0% Creating server tag "MicAH"

21:41:04 [3988] 0% EDAMNotFoundException: id="Tag.parentGuid" key="dca9fbbd-0aba-4a93-8f74-ff1400d19818"

This seems to be the issue, EN is trying to create the tag on the web client, but cannot find it in the Windows client. Did you create/delete this tag recently?


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I'm receiving the same "Sync failed" error.

I've emptied the Trash, deleted some "shared", etc., and still receiving the error.

Please advise.  thanks.


16:05:41 [3104] 100% * updateCount: 33686 --> 33687
16:05:41 [3104] 100% * updateCount: 33687 --> 33688
16:05:41 [3104] 100% * updateCount: 33688 --> 33689
16:05:41 [3104] 100% * saved updateCount: 33689
16:05:43 [3104] 0% Syncing notebook "Evernote Holiday" shared by evernoteholiday
16:05:43 [3104] 0% * loaded linked notebook updateCount: 1698
16:05:43 [3104] 0% Linked notebook is up to date with the server, updateCount=1698
16:05:43 [3104] 0% * saved linked notebook updateCount: 1698
16:05:46 [3104] 0% Syncing notebook "Going Paperless" shared by jamietr
16:05:46 [3104] 0% * loaded linked notebook updateCount: 23287
16:05:46 [3104] 0% Linked notebook is up to date with the server, updateCount=23287
16:05:46 [3104] 0% * saved linked notebook updateCount: 23287
16:05:47 [3104] 0% Updating server items
16:05:47 [3104] 0% Creating server tag "evernote"
16:05:48 [3104] 0% EDAMSystemException: errorCode=SHARD_UNAVAILABLE message="s2"
16:05:48 [3104] 0% Session terminated normally, elapsed time: 9s
16:05:48 [3104] 0% * sent: 2.5KB, received: 2.7KB
16:05:48 [3104] 0% * 2s (29%) spent in EDAM RPC

Link to comment

Whatever happened before the EDAMSystemException is what caused the problem. Delete the note or tag listed right before the error, sync, and remake the note or tag later later.


Please try reading the thread before posting a query, I posted the solution on here months ago. Thanks.



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Whatever happened before the EDAMSystemException is what caused the problem. Delete the note or tag listed right before the error, sync, and remake the note or tag later later.


Please try reading the thread before posting a query, I posted the solution on here months ago. Thanks.



In this instance, it may not be as simple as that.

Both lines are useful in identifying the issue.

16:05:47 [3104] 0% Creating server tag "evernote"

16:05:48 [3104] 0% EDAMSystemException: errorCode=SHARD_UNAVAILABLE message="s2"

This suggests that the sync error is actually server side, rather than client side. Specifically Shard 2 (If I understand the error messages correctly.)

I would suggest waiting, and try to sync in a few hours.

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     Everyone, thanks for your help in this forum. I tried several things (i.e., emptying trash, renaming tags, deleting tags, etc.), but was still getting the error. The error was on tag "evernote". I have a bunch of notes with the evernote tag. I renamed (still error), deleted (still error), and then noticed that I had tagged a single note in Jamie Rubin's "Going Paperless" shared folder with the tag "evernote"... that got translated to "evernote (Jamietr)." So, I deleted that tag, resynced and all is well again.

     Thanks again for all your prior knowledge, for sharing.

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I just had this problem and fixed it.

I requested to get taken off access to my shared notebooks. Refreshed it so all my shared notebooks were gone.

Then asked to have them share the notebooks to me again and after that all sync's are good! =)


So the notes isn't the problem. I think the shared notebook was having problems getting the authentication that you were allowed to use the notebook you were shared in.

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  • 1 month later...
Having the same error. Please help. Below is my log. Very frustrating. Tried uninstall and re-install already




Log opened on 2013/04/03 11:33:19 (UTC-4:00)



14:51:36 [166820] 0% Synchronizing 3 notes

14:51:36 [166820] 0% Updating local note "Ooma telo", resource count: 0

14:51:36 [166820] 0% * guid={87416AC8-A28E-444A-84AC-580CFFEEBD24}

14:51:36 [166820] 25% Updating local note "tickets_82G81UFH1719733", resource count: 1

14:51:36 [166820] 25% * guid={AFADD01F-D7D0-42BB-919B-9B279D3A4404}

14:51:36 [166820] 25% * Updating local resource "339a0a9ba32f43e9bb619d7e3b12c65c"

14:51:36 [166820] 25% * rsrc={2F76C036-8639-4EF9-803E-7F742D0876E5}, note={afadd01f-d7d0-42bb-919b-9b279d3a4404}

14:51:36 [166820] 67% Updating local note "Note", resource count: 0

14:51:36 [166820] 67% * guid={6FDBE915-A33B-48B2-BF37-ADF3F45D9F0C}

14:51:37 [166820] 100% EDAMNotFoundException: id="Notebook.guid" key="61c06c17-4803-45a5-aa51-af0c3a8462e3"

14:51:38 [166820] 100% Session terminated abnormally, elapsed time: 3s

14:51:38 [166820] 100% * sent: 668B, received: 436B

14:51:38 [166820] 100% * 1s (62%) spent in EDAM RPC

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Super annoying. Had to manually compare my evernote to the one online and create new notebooks and move my notes to those for any notebook that wasn't online and deleting the original, until i randomly stumbled across the missing notebook. 


This is not cool. If the notebook doesn't exist online should it just make it?

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  • Level 5*

Super annoying. Had to manually compare my evernote to the one online and create new notebooks and move my notes to those for any notebook that wasn't online and deleting the original, until i randomly stumbled across the missing notebook. 


This is not cool. If the notebook doesn't exist online should it just make it?

If synching is working correctly, then yes, it should. If it isn't working correctly, then we'd call that a bug. But you said that you "randomly stumbled across the missing notebook". That seems to imply that the notebook was already created, but that it wasn't where you expected to find it. Or did I misunderstand what you wrote?

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I created a number of notebooks locally and it would not sync them.   I had to remove them one at a time until it would sync.   I should be able to create notebooks locally and then sync them. 


Today I could not sync until I removed a note from my trash. 


I have not had these problems in the past and if they continue I won't be able to use the desktop software but will have to use the web clipper only.   This is really disappointing. 


Will I have to manually compare my notebook structure locally to the web structure. Moving notes to temporary notebooks or general notebook and deleting the original notebooks until evernote decides it will let me sync?  This is a task I do not want to undertake.



I was going to upgrade my wife to the premium account because I got her a doxie for her birthday. Now I am hoping I don't have buyers remorse.



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  • Level 5*

I created a number of notebooks locally and it would not sync them.   I had to remove them one at a time until it would sync.   I should be able to create notebooks locally and then sync them.

Yes, that's correct. I've done this many times, and they sync.


You have a problem that I cannot help you with. You need to open a support request -- see the link in my signature.

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  • 2 months later...

Hi - I can really use someone's help - can't seem to figure out what in my activiity log is causing the issue. I think possibly where it says EDAMNotFoundException: id="Note.notebookGuid" but i dont know where to find this note to delete it. It is not something i created. Thanks for your help!


Bootstrap info: loadedDatabase
<bootstrap_info><profile name="Evernote"><settings account_email_domain="m.evernote.com" enable_facebook_sharing="1" enable_gift_subscriptions="1" enable_linkedin_sharing="1" enable_shared_notebooks="1" enable_single_notesharing="1" enable_sponsored_accounts="1" enable_support_tickets="1" enable_twitter_sharing="1" marketing_url="http://evernote.com" service_host="www.evernote.com" support_url="https://evernote.com/contact/support/"/></profile></bootstrap_info>
09:22:12 [2416] 0% Connecting to www.evernote.com
09:22:12 [2416] 0% * loaded updateCount: 959
09:22:12 [2416] 0% Usage Metrics: sessionCount=0
09:22:12 [2416] 0% Client is up to date with the server, updateCount=959
09:22:12 [2416] 0% * saved updateCount: 959
09:22:12 [2416] 0% Updating server items
09:22:12 [2416] 0% Creating server note "New Biz Client Updates", resource count: 0
09:22:12 [2416] 0% EDAMNotFoundException: id="Note.notebookGuid" key="a1621220-16e4-414d-b093-1bedf177c4f3"
09:22:12 [2416] 0% Session terminated abnormally, elapsed time: 0s
09:22:12 [2416] 0% * sent: 18.0KB, received: 174B
09:22:12 [2416] 0% * 0s (100%) spent in EDAM RPC
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  • 3 months later...

After reading this thread I deleted two recently added notebooks from other people. I am still getting the same sync error. Here's my activity log:

11:21:33 [68] 0% Client is up to date with the server, updateCount=731
11:21:33 [68] 0% * saved updateCount: 731
11:21:34 [68] 0% Expunging server items
11:21:34 [68] 0% Updating server items
11:21:34 [68] 0% Updating server tag ".Where"
11:21:34 [68] 0% * guid={f0c6b58f-46fa-4169-a441-ed232bf229bb}
11:21:34 [68] 0% EDAMNotFoundException: id="Tag.guid" key="f0c6b58f-46fa-4169-a441-ed232bf229bb"
11:21:34 [68] 0% Session terminated abnormally, elapsed time: 1s
11:21:34 [68] 0% * sent: 541B, received: 266B
11:21:34 [68] 0% * 1s (63%) spent in EDAM RPC
11:21:44 [68] 0% Connecting to www.evernote.com
11:21:44 [68] 0% * loaded updateCount: 731
11:21:45 [68] 0% Usage Metrics: sessionCount=0
11:21:45 [68] 0% Client is up to date with the server, updateCount=731
11:21:45 [68] 0% * saved updateCount: 731
11:21:45 [68] 0% Expunging server items
11:21:45 [68] 0% Updating server items
11:21:45 [68] 0% Updating server tag ".Where"
11:21:45 [68] 0% * guid={f0c6b58f-46fa-4169-a441-ed232bf229bb}
11:21:46 [68] 0% EDAMNotFoundException: id="Tag.guid" key="f0c6b58f-46fa-4169-a441-ed232bf229bb"
11:21:46 [68] 0% Session terminated abnormally, elapsed time: 1s
11:21:46 [68] 0% * sent: 723B, received: 357B
11:21:46 [68] 0% * 1s (82%) spent in EDAM RPC
11:22:52 [68] 0% Connecting to www.evernote.com
11:22:52 [68] 0% * loaded updateCount: 731
11:22:53 [68] 0% Usage Metrics: sessionCount=0
11:22:53 [68] 0% Client is up to date with the server, updateCount=731
11:22:53 [68] 0% * saved updateCount: 731
11:22:53 [68] 0% Expunging server items
11:22:54 [68] 0% Updating server items
11:22:54 [68] 0% Updating server tag ".Where"
11:22:54 [68] 0% * guid={f0c6b58f-46fa-4169-a441-ed232bf229bb}
11:22:54 [68] 0% EDAMNotFoundException: id="Tag.guid" key="f0c6b58f-46fa-4169-a441-ed232bf229bb"
11:22:54 [68] 0% Session terminated abnormally, elapsed time: 1s
11:22:54 [68] 0% * sent: 723B, received: 357B
11:22:54 [68] 0% * 2s (100%) spent in EDAM RPC




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Can someone please give me feedback on my Activity Log. I'm stuck at the moment because my Evernote on Laptop has not synced updated with the server, and therefor it updates do not reflect on website or my Android phone.


Please note I'm using Ubuntu Linux 13.04 using WINE to emulate Windows7

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  • 5 months later...

I receive the same error...here is a copy of the last few lines from my activity log:


09:07:19 [6468] Client synchronization started

09:07:19 [5184] 0% Connecting to app.yinxiang.com/edam/note/s58
09:07:19 [5184] 0% Loaded updateCount: 5140
09:07:19 [7896] 0% Connecting to app.yinxiang.com/edam/note/s58
09:07:19 [7896] 0% Synchronizing ads
09:07:19 [7896] 0% Reporting 16 ads, language: "zh-CN"
09:07:19 [7896] 0% * clientProperty: [client]=[EvernoteWindows]
09:07:19 [7896] 0% * ad id=807, impression time=1920 count=16
09:07:19 [7896] 0% * ad id=804, impression time=1680 count=14
09:07:19 [7896] 0% * ad id=634, impression time=720 count=6
09:07:19 [7896] 0% * ad id=810, impression time=1320 count=11
09:07:19 [7896] 0% * ad id=811, impression time=960 count=8
09:07:19 [7896] 0% * ad id=808, impression time=840 count=7
09:07:19 [7896] 0% * ad id=720, impression time=1080 count=9
09:07:19 [7896] 0% * ad id=812, impression time=960 count=8
09:07:19 [7896] 0% * ad id=815, impression time=600 count=5
09:07:19 [7896] 0% * ad id=813, impression time=1080 count=9
09:07:19 [7896] 0% * ad id=803, impression time=1080 count=9
09:07:19 [7896] 0% * ad id=814, impression time=1080 count=9
09:07:19 [7896] 0% * ad id=806, impression time=960 count=8
09:07:19 [7896] 0% * ad id=809, impression time=600 count=5
09:07:19 [7896] 0% * ad id=805, impression time=840 count=7
09:07:19 [7896] 0% * ad id=729, impression time=600 count=5
09:07:19 [5184] 0% HTTP request failed, code: 500, error: Internal Server Error
09:07:19 [5184] 0% Session terminated abnormally, elapsed time: 0s
09:07:19 [5184] 0% * sent: 160B, received: 0B
09:07:19 [7896] 0% HTTP request failed, code: 500, error: Internal Server Error
09:07:19 [7896] 0% Session terminated abnormally, elapsed time: 0s
09:07:19 [7896] 0% * sent: 546B, received: 0B
09:07:19 [6468] Client synchronization finished, status: failed
09:07:19 [6468] * error: Sync failed due to unexpected problem at service side
09:07:19 [6468] * elapsed time: 0s
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The only way I have found to fix this problem is to identify which notebook has the issue, copy all the notes out of it into a new notebook, then delete that notebook.  See my post below on how I solved it. Don't expect help here, you won't get it



I created a number of notebooks locally and it would not sync them.   I had to remove them one at a time until it would sync.   I should be able to create notebooks locally and then sync them. 


Today I could not sync until I removed a note from my trash. 


I have not had these problems in the past and if they continue I won't be able to use the desktop software but will have to use the web clipper only.   This is really disappointing. 


Will I have to manually compare my notebook structure locally to the web structure. Moving notes to temporary notebooks or general notebook and deleting the original notebooks until evernote decides it will let me sync?  This is a task I do not want to undertake.



I was going to upgrade my wife to the premium account because I got her a doxie for her birthday. Now I am hoping I don't have buyers remorse.



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The only way I have found to fix this problem is to identify which notebook has the issue, copy all the notes out of it into a new notebook, then delete that notebook.  See my post below on how I solved it. Don't expect help here, you won't get it


This is a users message board, not an official support venue. If you read jefito's reply to you (#52 - directly after your post), he suggests you open a support ticket.

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  • Level 5*

The only way I have found to fix this problem is to identify which notebook has the issue, copy all the notes out of it into a new notebook, then delete that notebook.  See my post below on how I solved it. Don't expect help here, you won't get it

You can often get help here in the user forum, but users don't necessarily have all of the answers, and the Evernote staff don't post frequently, so contacting the official support team is where you get official Evernote support. The forums are often worth a try, and sometimes a fellow user will go to great lengths to try to help. Don't count them out.
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  • 4 months later...
my last 15 notes as below, please help me , thanks 1


18:53:58 [13224] * elapsed time: 4s

18:54:07 [13164] Client synchronization started

18:54:07 [6732] 0% Connecting to www.evernote.com/edam/note/s12

18:54:07 [6732] 0% Loaded updateCount: 6534

18:54:08 [6732] 0% Usage Metrics: sessionCount=0

18:54:08 [6732] 0% Client is up to date with the server, updateCount: 6534

18:54:08 [6732] 0% Expunging server items

18:54:10 [6732] 0% Updating server items

18:54:10 [6732] 0% Updating server note "17张图表,纵横解剖腾讯-看点-虎嗅网", resource count: 17

18:54:10 [6732] 0% * guid={7510b60b-66c4-41bc-9380-5f82edf98cf6}

18:54:11 [6732] 0% EDAMUserException: errorCode=DATA_REQUIRED parameter="Data.body"

18:54:11 [13164] Client synchronization finished, status: failed

18:54:11 [13164] * error: Sync failed due to unexpected behavior at the client side

18:54:11 [13164] * elapsed time: 3s


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  • 1 year later...



I have the same problem. Windows 7, German edition.

In the logfile it says:

Log opened on 2015/08/08 19:26:56 (UTC+2:00)
19:26:56 [7908] Command line: "C:\Program Files (x86)\Evernote\Evernote\Evernote.exe" 
19:26:56 [7908] Evernote for Windows (276152) Public
19:26:56 [7908] Common Editor 22 (2015-06-22 16:04:15 -0700)
19:26:56 [7908] Client info: Evernote Windows/276152; Windows/6.1.7601 Service Pack 1;
19:26:56 [7908] Bootstrap info: Evernote (loadedLastUsed)
19:26:56 [7908] Registered session count: 1, last session: 2015/08/08 19:15:00
19:26:56 [7908] Bootstrap info: Evernote (loadedDatabase)
19:26:56 [7908] Loaded session count: 0, last session: 2015/08/08 19:15:00
19:26:56 [4728] 0% Connecting to www.evernote.com/shard/s1/utility
19:26:56 [7908] Opened database: E:\Helferlein_Prg\Evernote\Databases\knubbel.exb (2.4GB Fixed)
19:26:56 [8144] Import folder: "E:\AAA\QDF\Projekte\Projektübersicht" started
19:26:57 [2724] Finding related content for note 89139
19:26:57 [2724] * Retrieved 0 cached related content items for note 89139
19:26:58 [2936] Client synchronization started
19:26:58 [4740] 0% Connecting to www.evernote.com/edam/note/s1
19:26:58 [4740] 0% Connecting account knubbel
19:26:58 [4740] 0% Loaded updateCount: 84854
19:26:59 [4740] 0% Usage Metrics: sessionCount=0
19:26:59 [4740] 0% Client is up to date with the server, updateCount: 84854
19:26:59 [4740] 0% Connecting account knubbel
19:26:59 [4740] 0% Connecting account knubbel
19:26:59 [4740] 0% Retrieving missing search text for 1 resources
19:27:01 [2936] 0% SyncClientTask: setting error to 2 (syncFailedDueToServerProblem)
19:27:01 [2936] Client synchronization finished, status: complete
19:27:01 [2936] * error: Synchronisierung aufgrund eines unerwarteten serverseitigen Problems fehlgeschlagen
19:27:01 [2936] * elapsed time: 3s
19:27:56 [7908] Checking UpSell: Checking Eligiblity
19:27:56 [7908] Checking UpSell: Not Eligible: Too soon, check API after 2015/08/09 14:05:00
19:28:15 [5828] Client synchronization started
19:28:15 [5748] 0% Connecting to www.evernote.com/edam/note/s1
19:28:15 [5748] 0% Connecting account knubbel
19:28:15 [5748] 0% Loaded updateCount: 84854
19:28:16 [5748] 0% Usage Metrics: sessionCount=0
19:28:16 [5748] 0% Client is up to date with the server, updateCount: 84854
19:28:16 [5748] 0% Connecting account knubbel
19:28:16 [5748] 0% Connecting account knubbel
19:28:16 [5748] 0% Retrieving missing search text for 1 resources
19:28:16 [5828] 0% SyncClientTask: setting error to 2 (syncFailedDueToServerProblem)
19:28:16 [5828] Client synchronization finished, status: complete
19:28:16 [5828] * error: Synchronisierung aufgrund eines unerwarteten serverseitigen Problems fehlgeschlagen
19:28:16 [5828] * elapsed time: 0s
19:28:56 [7908] Checking UpSell: Checking Eligiblity
19:28:56 [7908] Checking UpSell: Not Eligible: Too soon, check API after 2015/08/09 14:05:00
Any suggestions? 
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