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(Archived) Editing tasks with checkboxes


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If i have a note that contains check boxes i cannot edit it properly on the android app.

when i open the note it has an ellipsis (...) at the top and bottom of the note. when i click anywhere in the note to add to the list it opens an editor window for me to edit the text next to a checkbox but doesn't let me add a new entry in the middle of the note. i can only add to the very top or very bottom of a note



work to do

item 1

item 2

item 3

home to do

item 1

item 2

item 3


all these "items" have a check box in front of them. when i try to add something to the end of the work to do's it will open item 3 for me to edit. can't add.

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  • 2 weeks later...

There are 2 types of note "editors" in Evernote:

- the note editor to modify any notes using rich text formatting. You can recognize it by the (...) at the beginning and at the end.

- the note composer to create and modify notes using supported rich text formatting.

If your note contains some formatting which can't be created with the note composer, the editor will kick-in.

For instance, you can't change the font size or the font color in with the composer. It will open with the editor.

With this editor, you won't be able to do every operations you can do with the composer, that includes editing bullet and cb list.

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