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(Archived) Feature Request - Copy web URL links from Evernote Clients

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I would like to use Note links in web applications like Trello and Google docs. The problem is these web apps don't understand the local note links generated by the Mac and Windows Evernote clients. If this can't be fixed, can we please have the option to copy the URL to the note on the Evernote Web client?

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  • Level 5*

Right-click the note in List or Snippet view and choose ~Share and ~Copy Note URL to Clipboard (depending on your OS, mine's Windows). Does exactly what it says in the can.

EDIT: Of course, the note you open will be a read-only copy..

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If you use collaborative websites like Trello, isn't it better to share the note first, so others can use the link? You can share the notes in any Evernote client and you get a valid URL of the form

http://www.evernote.com/shard/s<number>/sh/<guid>/<some other guid>

, see http://blog.evernote.com/2011/03/29/the-shiny-new-evernote-web-redesigned-interface-expanded-note-sharing-options-and-more/

If you insist on having a private Web URL for your note, you can use the evernote:// link and extract the note GUID from there. I took the bookmarklet from http://enml-editor.ping13.net and adapted it for your purpose:

javascript:function interactWithClipboard (text) { return window.prompt ("Paste Evernote note link to clipboard: Ctrl+v, Enter", text) || "";} function CopyFromAndToClipboard() { var guid =  interactWithClipboard("").match(/(n=|/)([a-f0-9]{8}-[a-f0-9]{4}-[a-f0-9]{4}-[a-f0-9]{4}-[a-f0-9]{12})/i);  if (guid) { window.prompt('Get Evernote Web URL (Ctrl+c, Enter):','https://www.evernote.com/Home.action#n='+guid[2]); } else { alert('Sorry, could not find any Evernote note GUID.');}}CopyFromAndToClipboard();void(0)

When you start the bookmarklet, you first need to copy the note link into the first dialog box and hit enter. A second dialog box appears with the desired note URL to use. Hit Ctrl+c to get it onto your clipboard.

Hope this helps


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  • 2 weeks later...


Thanks a bunch for the bookmarklet, that will do the trick for now!

Regarding using a shared link - I'm trying to capture a link to my personal notes with the cards that are assigned to me for historical reference. - While I'm working on the card, I am still editing the note - so read only access wouldn't work. I'm already saving the Trello URL in my Note, so now with the bookmarklet and web link, I'll have a cross links between them both!

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  • 6 months later...

Hi, I know I can share a note with the "copy shared note URL to cipboard" functionality. The problem is that I don't want to make it accessible to everybody. I just want the users with whom I have shared the notebook have access to the note. Is that not posible?

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  • Level 5*

Hey Raul - Welcome to the forums. If you have already shared a notebook containing this note, then your invited users already have access. Why do you need to share it again?

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