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(Archived) Launch of The Elephant Channel, an unofficial blogcast!

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Podcaster for the last 6 year or so and passionate evernoter, I decided to launch a blogcast about Evernote, to share tips & tricks and information about this great service.

The Elephant Channel is born and can be found at http://elephantchannel.net/


The content is and will be blog post as well as short audio episodes (< 10min) to download on your favorite mp3 player and listen on the go.

A couple of blog post and audio podcast episodes are already online to discuss various subject such as why use Evernote, how to organize your notes, Evernote and IFTTT, etc...

Please take a look, listen to the episodes and let me know what you think. I am looking forward your feedback on this project.

Until the next time, happy evernoting,


PS: in case you are into iTunes to listen to podcasts, here is the link to subscribe: http://itunes.apple.com/fr/podcast/the- ... 31285?l=en

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