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(Archived) "Related note" thumbnail pane

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Ok, say what you think of this. How about a "Similar notes" bar that displays a bunch of thumbnails from notes having the similar contents / tags to the note being opened in the main window? It is like the list "Related topics to this post" below a thread we often see in forums, websites, especially news blog for exampe, where they show relevant posts.

It can be great in terms of suggesting or reminding us of having a duplicate note, a forgotten one or having a research done already in the past. If I view a note about iPad, i can have a list of "Related notes" showing other notes with iPad contenst I have stored in my database.

It is much better than having to type in a search phrase everytime, it is done automatic and since I'm having a quite big monitor already, I don't mind giving a little extra space for a pane!

What do you think?

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Yeah...I'd love it.

Related to this ;-)? :I've said I'd love note stacks. No its not redundant in terms of tags!

If I have 3-5 related notes stacked I open them rigt there...don't have to leave create an entirely different locations (tag or notebook), then subsequently have to leave said note to go to tag?

Oh, Note stacks WILL happen!

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