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(Archived) REQUEST: More tables editability



I just recently began playing around with creating a semi-complex table/chart. I love how simple and basic it is, but, it's almost TOO basic. The default rules are too dark and thick, that, for me, it makes the content get lost and the overall chart look very clunky. Is there a way we can make the rules thinner and a lighter grey?

Also, when I make a table, it asks me how many rows and columns. Great, but it's hard to know the entire layout at the very beginning and as I get going, I realize I need to add more. Is there a simple way to add a row or column as I need them without starting all over again?

Thanks, love Evernote!


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I agree. This, along with the limited formating capabilities in general, are one of the few disappointments I have with Evernotes. I appreciate that it can collect content from so many external sources, but the real value of information is often what you personally make of it, and that usually means you want to at least make notes that are visually attractive to read, or orderly, well styled, tables or check lists based on your 'learnings' . If we can note efficiently type in well styled notes and tables, then we can not really call this 'everyNOTES' but have to change the name to 'EverScraps' - as in scrapbook.

For example, today I wanted to try making a reusalble shopping list, using two columns, since that fits more information well on the screen my smartphone. I first tried a two column table. It filled the full width of the screen, which I guess is OK, but I had no choice. But wen I typed or entered a check box in a cell, the columns changed width even though I had only entered one character - the empty one becoming narrow. I entered text in the cell next to it and they changed again, widening about 5 spaces for every letter I entered. Odd. I have imported HTML tables that do not do this at all.

(you can fix the minimum width by filling the cells of one row with spaces and text, but that is a work around)

For formating, its not much better. Try using tabs to create columns, but in fact the Tab entry is just pasting 5 spaces. Thus when you enter text in the right 'column' the left gets pushed over. And because of the 'kerning' - the spacing relation of characters to each other - you can not just add and delete spaces between the two 'columns' to get the on on the right to line up nicely.

I have not finished by check list table yet, and would love to hear how others have done this in a efficient way to get a nice looking, easily maintainable table or list colums (with check boxes).



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  • Level 5

I have not finished by check list table yet, and would love to hear how others have done this in a efficient way to get a nice looking, easily maintainable table or list colums (with check boxes).

For tables requiring complex formatting, I save an Excel spreadsheet in an Evernote.

Outside the spreadsheet, but inside the note, I include some key words to help with the search.

A well-written title also helps with the search.

For a shopping list on my phone, I use an app designed for shopping.



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Hey JB2, my preference is to try to have as few apps and data storage places as possible... trying to keep it managable as well as needing to rememver where everything is, and how it works... for a simple mind I guess.

I will check out your app however, since no solution to for better formatting tables, and more structure text in general, using Evernote seems possible at this time.



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