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(Archived) Too optimistic: Estimated number of photo-uploads per month


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In your information for premium users you write that premium users can upload about 5000 pictures from mobile-phone per month. Assumed is an 1 GB upload limit.

This would mean that pictures have an everage size of 200 KB [edited] each.

I think I have an average smartphone with an average camera and have calculated the average file-size from all fotos I have taken the last time and this results in 2,2 MB/photo. This is more than 10 times more then you are assuming.

I think you should correct this values. Someone could be disappointed (or run into trouble) when he thinks he can upload about 5000 photos per month and then can only upload 500.



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In your information for premium users you write that premium users can upload about 5000 pictures from mobile-phone per month. Assumed is an 1 GB upload limit.

This would mean that pictures have an everage size of 200 MB each.

Eh?!? 1Gb is 1024Mb. You sure you don't mean 200 Kb? Otherwise, this doesn't make sense.

I think you should correct this values.

Likewise :)

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  • Level 5*
In your information for premium users you write that premium users can upload about 5000 pictures from mobile-phone per month. Assumed is an 1 GB upload limit.

This would mean that pictures have an everage size of 200 MB each.

Eh?!? 1Gb is 1024Mb. You sure you don't mean 200 Kb? Otherwise, this doesn't make sense.

Since the rest of the math worked out, I figured it was a typo (and referred to the correct value in my reply.

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