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(Archived) Evernote for WM What happened?

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I've just updated to the latest version of Evernote mobile and I'm quite surprised to see that the thumbnail view is gone.

What was the logic behind this? As it stands, Evernote Mobile went from 6/10 to 2/10. :shock:

Also, where do I change the upload schedule?

Why can't we still tag any notes before uploading or at least give them a title? This should be a top priority as it creates productivity, not extra work.

By making the new version more like the Iphone version, you've ruined it IMO.

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When you "search" for notes in our WM application, that just sends you over to our mobile web interface on your mobile browser (http://www.evernote.com/m). By default, our mobile web UI only shows the titles of notes, with a small number of notes per page, but you can change either of these by going to the "Settings" link on the bottom of the mobile web UI.

This setting should stay on your phone indefinitely ... let us know if this doesn't work for you. That would be a new bug in the mobile web UI (not the native Windows Mobile app). We didn't change any part of this with, to my knowledge.

Notes now upload immediately after you create them, unless you go onto the "Pending Notes" screen and hit "Pause" on the left softkey. This could be used, for example, if you don't have an unlimited data plan and you just wanted to wait until you get to your home WiFi before you Resume.

Thanks for the suggestion about titling and tagging in the WM UI. (This wasn't in any previous release, either.)

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When you "search" for notes in our WM application, that just sends you over to our mobile web interface on your mobile browser (http://www.evernote.com/m). By default, our mobile web UI only shows the titles of notes, with a small number of notes per page, but you can change either of these by going to the "Settings" link on the bottom of the mobile web UI.

This setting should stay on your phone indefinitely ... let us know if this doesn't work for you. That would be a new bug in the mobile web UI (not the native Windows Mobile app). We didn't change any part of this with, to my knowledge.

Notes now upload immediately after you create them, unless you go onto the "Pending Notes" screen and hit "Pause" on the left softkey. This could be used, for example, if you don't have an unlimited data plan and you just wanted to wait until you get to your home WiFi before you Resume.

Thanks for the suggestion about titling and tagging in the WM UI. (This wasn't in any previous release, either.)

Thanks for the reply.

Perhaps I should have made it clearer what I meant by thumbnails.

On the previous version, when I wanted to add a photo/audio clip, etc. I have a list of files (from folders I select) and there is a thumbnail for each, so I can quickly pick out 5 pictures out of 100 to upload. This is not the case in the new version - you are simply given a "pick a file" tree and you can hope for the best when picking from a flood of file names.

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Aha ... so this is when you use the "Upload File" function in the UI. I hadn't noticed that this feature had slipped backward like this. I don't think this was an intentional omission.

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Aha ... so this is when you use the "Upload File" function in the UI. I hadn't noticed that this feature had slipped backward like this. I don't think this was an intentional omission.

That is correct. The feature would be nice to have back :lol:

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