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(Archived) Using Evernote with Zite


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I am new to Evernote and am having a heck of a time getting my web content to appear in my notebook in an accepable format. Today I clipped a story about the War of 1812 from the Calgary Herald using Zite on my iPad. I wanted to bring into a post on my blog using the Everpress WordPress plugin on my Mac Book Pro. Before my web clipping ever made it into Everpress, I logged in my Evernote account to view the clipping. Turns out there is about two pages of weather and other news items in the same web clipping before I even get to the article I wanted to clip in the first place. Am I missing something in Evernote? I thought clippings were supposed to retain formating, etc from the original source and to be easily postable to a variety of other sources such as blogs, emails, etc The Facebook link seems to work alright but all my notebook clippings are a mishmash of headers, etc before I can find what I orginally wanted to share. I spend a lot of time editing out formating, headers, ads, banners, etc. Seems to me Evernote should be a lot easier to use than this. What am I missing?



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An easy workaround for this that I use is to save to Instapaper from Zite and then use Instapaper to send it to Evernote. I found this somewhat by accident. I usually blast through Zite quickly and send any articles that look promising to Instapaper. Then I process articles from Instapaper.

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  • 1 year later...

Evernote worked wonderfully with Zite until the password issue with Evernote came up. I can't get it to work with either my iPhone or iPad. Anyone else?

If I choose to send an article to Evernote, I get a blinking grey screen which doesn't go away. If I cancel the action, Zite crashes, and nothing is saved to Evernote. 


Evernote has not responded to me on this yet.


Thanks, Jim

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I sent a request to Zite about this issue. Here's their response. It fixed it for me:


Hi there,

Yes, Evernote invalidated the the API and it broke sharing in Zite. Ack! Here's how to fix it:

1. First, change your Evernote password in the evernote app, or website.

2. Next, open an article in Zite, hit "Share", then "More…" then tap "logout" (under actions).

3. Close the article. The next time you save to Evernote, you'll need to re-enter your new password, but sharing should work.

Let me know if that doesn't work.


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  • 2 weeks later...

Evernote worked wonderfully with Zite until the password issue with Evernote came up. I can't get it to work with either my iPhone or iPad. Anyone else?

If I choose to send an article to Evernote, I get a blinking grey screen which doesn't go away. If I cancel the action, Zite crashes, and nothing is saved to Evernote. 


Evernote has not responded to me on this yet.


Thanks, Jim

I am having the exact same problem.

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I sent a request to Zite about this issue. Here's their response. It fixed it for me:


Hi there,

Yes, Evernote invalidated the the API and it broke sharing in Zite. Ack! Here's how to fix it:

1. First, change your Evernote password in the evernote app, or website.

2. Next, open an article in Zite, hit "Share", then "More…" then tap "logout" (under actions).

3. Close the article. The next time you save to Evernote, you'll need to re-enter your new password, but sharing should work.

Let me know if that doesn't work.



Thanks very much for this. Much appreciated!

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  • 3 weeks later...

This seems more onerous that the workarounds I use: (1) opening in Safari and then send to Evernote using the Safari bookmarklet, or (2) Select and Copy the content of interest and then send to Evernote from EverClip. That App stays in the background for only 15 minutes, but if you reactivate it by clicking on its icon after copying the section of interest, it will still capture the clipboard that you can then send to Evernote. I found that the format of the clip is better preserved using Option (2) but the EverClip will set you back a whooping $5.99:



I sent a request to Zite about this issue. Here's their response. It fixed it for me:


Hi there,

Yes, Evernote invalidated the the API and it broke sharing in Zite. Ack! Here's how to fix it:

1. First, change your Evernote password in the evernote app, or website.

2. Next, open an article in Zite, hit "Share", then "More…" then tap "logout" (under actions).

3. Close the article. The next time you save to Evernote, you'll need to re-enter your new password, but sharing should work.

Let me know if that doesn't work.



Thanks very much for this. Much appreciated!
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  • 5 months later...

I followed the instructions posted on  06 March 2013 - 01:33 AM until I got to the step saying to tap "logout" (under actions) because there was no "logout" option under Actions, the options were: 1) Copy 2) Email 3) Open In Safari and 4) SMS.


Any thoughts on how I can proceed?  Evernote from Zite used to work brilliantly, then one day, it just would not accept my login information, even thought I use the exact same login information successfully online.


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Oh, I did think about removing and re-installing Evernote, but I am unwilling to use Apple Maps as a default maps app, so I still an using IOS 5.1 and I am not confident that I will be able to find an older version of Evernote to install.

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