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(Archived) email notes/docs to EN account

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I want to know if anyone is having the same issue with emailing to EN. My emails are not showing up in the designated notebook. I've added @notebook name to the end of the subject line. Out of 5 emails only one has made it to the correct notebook. The rest end up in other notebooks.


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  • Level 5*

Does the notebook designation appear before any tag designations? Notebook designation needs to go first.

Do the designated notebooks exist already? Evernote will not create new notebooks based on @<notebook name> in email titles.

Do the notebook names contain spaces? You may need to enclose the name in quotes.

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OK, it sounds like it could be how I format the @notebook name. I'm not using tags.

If the subject of the email is stove for new kitchen and I want it to go into a notebook called New Kitchen how should I format the subject

stove for new kitchen @new kitchen

stove for new kitchen @newkitchen

stove for new kitchen @"new kitchen"

Thanks Jeff

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  • Level 5

The first one (no quotes) should work.

I ran a test with my Evernote Windows client.

I created a notebook named New Kitchen and sent 2 test emails.

The one without the quotes went into the New Kitchen notebook.

The one with quotes went into my default notebook.

Here is an Evernote blog on the subject.


Tip: Try to keep your notebooks and tags down to just one word.

You won't have to add the two sets of quotation marks and it will speed up your keystrokes for searches.

For instance, use either NewKitchen, New_Kitchen, or New-Kitchen

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  • 1 month later...

I was having the same problem, but I figured out what my problem was.

I would create a notebook, then email a note to go into the notebook using the proper formatting but instead the note would appear in my default notebook.

I figured out what had happened is that I created the notebook, but had not yet synced. So the new notebook didn't exist in the cloud yet. So when the email arrived, Evernote didn't know where to put the note so it just stuck it in the default place.

Now when I create notebooks I make sure to manually sync before I send anything to it.

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