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(Archived) Note upload failed


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Hi there

Whenever I create a note with a picture attachement (using the snapshot feature), it fails to upload. It makes no difference if I am on wifi or mobile network, just straight away a message saying "note upload failed" and a similar message in the notification area.

I have found if I create a note, and add a picture already taken, sometimes it does work.

Phone is Sony Ericsson Xperia X10, running Android 2.1. Assume I have the latest version of Evernote as I downloaded it from the Marketplace today.

Any pointers? I've searched the FAQ and no mention of this issue.



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  • Level 5*

Are you a prem user? How big are the attachments? It seems an unlikely cause unless you have a super resolution camera on that phone, but if the pics exceed your maximum note size (25MB free, 50MB Premium) or you have exceeded your monthly upload allowance (60MB, 1GB) then you'd get an error message...

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  • Level 5*

OK, running out of ideas for a quick fix now. Another possibility might be internet traffic, but that should clear itself from one session to the next.

One workaround would be to email your note(s) to your EN email address.

If it's still not fixed, this is something that https://support.evernote.com/ics/support/splash.asp?deptID=16058 should hear about - email them first if you want to submit your logs.

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