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(Archived) Clipping From Kindle Keyboard (Or Any Non-Fire Kindle)

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  • Level 5

Yes, I got a Kindle for Xmas. :-)

Seriously, my new Kindle is a "Keyboard" and not a Fire. I'd like to be able to clip things from books into Evernote. *

What approaches can people suggest?

Ideally I'd want a client but can see that'd be tough to pull off - unless Evernote talked nicely to Amazon about collaboration. :-)

Thanks, Martin

* Yes, I've thought about copyright but it's the same issue as with paper books and with web material.

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  • Level 5

@peterfmartin Thanks for reminding me of the comment I made about highlights in the other thread. In this case I'm not sure I even want to make a highlight. Of course the other possibility is to open the book in Kindle software on eg a Mac or iPhone and copy and paste into an Evernote note. But then that means keeping the books in more than 1 place, in addition to in Calibre.

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  • 2 weeks later...

the way i'm doing is setting up a tweeter account, a ifttt.com account (check out the site if you don't already know hat it is ).generate a tweet to evernote ifttt.

then you can share the highlight in kindle to tweeter(unfortunately it's only a link ), and ifttt will do the rest of the job.

there's no usb needed in this process everything's wireless. but kindle will only share a link to ur highlight on tweeter and that's what you'll get on Evernote

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Elissa, you've left three posts in one day promoting ClippingsConverter. Are you affiliated with it? Also, does it provide the automated functionality OP and I have asked for, or does it also involve a manual process to move Kindle clippings to Evernote? I can't see how to automate it.

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  • Level 5

@peterfmartin, I tried Elissa's suggestion and I like it - apart from the (probably inevitable) need to extract the file from the Kindle to upload it. I've been in touch with the developer and he's been responsive to some early suggestions of mine. But I still have more... :-)


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