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(Archived) conflicting updates IN note, not special notebook?

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Seems to me that Evernote has changed what it does with update conflicts - is that true? I never see anything in the Conflicting Changes notebook anymore - instead, I randomly discover, in the body of a note, the following:

- some content

- a message such as "Conflicting modification on September 5, 2011:"

- some other content - presumably an older or newer version of the first content.

I don't mind this approach - but, I think, whatever you do to report on conflicts, there needs to be OBVIOUS visibility. You need to TELL US IMMEDIATELY when there is a conflict. Saving it somewhere, without TELLING us, does no good.

FYI - I use Evernote WIndows - currently version - and Evernote/Android 3.0.2, build 149284. But I have noticed this for a while - ot sure when it started.


Dan K

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