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(Archived) Forum Movements on Monday

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There will be a few forum movements happening on Monday around these parts. They'll be impacting the placement of our "Other Discussions" area, and we'll be breaking up "Other Discussions" into two sections: Other Discussions and a new "Share & Learn" section. Developers, Lifestyles and a new Schools section will be moved into there. General, Off Topic and Localization stay in Other Discussions.

Sorry if this inconveniences anyone. We have a lot of great content plans, and are just working through some growing pains around how to best categorize and lay them out in our new forum hierarchy.

All of the "Help" sections in Evernote will remain unchanged.

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The forum tag system is useful (and I see a few users have taken to using them), but doesn't have the functionality I need for some of the heavy traffic we'll be directing into certain threads. As far as the new hierarchy, we should be sticking with this for quite awhile.

Good thinking though, I've yet to find a good way to see all the tags used without just conducting a tag search...I wonder if there's a widget for that we could put on the dashboard...hmm...

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I really hate tag clouds. Just sayin'

:lol: I don't like how they're usually visually expressed, but I wouldn't mind a listing of them somewhere, perhaps organized by volume. Plus it sort of lines up with the actual Evernote software. If we're all training ourselves to be tag fiends, we probably should try for something similar here.

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