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(Archived) HOWTO: Print list of note titles

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This is the first time I've been on this forum so am not too sure if the topic has been dealt with but a search didn't show up anything.

Anyrate, I want to print a list of the titles of my notes that are in a particular group to give me a printed index. I can't see a way of printing the list of titles, only the individual notes.

Without a list I cannot collate and compare with other lists I have in Dropbox and in folders on my hard drive.

Can someone please explain how to do this?

The only way I can think of is rather tedious, that is copying sections of the screen and pasting sections to reassemble in a word or desktop publishing program.

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Hi leo2,

I guess this depends on which client that you use, but one method in the windows client (and I guess mac?)

Select the notes -> Right click -> Copy Note links -> Paste these into a new note. (The paste can be done with the default Paste Clipboard command - Ctrl + Alt + V)

You will have a list of titles of the notes that you have selected.


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  • Level 5

I guess this depends on which client that you use, but one method in the windows client (and I guess mac?)

Select the notes -> Right click -> Copy Note links -> Paste these into a new note. (The paste can be done with the default Paste Clipboard command - Ctrl + Alt + V)

You will have a list of titles of the notes that you have selected.

In Windows, if I use the "Copy Note Links" feature, I end up a mess that looks something like this:


I think you are referring to the "Copy Note Title" feature.

By the way, I noticed that it is missing in my Beta version of Evernote, so I just posted a notice in the Beta forum to bring it back.



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I guess this depends on which client that you use, but one method in the windows client (and I guess mac?)

Select the notes -> Right click -> Copy Note links -> Paste these into a new note. (The paste can be done with the default Paste Clipboard command - Ctrl + Alt + V)

You will have a list of titles of the notes that you have selected.

In Windows, if I use the "Copy Note Links" feature, I end up a mess that looks something like this:


Wrong hotkey. You pressed Ctrl + Shift + V (That is paste as text)

Ctrl + Alt + V is paste clipboard contents into a new note (you can just make a new note and use normal paste, but this shortens the process)

I think you are referring to the "Copy Note Title" feature.

By the way, I noticed that it is missing in my Beta version of Evernote, so I just posted a notice in the Beta forum to bring it back.



I knew I had seen this somewhere on the forum before.

Never seen a note titles option. Crane's post actually refers to Note Links not Titles

Ctrl + Space only removes the colour, in my testing. To get a plain text list, you have to cut and then paste as text.

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  • Level 5

Wrong hotkey. You pressed Ctrl + Shift + V (That is paste as text)

Ctrl + Alt + V is paste clipboard contents into a new note (you can just make a new note and use normal paste, but this shortens the process)

Does not work on my version - might be because it is a beta version.

I just get the same list of links I mentioned earlier.

I used to be able to copy and paste the actual titles with embedded links.

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  • Level 5

I just tried out the chat line. 56 minutes discussing possible causes.

Bottom line: suggest a re-install and she will report issue to Evernote Developers

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  • Level 5*

I haven't used, and don't know how, Evernote chat works.

But my experience with these live chats in general is that they rarely provide a solution for the experienced user.

The experienced/power user has generally already checked/tried the obvious solutions.

They seem to be geared more to the novice user who needs explicit step-by-step instructions for even the most basic stuff. ;)

So, JB, I'm not surprised that they feed you the basic, stock solution:

  • Reboot
  • Reinstall
  • Take 2 aspirin
  • Call me in the "morning"

Of course, you already knew all this. In fact, it is likely that you know more about Evernote than the person you were chatting with.

BTW, for me it works like spg SCOTT described. I'm using the same EN Win ver as both of you.

Good luck.

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  • Level 5

BTW, for me it works like spg SCOTT described. I'm using the same EN Win ver as both of you.

Good luck.

The chat process was pleasant. I was able to jump to other websites during the research process. A little chime goes off when the Evernote person responds.

Thanks. I had also submitted a Support Request so I might get some more feedback.

In the meantime, I just ran another backup of my Evernote database.

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Chat is great - but there's a major limitation in that the techs working a chat don't have as much time to recreate issues as the techs working email do. It's not that they aren't knowledgeable, its that certain problems can take longer to diagnose and then explain how to correct than chat users may have patience for.

We've found that people seem to be happier having our techs get the all information in a chat they need to give them a "one-and-done" email later in the day than have them sit there indefinitely while we test, test, retest, bug an engineer, etc.

That said, most chats are over with in under 2 minutes because they're generally quick questions that people didn't need to wait for an email for.

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  • Level 5


I found the process quite pleasant. The chime kept me focused when needed. We covered several possibilities. I offered to bow out a couple times but I was encouraged to hang in. Overall, I believe it is a good system.

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  • Level 5

I got a response from Evernote Support.

"I see there is a bug on file for this - I'm sorry to say we currently don't have an update for you at this time."

"Thank you for reporting the issue, and we hope that it will be fixed in an upcoming release."

Since this is not a show-stopper issue for me, I'll just sit it out and wait for a solution down the road.

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  • 1 month later...
  • Level 5

I'll look for the bug coming in from support :)

After a few Evernote upgrades - currently running version Windows (255508) Prerelease

The "Copy Note Link" bug is still there. When I use the option, the actual title does not appear.

The pasted information is not very useful.

It looks like:



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I've found that when I paste with formatting, the note link displays as desired (the note title, in a green link), and when I paste without formatting, the note link displays as jbenson showed above (long, non-title link, in blue).

EDIT: But I'm using Mac, so this could very well be different in my client and jbenson's.

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