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(Archived) Feature Request: simple database in Evernote

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I think it would be interesting to be able to use the versatility of Evernote to store structured data, in the form of a simple database. In ordrer to explain the idea, let me give an example. I want to keep track of the wine bottles I have. I create, in a specific notebook for example, a "database" to keep track of the wine bottles, in the format of a template. I will have several "fields", such as: Name of the producer, type of wine (white, or red), when I purchased it, how many bottles I have, the year I should wait before drinking the wine, the year after which I shouldn't wait to drink the wine, comments...

With this data, it would be interesting to have "request notes" that could display the result of a small computation (made on the fly), such as:

A quick summary of how many bottles of wich kind I have

For each year, what are the names of bottles I could drink

Once again: this is just an example, but the uses of a personal, simple database can be multiple. Keeping track of spending, handling a collection (comic books, wine, or other), keeping track of money owed, etc...

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  • Level 5*

Evernote just isn't set up to be a general purpose database (even the limited kind you're talking about), and I haven't seen any sign that they're interested in delivering anything like that. You can certainly create template notes that support the information that you want to collect, but there is no real facility to support the kinds of queries you mention. On the other hand, you could always embed a database in a note, if it's a single file, or a spreadsheet, and activate it when needed.

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  • Level 5*

no interest in seeing this database functionality myself. it seems like feature bloat to me.

also, you can already manage those tasks with tags. make a note with whatever categories you want for each wine bottle. give it tags like "red", "1987". "california", " 0-10dollars", etc. you can search using the combination of tags you want. For example, if you wanted to see all of your domestic wines from 2010 under $30, but not ones from Arkansas, then you could do that. It requires no software changes and very little effort on your part.

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Um... Evernote is a database. :D. And as GrumpyMonkey said, using tags will accomplish what you're trying to do. It's actually one of the things EN is designed to do & is very, very good at.

Well, except for the spending/how much you owe part. That's best left to true financial software such as Quicken/Mint/Quickbooks, etc.

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  • 2 months later...

I don't think Evernote needs an internal database. However custom fields would be very handy, as well as a way to query our notes. I use evernote for GTD, and it would be amazing if I could have a custom field for 'task hours' on a note. Then I would ideally query the notes to summarize how many hours of work I have outstanding.

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  • Level 5*

Evernote has started supporting extra per-note data, but I believe that you need to be a developer to utilize the new facility. You should check out the developer forum if interested.

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  • 1 year later...

I would also find this type of functionality useful. In my case the primary use would be something like a media library, I would keep track of films, series, books etc I've seen or read with related information. I could use it to find a film to watch based on various criteria.

Using Evernote as a central location for information I want to keep seems like a good idea to me. It also saves having multiple different applications or services.

jefito, you mentioned comments in the developer forum about storing extra data with notes. I couldn't find anything. Do you have a URL? I had considered if it would be possible to write an application to provide a UI with the features I want but store the data using Evernote. At the moment I don't think that would be a good idea or there might be better services to do it.

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I would also find this type of functionality useful. In my case the primary use would be something like a media library, I would keep track of films, series, books etc I've seen or read with related information. I could use it to find a film to watch based on various criteria.

Using Evernote as a central location for information I want to keep seems like a good idea to me. It also saves having multiple different applications or services.

jefito, you mentioned comments in the developer forum about storing extra data with notes. I couldn't find anything. Do you have a URL? I had considered if it would be possible to write an application to provide a UI with the features I want but store the data using Evernote. At the moment I don't think that would be a good idea or there might be better services to do it.

GM's suggestion is easily applied to films, tv shows, etc.

also, you can already manage those tasks with tags. make a note with whatever categories you want for each wine bottle. give it tags like "red", "1987". "california", " 0-10dollars", etc. you can search using the combination of tags you want. For example, if you wanted to see all of your domestic wines from 2010 under $30, but not ones from Arkansas, then you could do that. It requires no software changes and very little effort on your part.

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  • Level 5*
jefito, you mentioned comments in the developer forum about storing extra data with notes. I couldn't find anything. Do you have a URL? I had considered if it would be possible to write an application to provide a UI with the features I want but store the data using Evernote. At the moment I don't think that would be a good idea or there might be better services to do it.

I believe that that would be the Application Data sub-API; see e.g. http://dev.evernote.com/documentation/reference/NoteStore.html#Fn_NoteStore_setNoteApplicationDataEntry in the Evernote Developer's API reference.

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GM's suggestion is easily applied to films, tv shows, etc.

While I can imagine how that would work for things like genre or rating I cannot see how that would work for length or number of episodes. There's nested tags but that still wouldn't solve the issue that you would have tags that are just numbers. I'd imagine you would quickly end up with a lot of tags as well.

I believe that that would be the Application Data sub-API; see e.g. http://dev.evernote....cationDataEntry in the Evernote Developer's API reference.

Thanks. That does seem interesting. I did a search and found when they released that feature: http://discussion.evernote.com/topic/22731-api-updated/.

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