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(Archived) How to select or search multiple tags

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Hi, I'm new to evernote, can anybody please tell me how I can search or select multiple tags? by intuition I thought it would be clikce and select multiple tags on the left side and search, but it does not work, I figured by selecting multiple tags in this way you will actually search the notes tagged for both, but what I want is to search the notes taged with either tag A or tag B.

Thanks in advance.

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  • Level 5

You're welcome.

One additional tip: whenever I stumble upon an interesting or helpful search, I save it as a note in Evernote. I find it easier to locate in my own Evernote than in the Evernote blog, or knowledgebase, or API, or forum.

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  • Level 5
Great tip! and I've just found that if the tag is multiple words it must be surrounded by "", otherwise they are not reconganized as one integral tag.

Yes, you are correct.

To avoid typing in the extra quotation marks, many of my tags use a dash to fill in the space between the words. Evernote thinks it is just one word and does not need the quotes.

For instance, my tag for the company Hewlett Packard is:

  • tag:com-Hewlett-Packard

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