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(Archived) Evernote and iPhone App

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I was hoping to see Evernote move to the iPhone platform -- glad when I saw it was up very quickly! Nice job guys!! Your are forward thinking :lol:

A comment about the app. I am wondering if anyone else would see the benefit of Evernote on the iPhone to not just be a web app (a front door to access the data on the web)....but instead a full app that stores the notes on the iPhone?

An example of this is OmniFocus. The app works on your Mac and your iPhone as full apps. Then it syncs (via idisk or webdev) the files (like the push idea).

This for me is much more useful. I am actually using a Touch, not an iphone, so internet access is not always there. I want apps that I can run locally on my Touch. If this was the case for Evernote, I would have access to all of my notes with a device in my pocket even without wireless available, when it comes available, then I sync.

Any others looking for this?


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ken, i like that idea, however, i've only got a 8gb iphone, and wouldn't all the space on my device to be taken by en, no matter how much i love this app, i want enough room for other stuff. perhaps if the en developers would allow us to choose whether or not to use local storage?

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yes, good point. It would have to be a user option....depending on size of data it could be a problem. I use my Touch for mostly a Mac on the go for contacts, calendar, notes, etc...not so much for movies and music....but you are right...a user option would be good.


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We're definitely interested in making your notes available offline on the iPhone. Offline searching and sorting of a 1GB database is a lot of work, and not something we could do in the limited time available before the iPhone 2.0 release.

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you guys are amazing. I think the whole idea of the iPhone acting as the primary "capture agent" [across differing input media] is really great in its current execution.

I'm not sure how it would work but some kind of user definable caching algorithm that depends on what kind of knowledge worker you are.

in my case, if I were to upload all the photos that I'd want to be indexable - I'd be a happy camper if the ones that were tagged with readable text say in the last 30 days (or whatever is deemed practical) were cached onto my device.

this is just one idea - the more flexible the cache definition language (CDL? i'm totally making this up!) - the better!

i look forward to developments!

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I'd like to be able to edit the title of notes on the iPhone. Will this feature be available in future releases?

Yes, the next release of the iPhone client (~3 weeks) will allow editing of the notes that you typed on the iPhone.

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We're definitely interested in making your notes available offline on the iPhone. Offline searching and sorting of a 1GB database is a lot of work, and not something we could do in the limited time available before the iPhone 2.0 release.

If 1GB is too much, could you make it offline search for 20MB? Storing only Text/HTML will be fine for me. I still searching any apps that will be able to do offline searching in iPhone but so far not able to find one.

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  • 3 weeks later...

Some Smartphones also have similar storage capacity to the Iphone. Would it be possible to store notes offline on WM6 devices as well as the Iphone?

I agree this would need to be optional although the option to create local only notebooks on the desktop versions already gives some control over this.

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