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(Archived) REQUEST: [Various]




Hi to all. I really am finding Evernote incredibly useful and am being asked by members of Mac Users Group to show how I am using this app. But I am finding that the forums here lack the navigation and the topics that Evernote itself has--quite a paradox.

For example, trying to find out if there was every a Topic on sending notes via email as blind copies (bc) or seeing Evernote not only accessing my contact list but allowing me to send out GROUP emails, left me with 3 pages of items to search with many non-relevant "finds" using the search term "email" or "blind copy".

So, here are my recommendations.

1. A special section on a forum or elsewhere with Suggested Evernote Enhancements (SEE). Also, enable the user to vote on a recommendation--as with Mac software, Amazon reviews, etc.

2. My recommendations on emailing a note from Evernote so that user can select not only conforming copies (cc), if so desired, but blind copies (bc) and also can select Group Email from his Mac Address book.

3. Consider a simple add-on (I am not sure how simple this is to create) as we have on the Mac using Command-P but instead of "save as PDF" have choice to "save PDF to Evernote". See file attached--I could not tell from previewing this message how easy it would be for others to see this screenshot.


4 replies to this idea

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  • Level 5

If #1 was created, it would be a mess trying to wade through all the different OS type requests - I think besides Windows, Mac, and the Web, there are 14 other OS and mobile devices that are supported by Evernote.

Regarding the vote method of new options:

Henry Ford quote: If I'd asked customers what they wanted, they would have said "a faster horse".

p.s. that's a nice looking avatar photo.

  • Level 5*

There has been discussion by users suggesting replacing the forums with something else that also includes voting. Don't think that they're all that interested. You can try searching the forums for 'UserVoice' if you're interested in some of the discussion -- that was one of the replacements discussed.


3. Consider a simple add-on (I am not sure how simple this is to create) as we have on the Mac using Command-P but instead of "save as PDF" have choice to "save PDF to Evernote". See file attached--I could not tell from previewing this message how easy it would be for others to see this screenshot.

This already exists? (Edit: Ah, a Lion discrepancy. I'm still on Snow Leopard.)

There's a thread about it here on the forum:



  • Level 5*

JB my friend, I guess we'll have an interesting discussion here.

If #1 was created, it would be a mess trying to wade through all the different OS type requests - I think besides Windows, Mac, and the Web, there are 14 other OS and mobile devices that are supported by Evernote.

It very well could be a mess if not done right. OTOH, it is a mess now. :)

It is very hard to get a list of what Enhancement Requests (ER) have been made.

I think this is one reason that we see so many new threads repeating a prior ER.

Forum SW is a good tool for general discussion. IMO, it is not a good tool for tracking ERs.

So, I would agree that we need a better tool for ERs, something that would provide a more structured organization of data, and would support searches in a better manner.

I don't know if Evernote currently has such a tool in-house or not. But there could be an opportunity to develop such a tool that is cloud based, where there are some hidden/restricted fields available only to Evernote. This way, there could be one online tool to serve both the users and Evernote. This might elimnate a lot of data re-entry and confusion. For each ER, Evernote would have a complete history/record related to that feature. It could also be used internally by Evernote to enter new planned features that are hidden from the public.

Scope of an ER Tracking Tool

  • Submit
    • Descriptive Title
    • Tags

    [*]Platforms affected

    [*]Current Work-Arounds


    • Identify Use cases
    • Pros
    • Cons


    • By Evernote Users only
    • Could allow for votes for and against, if that makes sense

    [*]Record Evernote's response

    • Added to List of possible features
    • Out of Scope (no going to do this)
    • Added to future feature list (but no priority or date given)
    • Feature implemented
      • Link to details

We more or less do this now, just in a vary unstructured, and inconsistent way.

And while I know "Evernote does not publish their roadmap", they do in some cases provide feedback as shown under "Record Evernote's response". For example, I think it is very helpful to everyone to know that a particular ER is "Out of Scope". Having this clearly stated by Evernote lets all of us know to either find another tool, or develop a work-around if we really want/need the feature in question.

Regarding the vote method of new options:

Henry Ford quote: If I'd asked customers what they wanted, they would have said "a faster horse".

Well put. End Users often don't really know what they want/need. Another example is the iPad.

OTOH, the US auto makers almost went out of business because they did not listen to what their customers were asking. This let to giving up a huge share of the market to the Japanese and other foreign manufactures that has never been fully reclaimed.

A more recent example is Apple's change to Final Cut Pro in Ver 10. This is one area where Apple did not anticipate the needs of their users very well, and almost let to an open revolt by the film/video editing community. Apple could have lost a huge market share if they had not listened to their customers (after the release) and responded with changes the community expected.

So, IMO, understanding end-user needs by voting is just one factor to be considered in ERs.

But, it is an important factor that should not just be thrown out without consideration.

You probably don't look at this way, but your campaign for "Due Date" is one form of "voting". :)

(BTW, I agree with the need, and with your approach to get it).

All of this is just an idea, like brain-storming -- not even a suggestion or recommendation.

It may or may not make sense to Evernote.

It may or may not be feasible.

Just food for thought. :)


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