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(Archived) Premium user, wondering if acct will still work if I don't $

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Premium user here, was wondering if hypothetically I decided to stop paying for a subscription if my evernote account would work.

- would all my (premium) uploads remain on my account?

- will my account just revert to free and keep everything I've put on there over the years?


BTW, I don't plan on canceling, I'm just wondering if premium accounts can be downgraded again. I love Evernote.

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  • Level 5

BTW, I don't plan on canceling, I'm just wondering if premium accounts can be downgraded again. I love Evernote.

Some people used to bounce from free to premium when they had a lot of stuff to upload and back to free. Based on the comments in this forum, with the new enlarged upload amounts, the bouncing back and forth does not occur as frequently.

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