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(Archived) Plans for Wacom Inkling support?

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I've seen products "like" the recently announced Wacom Inkling (a pressure sensitive pen with receiver, that allows pressure sensitive sketching and writing on plain paper to be captured digitally), but none supported directly by EN... Anyone know whether the Wacom product will suffer the same fate?

Also - the Inkling's marketing materials all stress "sketching". Isn't the demand for handwriting (and recognition) large enough for anyone to take it on? It's really the BIG thing for me - and, it sure seems like it would be Nirvana... Is it a Holy Grail? As unobtainable?


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  • 3 weeks later...
Have you looked at LiveScribe? It offers optional handwriting recognition and (limited) EN support. I'm quitevhappy with mine.

I have seen it, and contemplated it - but, two things:

1) Didn't like that it required special paper

2) My biggest goal is to eliminate (virtually, at least) my use of paper, so I'd like to use the Ink Notes feature

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