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REQUEST: Evernote for Linux


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We would like to see a Linux client, but we are a relatively small company and don't currently have the resources to build and maintain a Linux client for the 1% of our potential customers who use Linux on the desktop.

We would be very happy to see a Linux integration from a third party developer using our public network API:


We've offered API keys and a little advice to a few developers who have said they were interested in building a Linux client.

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We would like to see a Linux client, but we are a relatively small company and don't currently have the resources to build and maintain a Linux client for the 1% of our potential customers who use Linux on the desktop.

We would be very happy to see a Linux integration from a third party developer using our public network API:


We've offered API keys and a little advice to a few developers who have said they were interested in building a Linux client.

Wish you become more stronger and Evernote become everyone's best tools~

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  • 2 weeks later...

I'd like to add my vote for a native Linux client. At the very least, I'd like to see some work being done to make the Windows client work better under Wine. In my opinion, broad cross-platform compatibility is essential for any cloud application with a native client.

How well have you guys researched your target demographic? I think you underestimate the number of Linux users who would use a native Evernote client. You've obviously spent a lot of time on the iPhone client, but I'd guess the number of Linux users likely to use Evernote is greater than the number of iPhone users likely to do so.

I love Evernote, but with as a Linux and Symbian user, I'm not feeling the love in return. :(

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I feel Linux users' pain. It's the same pain we Mac users suffered for many years, until the rise in OS X market share. Now we're seeing a lot more parity between Mac and Windows software, though we're not quite there yet.

I think if Linux has to follow the same curve, you're in for a long wait. :(

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  • 3 weeks later...

I know this may seem heretical, but you would probably have a linux client in no time at all if the other clients were released under Open Source licenses...

Not sure how antithetical it is to your business model, but the real beauty of the cloud is that the code for applications doesn't really matter money-wise anymore. We give you money for the service you provide, and that means your software doesn't need to be proprietary. Anyways, just a thought. I really love the app, and honestly have been neglecting my linux installations for weeks now because wine just doesn't do a good enough job with evernote. I'd probably spend a lot more time using a far superior OS if I could get this and a couple of other little things working right.

I'm not much of a coder (yet), but I for one would be willing to contribute whatever I could to make a linux port happen. Documentation, website construction, etc.


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I'm running Ubuntu Linux and I use Wine (the Windows emulator) to run a number of Windows programs. I used Wine to install the Windows version of the Evernote desktop. I can't guarantee everything works the same as in native Windows, but the program opens, I can create notes, paste in text, etc.

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  • 2 weeks later...
I'm running Ubuntu Linux and I use Wine (the Windows emulator) to run a number of Windows programs. I used Wine to install the Windows version of the Evernote desktop. I can't guarantee everything works the same as in native Windows, but the program opens, I can create notes, paste in text, etc.


I am using the WEB interface when I am under Linux, which is becoming better and better, albeit a bit slow. As you have your client running, could you tell us if these features are working under Wine/Ubuntu (Gnome 08.10 ?) if you have tried them :

  • EN extension for Firefox
    EN extention for Thunderbird
    Paste of Pictures
    Files import
    Email a note with a mail client (Thunderbird, Evolution, ...)
    integrated image editing
    image opening in external editor (Gimp ?)
    memory footprint

Indeed, I am interested :(

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I am also interested in a client for Linux, as I use Ubuntu full time when I'm at home. Currently, when I need Evernote, I lug around my old iBook G4 with me, which just sits next to me on the desk with only Evernote open.

Running under WINE worked while I had a free membership, and was only using it lightly. Now that I sprang for a Premium membership, I've been using Evernote a whole lot more (went from 40-ish notes to over 250 in a day or two), and the drag and drop functionality for assigning tags and putting notes in notebooks is pretty buggy. The client would freeze constantly when trying to move more than one note at a time.

The web interface is good enough for light use, but when I start to get into heavy use for tasks, etc. I end up hitting a wall with the functionality. What I would like to see is an Adobe Air (or QT, GTK, etc.) implementation through the API that includes all of the functionality I love in the Mac client, but would be completely cross platform. I wish I had more time and energy to put into creating such an implementation myself, but alas, I am a poor college student :(

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I don't have time to try everything, but so far:

Firefox extension clips to the Web account, has to be synchronized from the client to appear there.

It's possible that if Windows Firefox, etc. were installed in Wine it would work directly, but the interprocess communication may not be there.

File import seems to be OK (you can browse to other folders on the Linux partition as well as the Wine drive but I didn't really try it.

It might work better in a virtual machine such as virtualbox or vmware, though of course you'd have to install Windows in the VM.

A native Linux version would certainly be better. Since they're doing OS X I'd think it would not be too hard.

good luck



I am using the WEB interface when I am under Linux, which is becoming better and better, albeit a bit slow. As you have your client running, could you tell us if these features are working under Wine/Ubuntu (Gnome 08.10 ?) if you have tried them :

  • EN extension for Firefox
    EN extention for Thunderbird
    Paste of Pictures
    Files import
    Email a note with a mail client (Thunderbird, Evolution, ...)
    integrated image editing
    image opening in external editor (Gimp ?)
    memory footprint

Indeed, I am interested :)

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Agreed, a native linux app would be great - whether built by the Evernote team, or someone else using the API. There is also mention of possible future Evernote support on the BasKet Notes site (but I think that doesn't support images, which I use a lot..?).

In the meantime, a few fixes to help those using Evernote under Wine would go a long way!

My particular issue is in getting images in. I don't necessarily expect the clipper to work properly given the limited clipboard capability of Wine, but it would be great if auto import folders could be fixed - then I can grab screenshots or dump files using any old program and have them appear in Evernote.

Currently I email items, but the email/wait/click sync/etc. loop is long enough to disrupt my workflow.

I've posted this elsewhere, but to review, Evernote under Wine gives the following errors:

On clicking File Import: "You don't have any registered notebooks. Please do sync with your account"

[all of my notebooks are sync'd OK]

One can click through this message, and continue to try and add a folder, but it never appears. If you now OK, you get

"Can't write volume label on Z: Drive should be writable during initial auto-import configuration. Check if drive is not write-protected and try again"

This may be impossible for Evernote to solve, but it would be interesting to hear from one of the developers if there's a quick fix :)

Regards, Mark

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I'd like a Linux version as well. I've been using Ubuntu 8.10 and am looking at 9.04. Having EverNote would be great. I wouldn't need Windows on my notebook at all.

I don't know what development platform you're using, but if you can produce Windows and Mac clients, it doesn't seem like it should be that hard to develop a Linux version.

Please, Please, Please...

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Our desktop clients for Mac and Windows both represent several engineer-years worth of work, on operating systems with mature integrated support for multimedia, etc. While I would personally love to see a Linux client, we're a small company and won't be able to pay for this to happen any time soon.

We have had several people request development keys for our API to work on their own Linux support, and we would love to heavily promote any Linux apps that added Evernote support.

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We have had several people request development keys for our API to work on their own Linux support, and we would love to heavily promote any Linux apps that added Evernote support.

If you guys weren't able to do it, I would definitely throw in some monetary support for another entity to get some sort of client working (well) on Linux. I'm glad to hear that there have been requests for the API with that in mind.

Are there going to be any updates to the web interface any time in the near future?

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I wanted to make a simple linux command-line version of Evernote just for simple requests and scripting but Engberg doesn't seem to look into the Developer section that much. I can't request anything from him and actually he might be overwhelmed by all other ports he's working on, but Please just tell me what's going on with the python libs.

Anyway, i even thought of a graphical linux version but that would be too much work to be as good as the "real version". Maybe i can focus on things that wine can't handle but my point in making a command-line version is to have a lightweight note-taker.

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I just wanted to add that I'm successfully using the Evernote for Windows desktop client on Linux using CrossOver. The only downside is strange black boxes around the icons and sad fonts, but other than that, it seems to work fine!

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I just wanted to add that I'm successfully using the Evernote for Windows desktop client on Linux using CrossOver. The only downside is strange black boxes around the icons and sad fonts, but other than that, it seems to work fine!

That's really weird, after listening to the Linux Action Show interview with the CEO of CodeWeavers, I was just 3 minutes ago going to their website to see if I could test that out.

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  • 4 weeks later...

I was just thinking about this issue again, after opening Evernote in WINE. Instead of working on an official branch of Evernote for Linux, what if you could donate a developer's time to the WINE project in order to send fixes upstream that make Evernote work better, and therefore benefit other projects as well?

(Obviously, I know it's not as easy as saying "Hey, you, go work on WINE", but it's just a suggestion)

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  • 2 weeks later...

I would also like to add my voice to this appeal. I definitely would love a Linux client. However, at the moment the Windows client is so clunky I'd rather use the web interface in Linux than make it even clunkier by running it under wine. The Mac version looks great. A native version running under Gnome would look and feel even better!

I know nothing about programming. Is there such a huge difference between OSX and Linux code?

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  • 2 weeks later...
We would like to see a Linux client, but we are a relatively small company and don't currently have the resources to build and maintain a Linux client for the 1% of our potential customers who use Linux on the desktop.

So you think there's more Palm pre users than linux users ? i don't know why i don't believe you !!!!

Like some one say, open your source code and you'll have a nice linux version for you app. It's the only problem for me and that's why i couldn't upgrade to a premium account. trust the linux community there are more than 1% of your customer who use linux !!

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The effort to build a light "clipper" for mobile phones is a tiny fraction of the effort to build a full synchronizing desktop client, unfortunately. A full Linux client would be several engineer-years of effort to complete and maintain, and the market for desktop software on Linux is fragmented at best, unfortunately.

On a phone like the Pre, there's a built-in application store that will get Evernote in front of hundreds of thousands of new users who would never have heard of us before. We can do a few months of effort to be one of 20 applications that every Pre user will see from their new devices, which results in a lot of new Evernote users.

Again, we'd love to see a Linux client ... I had a dedicated home Linux system back when it required installing off of multiple Slackware floppy disks. We're just a small company and don't have the hundreds of thousands of dollars free that it would take to build and maintain this platform, so we're encouraging others to take a look at our API if they're interested in building an open source client: http://www.evernote.com/about/developer/api/

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  • 3 weeks later...

If you don't have the time or the man-power to wright a linux client (although I am not sure why it would take years), then open up the API (server side) and let linux community do the work or better yet initiate/start an open source project and let everyone contribute. It won't disturb your business model much since you charge for extra storage space and bandwidth - not the app itself. Just my 2 cents.

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Im a avid Alteritive to Windows User. I have a MacBook. But my media server runs Ubuntu, and so dose my desktop, and NetBook. I Used my Netbook at work Exclusivly just for Note taking and keeping track of proceedures and policies, and other notes I need to keep the system I work on up and Running. So far I really dont have a "System" for note taking I love evernote, I also use a Livescribe Pulse Pen. Both Evernote and Livescribe Desktop dont really like each other real well. However they do work kinda together.

If someone would make a Plugin for Tomboy "an Open Source" note taking application that works with Windows / Mac and all Linux Flavors. I think this would be the solution to the evernote problem.

What Id really love to see out of evernote is Sync Capabilities with out having to use the internet. Id like to use my own server here at my home. Or allow ever note to sync its DB with a windows share or something to that effect so Im stuck having to rely on the web sync. Id gladly pay for a version of evernote that allowed for this. the amount of notes and PDFs I have to use would exceed 500 gig a month easy, not to mention its just not practical to xfer and sync large PDF's daily for as many changes that are made to them.

I may just not know everything there is to evernote, this maybe already a feature and I just dont know it. But syncing from say my Mac to my 1 Windows PC (with out using evernote.com) would be a great start to allowing Linux users a way in.

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I'm a Product Manager, developer, industry vet and big Evernote fan. You should make the leap to include the Linux community. Even my old dad has punted Windows for Ubuntu, and he's approaching 80 (he did it himself BTW). Ubuntu is the largest Linux distro in the world, with the express purpose of putting user-friendly computing in the peoples' hands worldwide - not sure how that factored into your market analysis. You can't get too focused on one stat from W3 or apply debates on server geek threads to desktop market changes. What is clear is that Windows is losing share.

I appreciate your size versus market segment argument, which is why you should leverage what makes the open software movement so great - all those good free minds. Some of them are already brainstorming on this thread. You've foolish not to take advantage and increase your reach. Figure out how to use one of the world's largest genetic algorithms.

You're welcome to contact me directly. It's also free. :D

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As I said before in this thread, I think an Air (or QT, GTK, etc.) implementation of Evernote would go a really long way to solidifying the product for me. I just had to go through the process of re-installing the Windows client on my PC, and it was a pain in the neck to do after using the Mac client for so long.

It would go a long way to use one of those frameworks that is cross-platform, so that we can have a single desktop interface and use whatever platform we want. The differences between the Mac and Windows clients, while subtle, irk me in some basic way.

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  • 5 months later...
  • 2 months later...
I second this! Using the windows version on Ubuntu is just *****!

and who tells you, that using a linux version on ubuntu isnt ***** too? ;->

imho, better improving existing applications, than throwing out another semi-finished application on another OS...

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I second this! Using the windows version on Ubuntu is just *****!

and who tells you, that using a linux version on ubuntu isnt ***** too? ;->

imho, better improving existing applications, than throwing out another semi-finished application on another OS...

If you are looking for native Linux semi-finished *****, I can help. :D

If you wouldn't mind beta testing a Linux version then please send me a private message. I want to emphasize beta (i.e somewhat buggy) and that I'm not connected with Evernote (so don't ask for help from them). I was tired of waiting for a Linux version so I started one myself. It is fairly stable & can do most of what the existing Windows client does including offline notes & syncing with their servers. There are a few others beta testing it for me and they haven't burnt me in effigy (yet) so it must not be too awful.

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There are a few others beta testing it for me and they haven't burnt me in effigy (yet) so it must not be too awful.

hey, thats sounds great :-)

i'm not a linux user anymore, so i can't help you with betatesting here, but i'm pretty sure, if addressed correctly with a corresponding thread here in the forum, you will get a lot of people who help you betatesting.

good luck!

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  • 4 weeks later...
  • 2 weeks later...

here here!

Ubuntu 10.04 is a beauty, especially on my old X41 tablet. The only piece missing is Evernote 3.5.x! Don't make me dual boot for that PLEASE! I like 3.1 and web (only alternatives now), but 3.5.x is a fantastic product.

If there is beta/alpha testing available, please let me know. If its not even being considered, I'm an IT guy by career (13+), I've done some scripting, please let me know what I can do to help inspire you guys to make it happen!

You guys are doing a great job, I'm hopeful you can come through on this request.

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Evernote is not working on a native Linux client, and we don't have any plans to make a Linux client in the future.

However, we'd love to see other people build applications that talk to Evernote. We will happily and actively promote good quality applications that work with our API. E.g.: http://www.evernote.com/about/integration/

Randy (baumgarr, above) has been working on a Linux note taking application that works with Evernote for a while, so you could talk to him about testing his application.

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  • 1 month later...


After doing a lot of searching, and reading all the requests for a Linux version of EverNote, I was surprised (and disappointed) to see your response. is Evernote just another company that doesn't take Linux seriously? I think if you look at it, you will find more and more people that are moving away from Windows to Linux. For me, it was the best move I have ever made. There have been a few software issues in doing so, however and Evernote has been one of them. I guess I will continue to use v3.1 in Wine *such as it works) until I find something else that will work natively under Linux.

Eric Lorenz

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Unfortunately, most of our decisions aren't based on "good" versus "bad", but rather "with our limited resources, how can we best attract, retain, and monetize a large number of users."

So if we aren't paying two Silicon Valley engineers to spend a year writing a Linux client, it's not that I'd hate to see a Linux client, or we don't take Linux "seriously" (we're running around 80 Linux servers). But rather that we feel that we can attract and maintain more users by spending more money on (e.g.) a better Android client that will be bundled on dozens of phones and attract thousands of new Evernote users each day via the App Market. The Linux ~1% desktop market share translates to a lot smaller number of bodies who install and pay for third-party applications than the global Android market share.

We are, however, actively encouraging third party developers who want to build applications that can use Evernote as a back-end storage system. Those developers could choose to GPL their apps, or sell them if they want.

That includes Randy's project, but also things like integration with Tomboy: http://github.com/dvj/EvernoteSyncAddin

If you take Linux seriously and want to see one of those projects complete faster, you could offer to help on the coding.

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I want to chime in and say that I would like to see an EN Linux app, as it is one of about four apps that keeps me tied to Win (the others being a good Acrobat editor, Camstudio screen recording, Mozy Backup and maybe one or two more).

However, EN's position on directing their resources to the highest payoff makes sense. I am an Android user as well and am very happy that they are working a lot in that space!

Thanks to all at EN for your wonderful app!

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  • 2 weeks later...

For all Linux users that didn't manage to find the links to the open-source Evernote version, called "Nevernote", developed by user Randy (baumgarr, above):

Introducing the version that is stable enough for basic use:


..or directly to the sourceforge page of the developer:


..and even more-directly to the shared notebook note containing version 0.86 download accompanied with a description "--- To Install ---"


The instructions clearly state you have to have QT Jambi 4.5 installed, so here is a direct link to the Qt Jambi - Java bindings for Linux 32-bit. (There are also 64-bit binaries if you need them)

Please post any question regarding installation in http://sourceforge.net/apps/phpbb/nevernote/viewtopic.php?f=3&t=11

Rest assured, my installation worked without any problems and I am a pretty novice user ;)

[My setup at the time of writing this is: Linux Ubuntu 10.4 Lucid Lynx, Sun Java 1.6.0_20, Nevernote 0.86.]

Kind regards

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Thanks MrPok for posting all that & I'm glad you like it.

Anyone is certainly welcome to try it and I use it as my main program on both Windows & Linux so I'm comfortable with it enough to eat my own dog food. My only caution to anyone is that this is beta software. You should be fine and I haven't heard of any catastrophic data corruption problems but it can be a little rough around the edges at times.

Thanks again MrPok.

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Hi all! it's my first post here (and my birthday).

I'm a big Evernote evangelist, I use it on my iMac, netbook (windows), iPhone, and now iPad too. It's a total lifesaver, greatest killer app for computing in 2015 - BUT, the one client that's missing for me, is a linux client.

I can appreciate why you might have focused more on extending into the mobile platforms during the past year (with so much hardware development happening there) and you've done a SMASHING job of that - but sooner or later I think the long-overdue Linux client needs some attention :)

I know you can't make promises or give me a date, but I can tell you for sure - a Linux client would be a really valuable addition to your existing lineup of great products.

Thanks for taking the time to make such a great service, and for making the clients so intuitive and beautiful.

Take care,

Tom Hodgins

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  • 2 weeks later...
  • 1 month later...

Yes, via WINE. It's a little slow right now - suspecting debug code in Evernote client. BTW I don't see enscript. I assume - given there appears to be a new database format - it's had to be reworked.

But anyway I'm happy Evernote under WINE is back in business after having had to skip 3.5.

Cheers, Martin

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  • Level 5


While WINE support is not among EN4 requirements, it's good to know the current implementation works, although I expect some visual issues with transparency and alpha channel rendering. Would it be possible to send us a few screen shots of EN4 running under WINE?

Database format in EN4 is identical to EN3.5. ENScript is coming soon,

EN4 being slow: does it look similar to the UI locking issue described in this forum post: viewtopic.php?f=56&t=18607 ?

Thank you,


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I can't answer the question on what causes the speed. BTW I never got to 3.5 because of, as has been noted, .net.

I also don't see two things:

1) Note thumbnails getting rendered - mostly.

2) Any background behind the e.g "Sync", "Trunk" strip of buttons.

What I can't tell is whether that's normal for this beta or a particular problem with running under WINE.

Here's a screenshot:


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  • Level 5

Looks like most of the graphics images that are used to draw UI are not rendered at all :( Not surprising since they all use alpha channel and alpha channel rendering seems to be a weak area under WINE.

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  • 1 month later...

Amidst the roars and cheers of the EverNote aficionado's there are quite mumblings and groans from the Linux minority, who want a native client.

Yes, a web interface with a web clipped is available but it doesn't help when one is offline.

This is what's going to happen. I know it's going to happen because it's a predictable pattern, and it's happened before many times with other software systems. (Call me Nostradamus)

1. Evernote will continue to soar in popularity, not surprising - it's a good product after all it will go well past the 10 million mark by 2012

2. Realizing that there will *never* be a linux client, a lone hacker will build a modified e-mail client* that creates notes**

*Evernote, is in fact a modified / hacked e-mail client with added features. It is a great product because at it's foundation it's based on what made the Internet great in the first place - off-line pop email

** Each note is much like a draft e-mail note

3. The obvious place to link this "e-mail client" is into Google Mail where there is 7 Gig's or more space to store these "notes"

4. The client will probably be written in Java, but in any event, with the linux folks being what they are, the program will be open source and eventually there will be not only linux clients, but windows and OS X clients, with Android versions not far behind.

Just as EverNote reaches the point of "Global Ubiquity" the free open source client spreads like a virus across the world. It's spread - ironically fueled by the fact that EverNote is so successful. Posts on LifeHacker blog and legions of 20somethings googling for "Free Opensouce EverNote" will adopt the hacked e-mail client and probably be installed on Ubuntu as a standard feature linked up to their "Ubutnu One" pet project.

This is the inevitable path, what else could possibly happen?

If I was at the top levels of EverNote Corp. I would kill this weed before it takes root. I would create a linux client par excellence, lest the open source spreads like a virus.

Anyway, now sit back and watch my predictions unfold, exactly as I said they would.

Enjoy the show.

:lol: UPDATE: 2011 http://remus-software.org/ .... I told you this would happen

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We'd love to see an open-source Java-based application for Linux that synchronizes with Evernote.

For example: http://nevernote.sourceforge.net/

For a variety of technical reasons, email protocols are not suitable for a read-write note taking background. Neither IMAP nor POP allow you to edit an existing message (aside from a tiny number of hard-coded "flags"). So editing a note four times would involve deleting the old IMAP message and creating a new one, etc.

We actually considered using IMAP as our transport between clients and servers, and decided it wasn't up to the job.


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Anyway, now sit back and watch my predictions unfold, exactly as I said they would.

Enjoy the show.

It hardly takes a psychic to "predict" something that's already happened.


Nope, what you're referring to is someone trying to plug a linux client into the existing EverNote Server Architecture.

What I'm afraid of, is someone saying "to heck with it" and build a client that "syncs" with either Google Mail, DropBox, SugarSync, UbuntuOne or just even one's own server.

The Linux client you're referring to, is a side show, a distraction.

P.S. The "Prediction / Nostradamus" allusion are tongue - in - cheek LOL :lol:

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A Linux-only program that synchronizes with one of those systems wouldn't let you access or add content from anywhere else. I.e. you couldn't take a picture from your Android phone, then find it by searching for text within the image from your Windows computer at work so you can edit the title and later view it from your friend's Mac web browser.

There are plenty of single-platform note taking applications out there, but that's not really what Evernote is building.

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Nope, what you're referring to is someone trying to plug a linux client into the existing EverNote Server Architecture.
The Linux client you're referring to, is a side show, a distraction.

Not sure what you're wanting then. If you're using EN & want to use it on a linux box, that app is supposed to be very good. I don't do linux, so can't speak to it myself.

What I'm afraid of, is someone saying "to heck with it" and build a client that "syncs" with either Google Mail, DropBox, SugarSync, UbuntuOne or just even one's own server.

Not sure why you're "afraid" of something like that. There are tons of apps out there that sync with various cloud services. (shrug) I use Dropbox but don't see it as competition for EN. (Similarly, I use OneNote & don't see it as competition for EN.) I use Toodledoo & have two iPhone apps that sync with Toodledo (neither is the "official" Toodledo iPhone app.) One is better when entering several tasks & the other one is better when I'm actually at the market, loading stuff into my cart & marking items off my grocery list. I also use FastEver & it's sister app, FastEver Snap, to quickly get notes & photos into my EN account via my iPhone. It's all good. :lol:

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Nope, what you're referring to is someone trying to plug a linux client into the existing EverNote Server Architecture.

That's the whole point of the client software.

You have to see Evernote more as a service than as a client software. No matter what client software, webinterface or operating system you use. It won't affect Evernote at all and you can't just sync your data on any other server you want. It simply lacks the abilities that the Evernote cloud has to offer (i.e.: image analysis and text recognition). It's not just a place to store data, like you seem to think.

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Another point is that there is no revenue attached to the EN clients. They are given away free. The whole idea of the free client is to encourage users to try EN. hopefully they get to use En a lot and come to see value in it, and then become premium subscribers. Why would EN care what client you used?

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Why would EN care what client you used?

We would absolutely LOVE it if you used an open-source client developed by smart engineers that we didn't have to pay. That's not a "threat", that would be delightful.

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Why would EN care what client you used?

We would absolutely LOVE it if you used an open-source client developed by smart engineers that we didn't have to pay. That's not a "threat", that would be delightful.

So I guess I shouldn't hold out for that free iPad, ritePen, and lifetime premium subscription in appreciation for all the hard work? Damn! ;)

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A good news update on my experiment at using 4.0 beta under WINE: The alpha channel rendering problem has been solved:

Wine 1.2 supports alpha channel rendering. Having installed it all the icons and thumbnails are now showing up. So if we talk about Linux we should just say "install WINE 1.2 or later and it'll be fine".

It's still slow: I wonder how much debug code there is in the beta.

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Hopefully no-one will mind me mentioning I have the Evernote 4.0 beta happily running on Ubuntu under WINE. To do this you need WINE 1.2 at least. (1.1 doesn't render properly.) While I wouldn't now want to run 3.5 I'll note it doesn't run. Period.

Now if you don't like WINE this doesn't help you.

So the future IS looking brighter for Evernote for Linux.

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  • Level 5

Good to know WINE finally improved its alpha rendering support. This is important feature of modern GUI's and Evernote uses it extensively.

The sluggishness issue is not expected -- BETA build does not contain any extra code to slow down execution, it's all in debugging build.

Would it be possible to run DbgView or and other debug output capture tool to see the profiling output?

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  • 2 weeks later...

I too am really glad to see that 4.0 works with Linux under wine. I was concerned with 3.5 and was starting to consider trying to find other options.

I've now installed Evernote in a separate wine prefix to test it for myself. I use wine 1.3.5. It looks good with all of the UI graphics displayed with proper transparency. However, it *is* sluggish. There is a noticeable lag switching between notebooks, clicking on menu buttons, and performing some, but not all actions

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I don't believe DebugView works under Wine, but I think I can accomplish the same thing by setting WINEDEBUG=+relay, and then grepping the results for "Debug" to capture all of the OutputDebugString calls, just like DebugView.

I've attached these results from using evernote for a minute or so, primarily clicking around and switching notebooks. I don't notice anything that particularly stands out -- my guess is it's some slowness in the ability of Wine to draw or update something.

Slow things: switching notebooks, the menus (file, edit, view), loading a PDF preview of some PDFs (might lock the program for 5 seconds or more when viewing such a note). The slow PDF preview for some PDFs I observed in Evernote 3.1 as well, however (count this as another vote to allow disabling automatic preview :( )

Some things are fast: searching for notes, switching notes within a notebook.

One thing that seems to have *stopped* working under Wine from Evernote 3.1 to 4.0 is pasting of some text. For example, I can copy and paste plain text, but I can't copy and paste text from my browser (presumably with HTML formatting). This worked before.

So it's good enough to use, just not great at the moment.


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  • Level 5

Interesting ... looks like pretty much everything is 10 or more times slower.

Would it be possible to run a few tests with ENScript.exe, like createNotes, importNotes, exportNote, syncDatabase to see if console application works better?


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Interesting ... looks like pretty much everything is 10 or more times slower.

Would it be possible to run a few tests with ENScript.exe, like createNotes, importNotes, exportNote, syncDatabase to see if console application works better?


I have been avoiding EN 4 Win as I have enough other alligators biting me a the moment.

However, my primary system is UB10.04 with a Virtual Box(Non-Free) seamless VM for XP SP3 with EN 3.5(plus a couple of other Win only apps that are not clean under Wine). Other than re-mapping the PrintScreen function to Win+P (to avoid Ubuntu global hotkey) it has been working like a charm. Close to native Win speed as I have all EN files in the virtual disk and EN3.5 seldom maxs the single core that the VM is allowed.

Just added a todo to install latest Wine and EN4 to see how it feels. I am planning to hold off on upgrading the XP VM to EN4 until it is a bit more stable.

Hmmm. I could also clone the XP SP3 virtual machine to test EN4 and see if there are any obvious differences.


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Would it be possible to run a few tests with ENScript.exe, like createNotes, importNotes, exportNote, syncDatabase to see if console application works better?

Exporting my database to a 7Mb enex file takes 3 sec with ENScript.exe, which does not sound excessively slow to me.

The only thing that is slow is the UI, actually much slower than the 3 series...


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Installed EN4 Win in parallel with EN3.5 in Virtual Box XP SP3 machine. Imported 3.5 database to 4.0. See my signature for exact versions in use. Database has about 3100 notes.

Ran quick tests of browsing, search, note editing, sync and clipping(from screen and IE8). Speed seems equivalent to 3.5 without any formal testing. Certainly fast enough to be usable.

Noticed some problems with imported Saved Search but that may be UI changes and SOE(Stupid Operator Error).

I need to read through this forum to catch up on EN4 UI and functions before I try EN4 under Wine. My guess is that I will see the slowdown reported by other users. Need experience with EN4 UI before I will recognize EN4+Wine UI artifacts.

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One additional note. I was having a lot of problems with errors in EN Web in FF3.6 under various distros. Switched my default browser to Chrome 6 on my primary Ubuntu 10.04(fully updated) system and have seen only one instance of an error since switching. I still have FF3.6 available due to 1 extension (DownThemAll) which has no equivalent in Chrome.

I use the EN Win under VB installs to do my typically weekly maintenance and cleanup of my EN database (e.g. untagged notes) and for some regular screen clipping from IE8. The web interface is certainly usable for clipping pages and selections, but, just does not meet the bill for more complicated db maintenance.

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I've mentioned this in the wine-devel newsgroup. We'll see if someone there wants to help out.

In case anyone wants to follow the discussion there, the link is

http://www.winehq.org/pipermail/wine-de ... 87575.html

There's also a bit of discussion in wne's appdb page for evernote 4,

http://appdb.winehq.org/objectManager.p ... &iId=21775

The best thing to do is file bug reports at http://bugs.winehq.org for

each individual problem (e.g. "evernote 4: switching notebooks slow")

with clear instructions for non-evernote-users on how to reproduce,

and what the expected and observed results are. Be sure to specify

which version of Wine you're testing with.

Also, you should test with the latest development version of wine (currently 1.3.6)

on the off chance it helps.

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The slower performance has finally gotten to me and I've abandoned 4 and gone back to version 3.1, which I still prefer to the open source alternative, but maybe I'll see if there's a way I can contribute to Wine to improve things. It's definitely performance issues with drawing the application (e.g. minimizing and restoring is annoying slow as well). I suspect it's more of a Wine issue with some of the UI elements that are being used in 4.0 versus 3.1.

I also want to add that the 4.0 autoupdater works fine for me, so this isn't an issue for everyone.

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You got me. :-)

http://bugs.winehq.org/show_bug.cgi?id=25027 Evernote 4.0 Autoupdate won't install the update. Likewise stand alone reinstalls.

http://bugs.winehq.org/show_bug.cgi?id=25028 Evernote 4.0 PDF Preview Hangs Or Is Slow

(I made the comment the above is on behalf of someone else so I don't have detail / corroboration. Same applies to the next 2.)

http://bugs.winehq.org/show_bug.cgi?id=25029 Evernote 4.0 Switching Notebooks Is Slow

http://bugs.winehq.org/show_bug.cgi?id=25030 Evernote 4.0 Clicking On A Menu Is Slow

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