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(Archived) Search -

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I was wondering if it is possible to search for notes that are tagged with one tag, but not another? For example all notes tagged with 'poster' that do not have a 'year' tag.

And another question:

I know that one can select multiple tags to find notes with all those tags, but what if I would like to exclude one of those tags?

What I am really looking for is detailled information on advanced search. Are regular expressions supported?

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1. tag:poster -tag:year

2. use a - to exclude a tag, e.g., -tag:x

3. No regex. There's a little bit of search documentation in the help, but mostly by example. Really, you have to learn it by osmosis, or something :)

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3) We really are going to release the API documentation with the advanced search specification soon (under 1 month). I know I've been saying that for a while, but we're doing closed testing on this now and things are going smoothly.

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