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(Archived) HELP: One or two accounts for husband and wife?

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Hello, trying to introduce Evernote to my wives and my lifestyle.

Can someone tell me if its easier in regards to sharing notes and getting the hang of the workflow in Evernote to:

Create one Evernote account with 3 stacks in it.




Then we just create notebooks in each stack based on what the data falls under.

Is there any reason to make sure we have separate accounts? We are fine with each other adding or deleting info in any 3 stacks and the upload and use limit should be fine for now.

Anything I am missing? Seems a touch easier then to make sure stacks/notebooks are shared between each seperate account.


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Hello, trying to introduce Evernote to my wives and my lifestyle.

:o Your wife's and your lifestyle, I hope. :D

If you're truly fine sharing an account and each person having access to everything, that may be easier and better for you than sharing notebooks, since shared notebooks have a lot of limitations, which you can learn more about by searching the forums for "shared notebooks" and "sharing."

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