vrokolos 0 Posted September 16, 2011 Posted September 16, 2011 Like onenote does: This is extremely handy please think about it!
vrokolos 0 Posted September 16, 2011 Author Posted September 16, 2011 Made an autohotkey script for it:Here's the compiled exe - http://dl.dropbox.com/u/771890/ToKeep/i ... ulator.zipUsing double numpad press or double = press it calculates your previous expressioneg (calculated automatically right now):1+2 = 3 +5 = 8+3 = 11Here's the source:#NoEnvSendMode Input #SingleInstance , Force SetBatchLines, 10ms~NumLock::RapidHotkey("Calculate" ,2,0.2,1) ~=::RapidHotkey("Calculate" ,2,0.2,1) Calculate: ClipBoard = Send ^x ClipWait 0.25 IfEqual ClipBoard,, { ; No expression is selected Send +{Home}^c ; Paragraph shouldn't become empty ClipWait 0.25 IfEqual ClipBoard,,Return StringGetPos p, ClipBoard, =, R StringLeft x, ClipBoard, 0 ; get text before last ":" StringTrimLeft ClipBoard, ClipBoard, p+1 StringReplace, clipboard, clipboard, =, , All } Send {End} FileDelete C:\$temp$.ahk ; Here will be the temp script written FileAppend #NoTrayIcon`nClipBoard:=%ClipBoard%, C:\$temp$.ahk RunWait C:\$temp$.ahk ; Run AHK to execute temp script Send {End} Send ` = ^v ; Paste the result after the expression FileDelete C:\$temp$.ahkReturnRapidHotkey(keystroke, times="", delay=0.1, IsLabel=0) { ;Suspend, On Pattern := Morse(delay*1000) If (StrLen(Pattern) < 2 and Chr(Asc(times)) != "1") Return If (times = "" and InStr(keystroke, Chr(4))) { Loop, Parse, keystroke,% Chr(4) If (StrLen(Pattern) = A_Index+1) continue := A_Index, times := StrLen(Pattern) } Else if (RegExMatch(times, "^\d+$") and InStr(keystroke, Chr(4))) { Loop, Parse, keystroke,% Chr(4) If (StrLen(Pattern) = A_Index+times-1) times := StrLen(Pattern), continue := A_Index } Else if InStr(times, Chr(4)) { Loop, Parse, times,% Chr(4) If (StrLen(Pattern) = A_LoopField) continue := A_Index, times := A_LoopField } Else if (times = "") continue := 1, times := 1 Else if (times = StrLen(Pattern)) continue := 1 If !continue Return Loop, Parse, keystroke,% Chr(4) If (continue = A_Index) keystr := A_LoopField Loop, Parse, IsLabel,% Chr(4) If (continue = A_Index) IsLabel := A_LoopField hotkey := RegExReplace(A_ThisHotkey, "[\*\~\$\#\+\!\^]") Loop % times backspace .= "{Backspace}" keywait = Ctrl|Alt|Shift|LWin|RWin Loop, Parse, keywait, | KeyWait, %A_LoopField% If ((!IsLabel or (IsLabel and IsLabel(keystr))) and InStr(A_ThisHotkey, "~") and !RegExMatch(A_ThisHotkey , "\^[^\!\d]|![^\d]|#|Control|Ctrl|LCtrl|RCtrl|Shift|RShift|LShift|RWin|LWin|Escape|BackSpace|F\d\d?|" . "Insert|Esc|Escape|BS|Delete|Home|End|PgDn|PgUp|Up|Down|Left|Right|ScrollLock|CapsLock|NumLock|AppsKey|" . "PrintScreen|CtrlDown|Pause|Break|Help|Sleep|Browser_Back|Browser_Forward|Browser_Refresh|Browser_Stop|" . "Browser_Search|Browser_Favorites|Browser_Home|Volume_Mute|Volume_Down|Volume_Up|MButton|RButton|LButton|" . "Media_Next|Media_Prev|Media_Stop|Media_Play_Pause|Launch_Mail|Launch_Media|Launch_App1|Launch_App2")) Send % backspace If (WinExist("AHK_class #32768") and hotkey = "RButton") WinClose, AHK_class #32768 If !IsLabel Send % keystr else if IsLabel(keystr) Gosub, %keystr% Return } Morse(timeout = 400) { ;by Laszo -> http://www.autohotkey.com/forum/viewtopic.php?t=16951 tout := timeout/1000 key := RegExReplace(A_ThisHotKey,"[\*\~\$\#\+\!\^]") Loop { t := A_TickCount KeyWait %key% Pattern .= A_TickCount-t > timeout KeyWait %key%,DT%tout% If (ErrorLevel) Return Pattern } }
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