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(Archived) Lost more than 1/2 my note!


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I'm at a conference where I'm taking tons of notes. Learning about evernote at the same time...

So, I created a note and saved it durring the break... found out that when you save, it takes you out of the note and then back in. So, durring the next session, I started adding on to my note.

I left the app for a second to look at an e-mail... went back in and I can't find everything I'd been typing for the last hour!!

Does evernote not auto save? Now I don't know where to find it!! Tried searching online with no avail. I'm pretty tech savvy... I can't be the only one who's had this issue.

Please help!

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  • Level 5
I left the app for a second to look at an e-mail... went back in and I can't find everything I'd been typing for the last hour!!

You typed for an hour on a tiny little Android?


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  • Level 5*

Sorry to hear about the problem, and I know it doesn't help but Real Life is never the best place to try out a new app unless you're prepared for things to go sideways from time to time. :?

Anyhoo; I use the Android app quite a lot, and haven't found that I lost any information. Your screen should show a "save" button though (see sig below for my version) and until you hit "save" I think Android is just holding information onscreen for you to edit as required. There isn't an automatic save option, only the regular Sync - which defaults to every 60 minutes, and even if you change that to 1 minute, you're going to lose your onscreen stuff unless you hit Sync before you switch to another function.

I'll leave it to the Crowd to decide whether an autosave would be useful - I just hit "save" from time to time in "longer" notes (which tend to be pretty short given the keypad..)

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