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(Archived) Spellchecker is making Evernote unusable!


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Hi guys,

I love Evernote and I use it a lot. I write in it daily on various devices, one of which is magnificent Asus Transformer Prime. I write not only in english, but in other languages too and here is a trouble. Android build-in spellchecker is underlining every word as wrong, but what is real hell is the fact, that it seems to check whole text again and again after every new word. Because when I write more than half of the page, it gets very slow and when I pass one page mark, it's not usable anymore. It takes 5-10 seconds to display each word you write and remind you, on device which has quad core processor! Unfortunatelly I havent found any option to disable spellchecker in Evernote. Can you help me please?

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Try checking under the language and keyboard options on your device to see if you can turn of the spell check. You may want to download and play around with different keyboards as I think this might be tied to the keyboard software.

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Hi Candid, thanks for the input, but I have already done that. Trick is that transformer has perfect HW keyboard, so trying different SW keyboards is not a type of solution, I'm looking for.

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