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(Archived) Annoying sort behaviour

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Hello Evernote team,

I would like to sort my motes descending by date (newest on top of the list, like in every Email-Client).

Unfortunately Evernote keeps setting the selection to the bottom of the list when reloading the list (click anywhere in the side-pane, change notebooks or select a different tag), thus always selecting oldest note.

Solution: Pleae preselect the most recent note when reloading the list, not the note at the bottom of the list.

Thank you for considering!

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Please do it like people expect it to work. We are all used to our Email-Clients, they work like we expect them to work. The youngest Email ist on top. When you sort alphabetical, A ist on top. When you reverse it Z.

It is uncommon behaviour, that Evernote selects the bottommost entry.

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