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(Archived) Not updating to 3.04



I've been using Evernote for a month now without problem. This morning I noticed the 3.04 update on the app store and downloaded it. However, my version number still shows 3.03? I've uninstalled and reinstalled the app twice now and it remains stuck at 3.03.

What am I doing wrong?

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  • Level 5*

Seems like the version on the app store may not have the correct version number - easy way to test is to hide the notebook panel (use the little arrow above it). The latest version animates the change.

I'll flag this thread for Evernote staff so that they can take a look at the app store version.

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I am having the exact same problem. This morning (11/19/2011), I used the Apple Mac App Store to download and install the recently released Evernote version 3.0.4 to update my current Evernote 3.0.3 on my iMac running Mac OSX 10.6.8. Although the app store downloaded and appeared to install it (v 3.0.4), the version number still shows 3.0.3. Perhaps, it's just a glitch that the developers overlooked changing the version number and version 3.0.4 is really installed.

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This looks like wa8ssq is right.

3.0.4 is installed, but we the version number within the app is wrong. Sorry about that

It doesn't seem like it is installed. The first thing I did was check to see if the new features were present, and they're not. For example, where in preferences is the option to sync while quitting? I don't see it in mine, only the option to warn about sync on quitting. Also, my App store still indicates that I am up to date with 3.04.

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If you click the Show/Hide button on the favorites bar, it should toggle the left panel. If the left panel as an animation when opening or closing, then you're on 3.0.4

Also, if you see the Notebook ▼ and Tags ▼ popovers have a nice background and aren't all white, you've upgraded past 3.0.3


You'll only see the Favorites Bar if you're on OSX Lion. If you're on Snow Leopard or earlier, it won't be available.

You can also check the release notes, under Help >> Release Notes. You should see Version 3.0.4 (11/17/2011) build 206275

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  • Level 5*

dlu, looks like you have a wide-spread problem here.

I updated to 3.0.4 on 11/18/2011 at 10pm CST via the normal EN Update process, but I do NOT see the features you mentioned.

Evernote > About Evernote shows "Version 3.0.4 (206275)".

I just did a "Check for Updates" and it found none.

Perhaps you could post a screenshot of the new version. The descriptions are NOT very definitive.

I'm running the latest update of Lion: Mac OS X Version 10.7.2

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dlu, looks like you have a wide-spread problem here.

I updated to 3.0.4 on 11/18/2011 at 10pm CST via the normal EN Update process, but I do NOT see the features you mentioned.

Evernote > About Evernote shows "Version 3.0.4 (206275)".

I just did a "Check for Updates" and it found none.

Perhaps you could post a screenshot of the new version. The descriptions are NOT very definitive.

I'm running the latest update of Lion: Mac OS X Version 10.7.2

Here's how I finally fixed mine. I uninstalled it, made sure all of it was wiped out using Spotlight. Then I googled the mac download version, found a site that had it, and downloaded the image. Using the Mac store download DID not work several times for me. For some reason, once I had a failed update, it just wouldn't work.

It's working fine now, with all the new features and it says V 3.04. By the way, the new version has a new pane in the Preferences called Software Update. You'll see it.

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Recently, I experienced the same problem as "Hurdoc" and "JMichael". After updating to Evernote's latest release, my Evernote.app still says I'm at version 3.0.3 and not 3.0.4.

Just today (11/30/2011), I tried a workaround to this problem. I "uninstalled" Evernote.app by deleting it from my /Applications folder. Then, I used the MacStore App to re-download it & re-install it. Unfortunately, I get the same result with Evenote.app's "About" still saying I have "Version 3.0.3 (206260)" instead of 3.0.4. Finder's GetInfo also says the newly installed Evernote.app file is version 3.0.3.

I no longer believe this is just a problem with the version number because I do NOT see any of the features that are new in version 3.0.4.

Something is clearly wrong with the file being downloaded from the Apple Mac Store.

This problem is happening on both my Apple iMac (desktop) and my Apple MacBook Pro (laptop). Both these Apple computers are running Apple's Snow Leopard (Mac OSX 10.6.8).

Hopefully, somebody from Evernote can resolve this problem.

Earlier, I submitted a problem ticket to Evernote about this same problem. So far, they just say they are investigating it.

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